Чому обирають Mashsh: • Через високу якість тканин, турботливо підібраних нашими експертами. Ми.. [read more]
The Media Initiative for Human Rights (MIHR) is a Ukrainian NGO that combines journalism and human rights protection to uncover Russian war crimes in Ukraine and respond to human rights.. [read more]
Royalty Free Music & Audio. [read more]
MySat is an educational STEM kit with the features and design of a small satellite - CubeSat. MySat kit is the perfect tool for home and in-classroom STEM education, to learn Coding, Physics,.. [read more]
М32 — це маркетингова компанія, яка займається розробкою та створенням соціальних платформ, performance-маркетингом та ІТ-рішеннями для соціальних мереж. [read more]
MI Health Agency is #1 agency specialist in healthcare marketing in Ukraine • 14 years on the market • 12 Effie Awards for healthcare projects • #4 in Effectiveness Ranking in Ukraine, 2021.. [read more]
Emporia - маркетингова компанія. Назва походить з грецької εμπορία таозначає "маркетинг". Наша місія – допомогти бізнесу повністю реалізувати свій потенціал та втілити амбітні плани. [read more]
Mind&Body Power - is a program of trainings created specifically for stretching and yoga classes without leaving the office!You and your employees no longer need to find time for gyms and.. [read more]
Application help to catalogue the miniatures in a collection. The main goal is to create an opportunity to easily catalogue and track what you have in collection and organize it into projects. [read more]
We believe that the use of seaweed allows us not only to produce the best growth stimulator, but also to improve the ecosystem of the Sea of Azov. [read more]
We provide Business Intelligence services and complex solutions based on the MicroStrategy and Microsoft platforms. We have a strong experience in web development. [read more]
We make online stores for the construction industry, architecture, interiors. . [read more]
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) NGO unites professionals working in Ukraine's contemporary art sphere, works to develop the field, and advocates for creating a new type of museum institution.. [read more]
Eco-friendly brand Morkwa TM, which produces handmade reusable bags and shopping bags of the best quality in Ukraine. We have been on the market for more than three years and our customers have.. [read more]
контексттаргетСММрекламаконтекстаня рекламатаргетированная рекламарекламное егентство. [read more]
Ukraine is a home of incredible nation: free, independent and peaceful nation. Because of the Russian invasion on 24th of February 2022 many Ukrainians left their homes, belongings, jobs and more. [read more]
Mikullinan is a cryptocurrency investment firm offering professional trading services and portfolio management of digital assets. Mikullinan offers projects early-stage investment to.. [read more]
Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform (Kyiv), Media Center Ukraine (Lviv), Kharkiv Media Hub (Kharkiv), Media Center Ukraine – Odesa (Odesa) is the main communication platform of the country.. [read more]
MCORP Design and Construction Company provides a full range of real estate services. Our common goal is to create a new way of life for our clients, which would bring more positive emotions. [read more]
MorePiva_HopHey, located at Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast 49000. They can be contacted via phone at +3800800302050 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Музей Денег — это нумизматическая трейдинг платформа, созданная для того чтобы изменить рынок торговли уникальными старинными, и винтажными банкнотами и монетами. [read more]
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Ми MINK — твоя хімчистка у смартфоні. Ми частина українського холдингу Fozzy Group та друг Сільпо. MINK - це для.. [read more]
Main activities are Conceptual Project Development for Pharmaceutical and Medical DevicesManufacture. Engineering Projects, Equipment Commissioning. . [read more]
Make a Wish blog is a unique, universal platform for you inspiration. Our platform is an excellent start for your blog, as we are influencers and frequently the photos we publish fly around the.. [read more]
Mikrotronas MB, located at 1 Нова вулиця, Irpin', Kyiv Oblast 08292. [read more]
Час - найцінніший ресурс в житті кожної людини. Ми покликані для того, щоб зекономити Ваш час. [read more]
Mákoro is a digital agency that brings brands and intelligent solutions together. With a strong belief that great ideas drives commerce, we leverage shared values and ideals to create.. [read more]
Компания MDDM. PR проводит тренинги и акции для консультантов и клиентов, выполняем рекламную поддержку и проводим имиджевый пи-ар, гарантируем выгодное сотрудничество всем клиентам. [read more]
We promote businesses, who strives to achieve new Goals, increase digital presence and generate more sales. This is what makes our performance marketing agency stand out from the others. [read more]
Виставка дитячих малюнків Mriyu (Мрію) - це благодійно-гуманітарний проект з широкою географією. Авторами малюнків є українські діти, які постраждали під час війни в Україні. [read more]
Magicrew is the multifunctional platform initiated by different talented people across Ukraine. In our crew team, you can find singers, painters, advisors, lawyers and others. [read more]
Інвестор, підприємець, фінансовий радник, web3-розробник. [read more]
Myká Agency — маркетингове інтернет-агентство повного циклу з 5-ти річним досвідом роботи в сегменті B2C і B2B. За час роботи освоїли бюджету вже понад 7 000 000 грн. [read more]
We provide complex engineering services for the construction of facilities in the mining, metallurgical, energy industries. We use advanced design technologies - BIM, 3D scanning of.. [read more]
The world gave us three days to last. But we still stand. Moreover, we still create. We craft. We deliver. That's why everything made in Ukraine is made with bravery. [read more]