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MILIEU Patent Law Company is located at 40 Івана Франка вулиця, Kyiv 01030, Ukraine. Visit their website www.milieu.company, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

We provide a full spectrum of services on representation of clients before Intellectual Property Offices in Ukraine and abroad.Our list of services includes to:• trade mark and patent searches;• trade marks registration in Ukraine and abroad, include registration the international trade marks (the Madrid System) and EU trade marks;• industrial designs registration in Ukraine and abroad, include registration the international designs (the Hague System);• utility models and/or inventions registration in Ukraine and abroad, include the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT);• copyright registration, recording a transfer of copyright ownership or other document pertaining to a copyright in Ukraine and abroad;• assist with legal support in case of intellectual property objections;• registration of the intellectual property objects in the customs register;• legal services (infringement and litigation).

Tags : #LawPractice, #LegalServices

Location :
40 Івана Франка вулиця, Kyiv 01030
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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