CRYPS - a new web-space perfectly designed for communication in crypto-industry. We don't want to multiply purposeless "bitcoin talks" - we aim at creating a space for generating new ideas.. [read more]
Voluntary multi-stakeholder initiative – CoST (Construction Sector Transparency Initiative) with the Secretariat in London (UK) was designed to promote transparency and accountability in.. [read more]
We collect, evaluate, analyze, and document information on direct losses to civilian infrastructure caused by the Russian aggression. Run by Kyiv School of Economics. [read more]
Dnipro Medical Cluster, located at Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast 49000. [read more]
Welcome to CORE Team, your new partner in talent acquisition. We are a team of seasoned HR professionals with over ten years of experience finding and hiring the best talent for your business. [read more]
Esports management companySOLUTIONS- General contract or licensed operation of esports teams & leagues- Esports tournaments and fan engagement projects- Esports marketing events, activations.. [read more]
Changes. Today specializes in organizational effectiveness and talent management. We develop solutions that enable fully engaged employees and high performing organizations. [read more]
We are a nonprofit organization, a team of professionals whose goal is to provide our audience with truthful information about the war in Ukraine. Our mission is to protect values and interests.. [read more]
Костел Святого Станіслава, з дзвіницею, located at Площа Ринок, Щирецька селищна громада. [read more]
Ukrainian system integrator company, the main activity of which is to provide the IT components to private or public sector enterprises with quality services in the field of.. [read more]
Teplokhod Yuryev, located at P-04, Bilotserkivska miska hromada. [read more]
Світ Кролів, located at Вулиця Дальня 2, Овідіопольська селищна громада. [read more]
Строй-Прєс��іж, located at Вулиця Бєлякова 128, Мелітопольська міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 619 434 516 for more detailed information. [read more]
A community of business analysts for the IT sector with practical experience in real business. We know how business works!. [read more]
Білоцерківський Обласний Онкологічний Диспансер, located at Вулиця Ярослава Мудрого 56, Білоцерківська міська громада (Біла Церква, Київська область). [read more]
Білмед, located at Вулиця Ярослава Мудрого 56, Білоцерківська міська громада (Біла Церква, Київська область). [read more]
Пантелиймонівська церква 2007, located at Провулок Карбишева, Білоцерківська міська громада. [read more]
Official targeted help with video reports. . [read more]
Озерець, located at Бучанська міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 44 581 1303 for more detailed information. . [read more]
У Марика, located at Тульчинська міська громада. [read more]
Дільниця N 350193, located at Вулиця Новосвітська 9В, Гурівська сільська громада. [read more]
Ozernaia, located at Buchanska miska hromada. [read more]
Хмизок, located at Вулиця Пестеля, Тульчинська міська громада. [read more]
Коновальчуки, located at Вулиця Миру 37Д, Гурівська сільська громада. [read more]
Інноваційний інтернет-маркетинг. [read more]
ТОВ "АТ Біофарм" - це компанія, яка понад 26 років розробляє, виробляє та продає ветеринарні препарати.. [read more]
BigMoney University, located at Kyiv 02000. They can be contacted via phone at +48 459 567 089 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Architecture bureau based in Kyiv, Ukraine. [read more]
Медиахолдинг. [read more]
Bookingood — this is not just a site for job and staff search, it is always the latest, carefully selected resumes and vacancies from the Entertainment, Show business, Hotel and.. [read more]
Benchers is a narrow-profile law firm of Ukraine which specialises in a wide range of multimillion-dollar, high-profile economic and corruption cases. [read more]
Ukrainian comic book publisher swooping into the market!. [read more]
Bro&Sys, located at 1А Миколи Попудренка вулиця, Kyiv 02100. [read more]
Келії Єзуїтського монастир 1724, located at Вулиця Черняховського, Житомирська міська громада. [read more]
Келії Єзуїтської Юридики, located at Вулиця Черняховського, Житомирська міська громада. [read more]
Guest House Naberezhnaya, located at Henicheska miska hromada. [read more]