Літературно-меморіальний музей Панаса Мирного is a museum, located at Панаса Мирного Вулиця 3, Полтавська міська громада, 36000. [read more]
Усадьба В. Короленка 19-20 веков is a park, located at Вулиця Короленка, Полтавська міська громада. [read more]
Literaturno-memorialnyi muzei imeni V. H. Korolenka is a museum, located at Vulytsia Korolenka 1, Poltavska miska hromada. They can be contacted via phone at +380 5322 79282 for more.. [read more]
Poltava Literary-Memorial Museum Of I. P. Kotlyarevsky is a museum, located at Pershotravnevyi prospekt 18, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Augustin Brewery Restaurant is a restaurant, located at Pershotravnevyi prospekt 19, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Vladimir Korolenko Literature Museum is a museum, located at Vulytsia Korolenka 1, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Poltava Defenders Monument is a tourist attraction, located at Pershotravnevyi prospekt 18, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Інстит благородних дівиць 1832 is a tourist attraction, located at Poltavska Miska Hromada. [read more]
Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів N 8 імені Панаса Мирного is a school, located at Вулиця Патріарха Мстислава.. [read more]
Panas Myrniy Museum is a museum, located at Vulytsia Panasa Myrnoho 56, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Церква Віри, Надії, Любові, located at Полтавська міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 5322 21659 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Saints Vira Nadiya Lyubov And Sophia Church is a tourist attraction, located at Pershotravnevyi prospekt 19, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Патан, located at Вулиця Тараса Шевченка 85/8, Кременчуцька міська громада. [read more]
Khostel Vidpochin', located at Poltavskyi prospekt 138, Kremenchutska miska hromada. [read more]
Leta investment service – family company, which was concerned with a professional investor support. We've got a huge experience in working with investors. [read more]
Our company LLC "Stanko Profi" – experienced dealerin the export/import of used industrial metalworking equipment. We started our supply and export activity in 2002 and since then we've.. [read more]
Portrait, lifestyle, documentary, reportage. Editing and retouching photos. . [read more]
Kotlyarevskiy Park is a park, located at Vulytsia Yevropeiska, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Молито��ний будинок is a church, located at Великотирнівська Вулиця 42, Полтавська міська громада, 36000. [read more]
Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів N 36 is a school, located at Вулиця Агітаційна 2, Полтавська міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 5325 66840 for more detailed information. [read more]
Cafe Lozhka is a restaurant, located at Vulytsia Selianska 2A, Poltavska miska hromada. [read more]
Our philosophy and goal is a continuous improvement:eco-friendly productsmodern equipmentscaling up production capacitiesimplementation of new technologies. [read more]
Хутірець Молодіжний is a restaurant, located at Кременчуцька міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 5367 02112 for more detailed information. [read more]
Evropeisky Restaurant is a restaurant, located at Prospekt Lesi Ukrainky 35, Kremenchutska miska hromada. [read more]
Poltava City Map, Travel & Tourism. [read more]
KrNU represents the best traditions of classical education and innovative technology. Our university's goal is to further the principles and ideals of the Bologna Declaration by providing.. [read more]
Industrial park "SMART TECH INDUSTRY" is a technological space for business development. Manufacturing, industrial, innovative technological and logistics companies can be located in this park. [read more]
Апк Докучаєвські Чорноземи Карлівщини, located at Вулиця Богдана Хмельницького 3, Ланнівська селищна громада. [read more]
Загальноосвітня школа I-III ступенів N 30 is a school, located at Вулиця Курчатова 16/12, Полтавська міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 5326 66006 for more detailed information. [read more]
Тов Комплект Авто, located at Вулиця Курчатова 19, Poltavska Miska Hromada. They can be contacted via phone at +380 5326 60990 for more detailed information. [read more]
Вендо Ім, located at Вулиця Половка 107Б, Полтавська міська громада. [read more]
Хочемо з тобою поділитися важливою подією, яка дуже важлива для майбутнього Аврори та твоєї взаємодії.. [read more]
We are the Pichkar trademark, Invert LLC, the production company, with 20 years of experience, formerly known as Dykanske TM and Liro TM. You may ask why did we choose such a trademark name. [read more]
Versal'skiy Dvorik is a restaurant, located at Vulytsia Zhovtneva 4, Hlobynska miska hromada. [read more]
Пам’ятний знак загиблим у ВВВ is a tourist attraction, located at Вулиця Мініна, Ромоданівська селищна громада. [read more]
Soon. . . . . [read more]