Sensationmusic - News, Music, Clubs, Entertainment of the world. This is not a profitable project. . [read more]
We love to film and create. For the last couple of years, we've created hundreds of videos for a lot of clients. It was very different projects - from content for social media, interviews,.. [read more]
Charity Foundation 'Stabilization Support Services' (CF SSS) is a registered Ukrainian charity organisation operating since 2016. has been working to support displaced persons in Ukraine. [read more]
Landscape design and master planning bureau. [read more]
A rapid-growing portal with the latest facts and crimes of Russia and Putin's regime. We focus on major issues and show how everyone can help. We try to update information once a day. [read more]
Today Ukrainian journalists are fulfilling a crucial mission: fighting on the information front. StarLightMedia, 1+1 media, Media Group Ukraine, InterMediaGroup, Rada and PBC Suspilne have.. [read more]
We develop and implement service marketplaces for 30+ business areas. [read more]
Spenky. io - is a CRM-based AI solution that helps sales reps to increase the number of won deals simplifying pipeline management & sales forecasting. [read more]
Завдяки боту можна самостійно запропонувати та/або отримати волонтерську допомогу у своїй області:.. [read more]
We are a small team working remotely. We work with Tilda, so we can create websites in a few days starting from $300. Our goal is to create websites, landing pages, and content at an affordable.. [read more]
Наші продукти:💡1. Курси англійської Smart English:1 урок за креативною методикою в SmartEnglish = 2 урокам по.. [read more]
Private STEM school with a bilingual education approach. [read more]
We are a small design team from Ukraine. We help to grow small and mid scale SaaS projects from start-ups to enterprise solutions. For start-ups:* define an MVP/MSP* develop product strategy*.. [read more]
#StopWarInUkraine is a daily news and updates on the situation in Ukraine sources from all top worldwide and Ukrainian media channels. Facebook: https://www. [read more]
Siri Pro - амбициозная и перспективная команда, успевшая зажечь искру в глазах клиентов и настроить их бизнес на позитивный лад. Получая запрос, мы сразу начинаем изучать сферу деятельности клиента. [read more]
БОЛЬШЕ ЧЕМ ПРОСТО БИЗНЕСПОЧЕМУ SECUSPY? «Secuspy» — одна из сильнейших Red Team в UA сегменте. Команда.. [read more]
Our mission is to make sure goods, are not wasted. We let buyers buy clearence/problematic stock at a great price - directly from producer or retailer. [read more]
Systems Biology Lab at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Kyiv, Ukraine. . [read more]
Solicaution is a chatbot development company. We can create a perfect chatbot for your business. Our main goal is to make it beneficial for your business. [read more]
SYMAR Tech is a service provider for Industrial and Logistic market. Our main focus are the software development and the equipment commissioning. . [read more]
На березі р. Дніпро, у 3-х хвилинах від м. Переяслав-Хмельницький та подалі від міського шуму, розмістився Secret Resort Club – місце вишуканого комфорту та природньої самобутності. [read more]
Профессиональное создание сайтов. [read more]
Приєднайся до міжнародного забігу українців в День Незалежності України!Разом встановимо рекорд України.. [read more]
We combine our creativity in design, event organisation and technology with modern medicine complexity and excellency of health to produce unforgettable experience for our events guests. [read more]
Simpler is a outsourcing trusted team located in Ukraine which mainly focuses on developing softwares for mobile and everything around it. We build native apps for iOS and Android, plus related.. [read more]
We want to provide the opportunity to buy a ship anywhere in the world, removing language barriers. . [read more]
Smultron svenska is Ukrainian E-learning company providing modern approach to learn Swedish. . [read more]
• Construction project management• Quality control and technical supervision• Interior design development• Estimation and cost management. [read more]
Маємо досвід в seo-оптимізації веб-сайтів. Проводимо технічну оптимізацію, запускаємо рекламні кампанії в Ads. . [read more]
Stellar Investment – молодий краудфаундинговий проект, засновники якого багато років працюють на ринку фінансів. Це.. [read more]
Компания Сигма-Пак успешно занимается дистрибуцией и производством упаковочных материалов на.. [read more]
Training Platform for Developers. [read more]
Sport Life – це мережа сучасних фітнес-центрів у Вашому місті. У наших клубах спортсмени, спортсмени, діти і дорослі, жінки і чоловіки заняття спортом. [read more]
The Solidarity Fund PL, a fund of the State Treasury of the Republic of Poland, is represented in Ukraine by the Solidarity Fund PL in Ukraine. The Fund`s core task is to implement cooperation.. [read more]
Компания САНОР основана в 2000г. является системным интегратором комплексных решений для государственных, коммерческих учреждений и учебных заведений. [read more]
Перший продукт команди - діагностика психоемоційного стану людини Dodomu, оскільки зараз це.. [read more]