Ukraine - based application of daily practices for a conscious and emotionally balanced life, through understanding and working with your emotions. It helps develop emotional intelligence, work.. [read more]
Briolight is a Ukrainian startup that creates an innovative platform for digital correction of mental and physical disorders. Our business model includes: consulting service, software and.. [read more]
BeautyHouse, aesthetics and cosmetic surgery is a hospital, located at 33 Дегтярівська вулиця, Kyiv 03057. [read more]
Дитяча поліклініка міської клінічної лікарні N 3 is a hospital, located at Вулиця Газети Комсомолець Донбасу,.. [read more]
No 3 Sviatoshynskoho raionu is a hospital, located at Vulytsia Chornobylska 5/7, Kyiv. They can be contacted via phone at +380 44 424 0115 for more detailed information. [read more]
Міська дитяча поліклініка N 3 is a hospital, located at Вулиця Стасова 2, Криворізька міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 564 530 056 for more detailed information. [read more]
Служба 03, Підстанція N 4 is a hospital, located at Вулиця Стасова 3, Криворізька міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 564 530 303 for more detailed information. [read more]
Міський пологовий будинок N 2 is a hospital, located at Вулиця Стасова 2, Криворізька міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 564 512 126 for more detailed information. [read more]
Медична лабораторія CSD LAB - це унікальний лабораторний комплекс, який надає повний спектр послуг з лабораторної та патоморфологічної діагностики по всій Україні. [read more]
CareDev is a software development center for an innovative US-based startup in the fast-growing Telemedicine industry. Founded by successful professionals with deep experience in software.. [read more]
Ми займаємось дистрибуцією медичного обладнання провідних світових виробників в Україну: Medtronic (США),.. [read more]
BioTexCom. England is a hospital, located at 2/6 Отто Шмідта вулиця, Kyiv 04107. They can be contacted via phone at +442037692837 for more detailed information. [read more]
BELOGRAD AcademyFeel the new learning format!Now in the very center of Kiev, where you will efficiently upgrade skills and knowledge, as well as have a great time in the rhythm of the capital. [read more]
Компанія БІОМЕДІНВЕСТ спеціалізується на постачанні лабораторних технологій для діагностики in vitro,.. [read more]
clinic "Boris" is Ukraine's largest private medical center, which has a advanced operating rooms, intensive care and inpatient units, modern medical diagnostic those surgical equipment. [read more]
Міська клінічна багатопрофільна лікарня N 1 is a hospital, located at Луганська міська громада. They can be contacted via phone at +380 642 639 831 for more detailed information. [read more]
A. KID began with a dream of two people to create a space for comprehensive care for children with special needs. So, in October 2013, a small center was opened, in which 3 people worked and.. [read more]
The problem of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system affects millions of patients around the world. Metal implants were the solution at some point, but there are several.. [read more]
I create arts on paper and canvas in the physical world. . [read more]
Swedish-Ukrainian Medical Center "Angelholm" specialises in orthopdics, cardiology, general surgery. diagnostics and gynocology. We are leaders in hip and knee replacement in Ukraine and have.. [read more]
Травматологічний пункт N 2 is a hospital, located at Sevastopol, 299020. [read more]
Протитуберкульозний диспансер. діагностика is a hospital, located at Вулиця 28-го Червня 52, Чернівецька міська.. [read more]
Дитяча психіатрична лікарня is a hospital, located at Проспект Жовтневої революції, Sevastopol, 299038. [read more]
Дитяча поліклініка N 2 I педіатричне відділення is a hospital, located at Проспект Гагаріна 17Б, Севастополь, 299028. [read more]
Дитяча поліклініка N 2 адміністративний корпус is a hospital, located at Вулиця Адмірала Юмашева 19Г, Севастополь, 299057. [read more]
Алта Комфорт- это основанная в 2002 году украинская компания, основным видом деятельности которой является обеспечение женщин после мастэктомии новейшими изделиями высокого качества. [read more]
Àmel CAD/CAM LABУникальная цифровая зуботехническая лаборатория, которая работает на CAD/CAM оборудовании и производит качественную стоматологическую протетику по индивидуальному заказу. [read more]
Academic Society of Internatonal Medical Student (ASIMS) is an academic society with the purpose of enlightening the internatonal medical students in Ukraine in various aspects including.. [read more]
Amomeda – Specialty Medical Device company committed to providing best quality products and services. We pride ourselves by the ability to craft the most efficient solutions to variety of challenges. [read more]
AppWell. Health specializes in Healthcare Software Product Development. Combining industry expertise, software development, cybersecurity, and design, we help healthcare product development.. [read more]
Аstra Dent – reliable partner for your health and business. Basic principles of our work:High quality of services Individual approach to each patientGuarantee of treatment safetyAn.. [read more]
The medical information system «Askep. net» is a cloud solution for managing all the processes in healthcare institutions. The software combines outstanding work with the data,.. [read more]
Місія спільноти - зібрати 100 самобутніх українських жінок для реалізації кар‘єрних амбіцій в сфері ІТ та підтримання економічного фронту країни. . [read more]
We are a premium multidisciplinary medical clinic based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Leading medical professionals and modern facilities provide access to innovative methods and latest knowledge that are key.. [read more]
We offer innovative solutions to healthcare institutions and laboratories across various industries, including equipment, consumables, and furniture. Additionally, we provide service support.. [read more]
Archicam is a Ukraine-based full-service dental lab and milling center for CAD dental prosthetics. We have decades of practical experience providing digital dental design services and our.. [read more]