Light Room is a company, founded by Nikita Lutsenko in May, 2009. We are making our own apps for ordinary people to help them spend their everyday life better. [read more]
Our company operates according to specifications, strictly adheres to all industry standards and guidelines. Our work offers maximum performance of quality product. [read more]
Основными направлениями деятельности OmniWay являются:- процессный консалтинг в области.. [read more]
Производство одноразовой бритвы для влажного бритья ТМ "ЛЕЗО". Производство одноразовых бритвенных станков для приватных марок крупным ритейл операторам. [read more]
Дитячий будинок Радість, located at Вулиця Ентузіастів 8, Каховська міська громада. [read more]
Kiriachkov - Executive & IT recruitment. [read more]
Law Company "DE JURE" – a team of competent lawyers whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive legal assistance in protection of rights and interests of our clients. [read more]
Lex Marketing | Мерчандайзинг, Ритейл, Трейд-маркетингЛекс Маркетинг — национальное трейд маркетинговое агентство, предоставляющее услуги мерчендайзинга и BTL мероприятий на рынке Украины. [read more]
Відкрите фінансування судових процесів робить судочинство ближчим для українців. латформа OpenLex — це простий та доступний алгоритм пошуку інвестицій для усіх категорій судових справ. [read more]
LIANA ltd Petrovskogo str. , 17Brovary, Kiev reg. ,UKRAINE 07401t: (+380)45 944 04 10f: (+380)45 946 97 14Thousands of companies around the world are working in horticulture business doing their.. [read more]
We envision the economy where customers need only a single service to connect to world's marketplace. Instead of visiting many stores looking for what you're after, you declare the intent just.. [read more]
KilogramWe help companies create designs according to the best design practices while applying conceptual solutions that help them stand out from the competition. [read more]
OLOS (с латыни) - холистичный, целостный. То есть человек, предприятие, стиль жизни.. [read more]
Most of browsers do not allow to satisfy many urgent needs, and not flexible enough, fulfilling often serfing but not comfort working and relaxing. [read more]
Karma Digital, initially named as Karma Audio was founded in 1994, the same year it became HCGI distributor company. The main area of company's activity was Hi-Fi & Hi-End audio distribution. [read more]
Lionest 360 - Digital agency, (Rivne, UA)Local Marketing. Local SEOGoogle Maps optimizeGoogle business trainerStreet View Trusted Photographer. TripAdvisor, Foursquare, AirBnB - hotel, retail.. [read more]
The Open Partnership Finance Group is a group of private investors and financiers. We operate on the international capital market and specialise in private investments and securities operations. [read more]
Limco Logistics – логистическая компания с практическим опытом. С 2010 года оказывает услуги в сфере.. [read more]
The official representative of the Italian brand O bag in Ukraine7 monobrand shops. E-commerce. Wholesale channel/multibrand, e-commerce platforms. . [read more]
Olshansky & Partners is a leader in the internet marketing industry on CEE markets. We provide full cycle internet marketing services. Our professional expertise starts in early 2001. [read more]
We are creative, broadly minded and super productive digital agency. Our team do the whole package of services when developing web or mobile application / website / landing page : incredible.. [read more]
• ORION SHIPPING Company is one of the reputed maritime recruiting agents in recruiting well qualified and experienced professional and skilled seafarers. [read more]
We are the price comparison site since 2003 in Ukraine and Russia and the most popular live community of tourists with feedbacks and reviews on the CIS territory. [read more]
Outsoft is a Ukrainian engineering staffing company in Kyiv, Ukraine. We set up remote software development offices for foreign companies in Ukraine. Discover more about Outsoft at www. [read more]
In everything we do at NOOLABS™, we believe in the daily desire to be the best, and that life must be phenomenal in every aspect of it. We act in accordance with these values, combining science.. [read more]
NOM are an architectural visualization and interior design bureau with an professional team of 3D artists, designers and architects. 3D visualization is a great way to demonstrate something.. [read more]
The main goal of the Organization is to ensure the implementation of the global strategy of Sustainable Development in various spheres of life by protecting the rights and freedoms of.. [read more]
Nebo full-service production company – Full cycle production, we work for you and your advertising. Our team of directors, producers, animators, screenwriters, cameramen, designers – embodies.. [read more]
Notacash. com, located at 4 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast 61000. [read more]
Nubes Academy предлагает комплексные обучающие программы и курсы как для DevOps специалистов, так и для тех, кто еще только хочет стать DevOps. . [read more]
NAK company is the center, where since 2000, we create hydraulic solutions such as:– hydraulic cylinders– power packs– industrial seals– high and low pressure hosesOur.. [read more]
NEXTEN is an Ukrainian company. We are an exclusive partner of BEST company in UK, formed in 2006 that deals with energy efficiency for different organization. [read more]
ИТ-аутсорсинг. Облачные технологии для бизнеса. IoT-устройства. Автоматизация финансового учета. [read more]
Non-governmental union "Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine" is an independent, non-governmental union that has been operating since 2015. Our objective and primary goal is to promote.. [read more]
NGBM, LLC, located at Дрогобич, Lviv Oblast. [read more]
Have you ever studied languages? I bet you either had little practice OR little feedback. If you had enough of both, it cost you a lot. Here is the solution to this "eternal" problem. [read more]