Pixpie is a challenge-driven testing and consulting company, based in Ukraine (Kyiv) and with business presence in USA. Team - qualified QA engineers with more than 3 years of experience each. [read more]
Partner Сreate - компанія з великим досвідом і позитивним іміджем на ринку України і Європи, що виконує повний комплекс проектних, інженерних, будівельних і ремонтних робіт, а також робіт по дизайну. [read more]
The Company's core product graphic application Images Generator is general-purpose program that combines properties of power graphic editors and properties of program of automatic designing. [read more]
«Пласт-Бокс Украина» специализируется в проектировании, конструировании и производстве.. [read more]
Legal Firm Precedent holds a special place amongst the legal companies of Ukraine. ILF Precedent is a company which covers the complete range of all the branches of the law. [read more]
Perfsol is a fintech software development company successfully operating in the market since 2018. During this time we managed to gather professional engineers, designers, managers, and.. [read more]
Компанія Pluton Digital пропонує свої послуги з створення сайтів та реклами в інтернет. Як проведення комплексних кампаній так і з залученням тільки окремих каналів. [read more]
Plexiwire is one of the major manufacturers of 3D printing materials in Ukraine. We are a team of professionals who are inspired by 3D printing technology, with 20years of experience in.. [read more]
Pix-Team is young Web development studio that provides individual solutions for our clients from different countries. We believe that developing our knowledge as professionals is the key to.. [read more]
One of our business directions is about helping other companies to find the right professionals for the needed positions. [read more]
Profbit it is a team of professionals ready to solve any customer problem. We develop useful tools to improve your business with Swiss precision and German pedantry. [read more]
Game Development Professional Blog by Alexander Shtachenko. [read more]
PRO-STOCK LLC is Storage equipment supplier in the Ukrainian market. Storage system solutions. Design and instalation. Warenhouse equipment. Industrial weels. [read more]
Crew manning is one of the main focus area in business of Company "Port Management. Marine Company (PMM)". We maintain highly qualified seafarers who fulfill the requirements of this Highly.. [read more]
Проект "Меркурий - взаимный фонд" (ПМВФ) - финансово-инвестиционный проект, созданный для улучшения материального состояния участников. Основан в феврале 2013 года, страна Украина. [read more]
PWN-Zone, located at Ukraine. [read more]
PRZHONSKAYA is a minimalistic womenswear brand based in Ukraine. The brand is mainly focused on women's outerwear design. It's DNA consists of neat silhouettes and complex cut, it is also traced.. [read more]
"Kyivmiskbud" is the largest and the most reliable Ukrainian building company. It traces its history to 1955 and company has restored Ukrainian capital after the Second World War. [read more]
Full Stack Developers. [read more]
PMPartners is a full-service technology engineering, consulting, design & development company. Building world-class digital products since 2016 for Blockchain, Fintech, UI/UX, Mobile &.. [read more]
New riddles, brain games, logic puzzles, brain teasers with answers on http://planetofthinking. com every day. Products we offer: brain training e-books, workbooks, table games, mobile brain.. [read more]
Peredovik Development (Ukraine, Kyiv) is a software development company. Since 2010 we are focused in development for mobile systems: iOS and Android. [read more]
Young Game Dev Team. [read more]
Онлайн-школа англійської для дорослих. Акумулюємо знання кращих британських шкіл, досвід українських викладачів та носіїв мови. Працюємо з індивідуальними студентами (В2С) та з компаніями (В2В). [read more]
POLYTEDA develops not another DRC tool based on the outdated architecture but a unique processing technology based on fastest and most accurate flat engine on the market. [read more]
Profit Group is a Management Consulting company serving clients specifically in ITO niche such as outsourcing and/or outstaffing companies from Ukraine. [read more]
PistonSoft is a privately held software company committed to providing quality audio software solutions. Founded in 2004, our company specializes in the audio tools. [read more]
Even small details matter! Don’t take your chances with wrong coiffeur or nail artist! Find the perfect one for you!Go to the app, click on the service you need, indicate date and time you.. [read more]
ProfitUp is a b2b SaaS platform, aimed at automatic survey and analysis of pricing policy of e-commerce websites of business rivals. We help our clients to over margin, to increase a turnover and.. [read more]
Palmira group is an advertising agency that offers services such as polygraph, souvenir products, BTL services, and website development. . [read more]
Сеть зоомагазинов Pethouse. ua занимается продажей высококачественных товаров для домашних животных. В.. [read more]
Yacht design and engineering bureau ProLINE was created as a response to appeared in former USSR demand for the yacht design organizations of new type. [read more]
1. Main properties. The engine is writed on Poor-C to indexing web pages in the internet. For now is indexed about 0. 5 TB web pages and books, and index file takes only 2% of primary data. [read more]
ПАО "Центрэнерго" создана в 1995 году. В состав компании входят три тепловых электростанции -.. [read more]
Pinta Webware - международная IT компания, специализирующаяся на разработке веб-сайтов, сервисов и.. [read more]
Ukrayna da faaliyet gosteren baski cozumleri sunan firma. 2009 dan beri faaliyetlerimiz arasinda Dijital baskilarOffset baskilarGenis ebad baskilarTabela - Stand isleriEtiket -kutu-.. [read more]