Business Association is an organization that brings together business owners from all areas and industries of Ukraine. They range from nationwide to those that cover businesses in individual.. [read more]
Команда інструкторів з тактичної медицини. Навчаємо солдат вижити на полі бою і врятувати.. [read more]
Разработка веб-проектов от написания технического задания до полной реализации, их дальнейшая поддержка.. [read more]
A corporate group with an extensive portfolio in building and successful international, A-class real estate management. [read more]
Біографічна збірка українських виконавців. На нашому порталі ви знайдете максимально повну інформацію про українських виконавців, їх музику, кліпи, фото звіти. [read more]
Llp UреСо (Ukraine Pest Control) provide the services of pest control indoors and outdoors, in particular: insects, rodent, birds control and control of other creatures which can harm.. [read more]
Today robotics is one of the most important technical foundations of the existence of a modern person. The area of Robotics is developing very dynamically and allows solving a variety of.. [read more]
UNISOURCE - outsourcing company specialized at procurement services. Team of professionals with wide expirience gained in projects within international environment. [read more]
U-Integral's Mission is to raise critical mass of leaders with transformative capacities to enable systemic changes in society that would lead to fulfillment of human potential. [read more]
Бухгалтерський облік. [read more]
Travel Company (full servise business travel operator)Туристическая компания, оператор деловых поездок полного цикла обслуживания. . [read more]
web development agency. [read more]
Mobile App Development | Founded 2021 | Ukraine 🇺🇦Established in the heart of Ukraine in 2021, UAPP has quickly positioned itself as a leading mobile app development company. [read more]
"Ukraine Discovery Tour" is a project created with the support of World Economic Forum initiatives - international youth organization Global Shapers Kyiv Hub and Young Global Leaders. [read more]
he first academy in Ukraine where we teach Robotics in multiple languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English and Arabic. We provide different courses in robotics and programming for all ages starting.. [read more]
Ukrainian Heart Association is a non-profit organization that strives to decrease the out-of-hospital cardiac mortality among Ukrainians. To achieve this, we are currently working on a number.. [read more]
ИТ-компания, Разработка сайтов, приложений, IoT, VR, AR, Big Data и машинное обучение. Сообщество.. [read more]
Ukrmedia — a platform for development of citizen journalism. Ukrmedia is a modern media platform that helps a citizen journalist to deploy his website in a matter of minutes without any effort,.. [read more]
UDEC is a global company in virtual design, engineering, and construction. We use the most innovative technologies for an engineering job. The firm's services also include VDC, BIM Services,.. [read more]
Unimate, located at Kyiv, Kyiv city. [read more]
Компания Ukrainian Business Solutions более 5 лет занимается разработкой и внедрением программных решений для ведения бизнеса. . [read more]
Consulting services. . [read more]
Одне з основних завдань діяльності компанії «Укрбудрент», безумовно, є оренда (прокат) будівельного інструменту та обладнання. На додаток, пропонуємо Продаж будівельних матеріалів. [read more]
Every year people come to the United States seeking protection because they have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution due to:RaceReligionNationalityMembership in.. [read more]
SMART HOME SYSTEMSWe specialize in the following solutions for home automation:- All our systems are designed in a way that they seamlessly integrate and manage all aspects of your home with.. [read more]
The company provides a full range of professional consulting services, wholesale supply of building materials to the domestic market and for export, export of fuel pellets from sunflower husks,.. [read more]
UBERTEAM. ORG. UA партнер UBER в Украине. Мы работатем для Вас и берем на себя все трудности, связаные с открытие.. [read more]
Our team is highly skilled engineers with many years of design experience in different industries - aerospace, military, chemical, food, woodworking, etc. [read more]
UPEER (Ukrainian Platform for Excellence in Education and Research) is a non-profit initiative aimed at pushing frontiers of education and research in Ukraine through connecting researchers.. [read more]
Ukrainian Steel Construction Center, located at 2a Евгения Сверстюка улица, Kyiv 02002. They can be contacted via phone at +38-044-465-76-39 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS) is a public organization and a prominent research center in Ukraine that brings together scientists and manufacturers from various industries all over the world. [read more]
Unique Stone is a manufacturer of natural and artificial stone products. [read more]
UMT (uaMobiTech) is the biggest conference in Central Ukraine dedicated to mobile development & marketing. . [read more]
IT services, consulting, developing software to add value to the business of our clients. . [read more]
The main direction of the Termoprom company is engineering, production of plate heat exchangers, modular heat substations, supply of high-quality power equipment. [read more]
Talent Hunters Hub - recruiting agency that specializes in three areas: IT, marketing and HR. Our services and the quality of their provision directly depend on the team, which consists.. [read more]