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Ukrainain State Air Traffic Services Enterprise

3 Френкеля вулиця, Kyiv Oblast 08300


Ukrainain State Air Traffic Services Enterprise is located at 3 Френкеля вулиця, Kyiv Oblast 08300, Ukraine. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

The main mission of UkSATSE is to provide an efficient and safe air navigation services in the Ukrainian airspace and in the airspace over the high seas where the responsibility for providing air traffic services is delegated to Ukraine under the international agreements, subject to the current and future airspace users' needs and operational conditions in the air traffic market both in Ukraine and European Region.

Tags : #AirlinesAviation, #Airlines/aviation

Location :
3 Френкеля вулиця, Kyiv Oblast 08300
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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