Msamvu Bus Terminal is located in Morogoro municipal in Tanzania. It is an International Bus Terminal However, the main concern is congestion of buses especially from 09:00 to 10:30 am when most.. [read more]
莫罗戈罗(斯瓦希里语:Morogoro)是坦桑尼亚南部高地的一座城市,莫罗戈罗区首府,面积为535,04平方公里。该城位于经济重镇达累斯萨拉姆以西190千米,西面为多多马,有铁路和这两座城市相连。2012年人口为315,866人。莫罗戈罗位处乌卢古鲁山山麓,是该区的农业中心。农业莫罗戈罗盛产水稻、甘蔗和热带水果与蔬菜。在殖民时代,莫罗戈罗市郊有大面只的剑麻种植园,作为出口生产的经济作物。坦桑尼亚是世界上第二大生产国。交通莫罗戈罗是连接达累斯萨拉姆、多多马和依林加的交通枢纽。莫罗戈罗市里有一处火车站,其为坦桑尼亚中央铁路系统的一个车站。在市内交通方面,私人运营的面包车较常见,当地人称为达拉达拉。许多上班人通常骑自己的自行车与摩托车。供水莫罗戈罗城市供水的80%来自于Ngerengere河上建的Mindu水库。文化与体育虽然随着现代化的进程,虽然Luguru 文化受到了一定的影响,但其仍然是当地占主导地位的文化。莫罗戈罗是坦桑尼亚音乐先驱古巴Marimba爵士乐队创始人Salim Abdullah 的故乡,也是另一支成立于1944年的著名乐队莫罗戈罗爵士乐队的发源地。在体育运动方面,莫罗戈罗市有两支参加坦桑尼亚足球联赛的球队,分别是Moro United俱乐部和Polisi Morogoro俱乐部。教育市内的高等学府主要有索科伊内农业大学、Mzumbe 大学和莫罗戈罗穆斯林大学等。这里也有许多教士团体,为该市开办了一些学校与医院。旅游距莫罗戈罗市约100公里处,有著名的野生动物园米库米国家公园。酒店莫罗戈罗酒店为该市住宿环境最好的酒店之一。姐妹城市在姊妹城市国际组织的促进下,莫罗戈罗与美国威斯康辛州密尔沃基结为姐妹城市。. [read more]
Tandale Youth Development Centre is a Non Governmental Organization, Non Profit, Non religious and Non Political views. [read more]
Global Football international Club of Tanzania is an offshoot of Biznocrats Consulting Enterprise. its sole aim is to develop Football players in Africa. [read more]
we will take care of transport from your house to your final destination for free. Meaning you dont have to pay us to help you. . [read more]
Holili Bus Stand is a bus station, located at A23, Holili. [read more]
Usalama Bus Station Bust Stop, BRT. [read more]
Always crowded and bustling city center. If you take the daladala, be aware of the pick pockets. Met them once. . You can start your journey here and probably reaching any destionation in Dar. [read more]
Beautiful bus station located in the city center. Exciting, Beautiful. . Ocean besides. . highly admirable bus Stop. . [read more]
Best fresh fish market in Dar es salaam. . Best facilities for the passengers who waiting for a bus. Great view and wind while waiting for a bus. . [read more]
Akiba Bus Stop is a bus station, located at Bibi Titi Mohammed St, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
It's well organized easy to get busses heading to makumbusho and Mbagala the port offices aren't far either so as the TRA mapato house there's sitting so it's a plus. [read more]
Baridi is a bus station, located at Bibi Titi Mohammed St, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
Crowded, Rough at times. . Well organized and has Transportation to several places from Bajaji to BRT Rapid Transit. . Its crowded most of the times,thanks to uDart for theyve minimized.. [read more]
Mnazi Mmoja Bus stop to Uhuru st Kariakoo. au centre, vous pouvez aller dans toutes les directions. You can take bus going in direction Mboto to get to the airport for 500 shillings. [read more]
Maringo Bus Stop is a bus station, located at Mbezi Beach, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
I stay at kwa Joseph at mikoroshini. [read more]
Ukwaamani Bus Stop is a bus station, located at Old Bagamoyo Rd, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
Kindly slow down when approaching this area, prone to accidents. [read more]
Military bus stop, very organized area especially in safety department. I like the greenery on either sides of the road (including the median). [read more]
I wonder where this place got it's name from? was there an old rugged tank in this place? Just thinking out loud. . No collateral no Loan. [read more]
This is a really good and peaceful place. The place is cool and safe everytime. [read more]
The road along this neighborhood is clean, pleasing to the eyes, with greenery on either side. . Buses En route to Mwenge, Ubungo (Simu 2000), Posta, Kariakoo. [read more]
Goig Bus Stop is a bus station, located at Kawe, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
Buses En route to Tegeta, Bunju, & Bagamoyo (Coast Region). Safe 24/ 7. Military Base zone. . [read more]
Mbezi beach a wonderful place to be while in Dar. [read more]
Is one of the most beautiful and populous event Centre in Dar es Salaam. Chilling under de beautiful sun. Chiling at ma home place. . [read more]
Late Mwl Nyerere area and Bus stop. [read more]
One of the top commercial spots in Dar es salaam, used to be the most famous bus stop, crowded with alot of business going on at cheap prices. Busy and crowded but worth it wheb comes to shopping. [read more]
Buses En route to Mwenge, Ubungo (Simu 2000), Buguruni, Kimara - Mbezi, Gongo la Mboto, Mbagala. . [read more]
its very nicce to use this app. [read more]
Kinondoni Studio is a bus station, located at Hanna Nassif, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
Moroco Bust Stand, BRT. I think its one of the most orgsnised city bus terminal. . . . ☺ better place for photoshoot sessions, safe place to cross the road, nice bridge. [read more]
Mbuyuni - Outbound is a bus station, located at Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam. [read more]
busy place, public transport access 24/7. [read more]
Magomeni Hospital Bust Stop, BRT. [read more]