
森丘Afternoon Tease

Taipei 111



Location :
Taipei 111


我們是兩個牙醫,甜點和咖啡店卻是我們的摯愛,因此找了仰慕已久的甜點師阿灌,Dessertistry的版主,一同催生了森丘Afternoon Tease。


About Afternoon Tease

Afternoon Tease is a bakery slash café and the brainchild of two qualified dentists far fonder of extracting coffee than extracting teeth. Also on board is yet another dental school student with more of a passion for baking than aching. Unlike most oral experts, the three of us believe that sweet things — along with good music and good books — are the cure to all life’s little miseries. So, if you have a sweet tooth and need some curing, our cozy little slice of heaven is just the place for you.
怎麼來Afternoon Tease?

到淡水線「芝山站」二號出口出來, 沿著福華路164巷, 過馬路(sogo對面)到公車站「士林電機(中山德行路口)」, 搭乘220、612 、680、902、中山幹線, 至「賴厝」站下車, 往前步行2分鐘, 看到儒艮招牌就到了!

到淡水線「芝山站」二號出口出來, 即可看見ubike. 沿著福華路164巷, 往天母sogo方向騎, 左轉沿著中山北路六段一直騎, 至蘭興公園ubike站還車, 繼續沿著中山北路六段走4分鐘, 儒艮招牌就在對面


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