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Poltava State Agrarian University is located at 1/3 Сковороди вулиця, Poltava, Poltavs'ka oblast 36003, Ukraine. They can be contacted via phone at +380(0532) 607394, visit their website www.pdau.edu.ua or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Poltava State Agrarian University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Poltava region. A great number of highly qualified specialists have been trained here for its century-old history. The graduates of the University hold senior positions both in Ukrainian and foreign business structures and work in state bodies of power and various ministries of Ukraine.

Tags : #HigherEducation

Location :
1/3 Сковороди вулиця, Poltava, Poltavs'ka oblast 36003
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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