nong mei li fa ting is a bar, located at 293-1, Jianxing Road, Xiluo Township, Yunlin County 64855. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 587 1955 for more detailed information. [read more]
樣子髮藝 is a bar, located at 虎尾鎮光復路232號, Huwei, Yunlin 632. They can be contacted via phone at 056323836 for more detailed information. . [read more]
女王手作甜品 is a bar, located at 雲林縣土庫鎮民權路31-1號, Yünlin 633. [read more]
誠心為引、良心為本, 用心選材、精心製飲, 持續改良、獨具匠心, 來青松韻、品輕鬆韻!. [read more]
茶應自然香 香應天然茶 哈茶客手作茶飲 天天為你奉上好茶~ 讓您好茶入口~幸福在心頭! 開心*滿足*幸福. [read more]
抱歉了各位舊雨新知 《老闆因生涯規劃,本店目前無限期停業》. [read more]
北極熊烤鬆餅是一顆原石,等待你們來品嚐喔,發掘北極熊烤鬆餅的內涵,我們用心良苦選擇好的食材手工現作,食品好安心,希望大家支持,讓北極熊烤鬆餅變得一顆閃亮耀眼的鑽石Y(^_^)Y. [read more]
西瓜達人的店 普羅大眾推薦�不相信你來吃吃看 營業時間:早上9:00~晚上10:00. [read more]
此皂為天然成分且純手工製成,並響應環保使用了天然黃豆渣及少量咖啡渣,具有去除角質且潔淨的效果,讓肌膚白皙透亮。. [read more]
堅持使用新鮮食材, 菜色色香味俱全, 無論是要喜宴外燴、尾牙外燴 家庭聚餐、包商聚餐、家庭聚餐通通有 大宴小酌找廟口為您服務就對了!. [read more]
Fa日涵髮式 is a bar, located at 民生南路39號, Yünlin, Yunlin 640. They can be contacted via phone at 05-5378920 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Yu快剪專門店 is a bar, located at 雲林縣麥寮鄉中正路187號, Mailiao, Yunlin 638. They can be contacted via phone at 056938741 for more detailed information. . [read more]
餐廳. [read more]
皇烤肉位於雲林縣斗六市莊敬路5號(受天宮. 全聯旁) 在地10年的古早味烤肉 新鮮現烤的胡椒魚 台灣披薩之稱的菜餔蛋及蔥蛋 新鮮的吳郭魚湯、虱目魚肚湯. [read more]
1. 保證使用台灣茶葉 2. 絕對不使用茶精、香料 3. 使用台糖古法煉製 4. 茶葉通過農藥殘留373項檢驗. [read more]
引進三江水,同飲五嶽茶. [read more]
堅持原肉、新鮮食材. [read more]
黑糖剉冰、熱豆花、綠豆冰沙、燒仙草. [read more]
虎尾涵香館 is a bar, located at 雲林縣, Huwei, Yunlin 632. They can be contacted via phone at 056365826 for more detailed information. . [read more]
長興冰店 is a bar, located at 中華路136號, Yünlin, Yunlin 640. They can be contacted via phone at 05-5339445 for more detailed information. . [read more]
斗六真武宮廟埕平價燒烤 is a bar, located at 斗六市中堅西路697號, Yünlin. They can be contacted via phone at 886903532717 for more detailed information. . [read more]
燒烤。日本料理。生啤酒 *最後點餐時間為22:00 *自帶酒類均酌收開瓶費300元. [read more]
銷售品項: 1. 甘蔗檸檬 2. 甘蔗汁 (202007暫時停止銷售) 3. 檸檬汁 4. 青草茶 由於人力及貨運關係目前僅提供到店取貨,謝謝您的體諒。. [read more]
冰淇淋,雪泥(冰沙),手工三明治(夾心冰餅),冰棒專賣店. [read more]
酒窟Pub is a bar, located at 雲林縣麥寮鄉泰順路279號之3, Mailiao, Yunlin 638. They can be contacted via phone at 88656938333 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新鮮美味,獨特口感的果汁 快來捧場喔~. [read more]
我們是ㄧ間單純唱歌,喝酒聊天的ㄧ間PUB!歡迎各位下班休閒之餘,來這裏放鬆心情,小酌聊天!. [read more]
美可果汁-北港店 is a bar, located at 雲林縣北港鎮文化路76號, Yünlin, Yunlin 651. They can be contacted via phone at 057835578 for more detailed information. . [read more]
關於『双台烘肉攤-西螺』 走著早期時代懷舊風的佈置以台式獨特醬汁以及最新鮮的食材提供每位貴客 營業地點:雲林縣西螺鎮建興路115號(西螺肉鬆隔壁) 營業時間:下午五點~售完為止. [read more]
華山放養土雞+柴燒桶仔雞. [read more]
瀧海鮮原燒 is a bar, located at 雲林縣土庫鎮光明路276號, Yünlin 633. They can be contacted via phone at 056622458 for more detailed information. . [read more]
營業時間:早上9:00~睌上9:00. [read more]
親愛的冰友,豆花開賣嘍! 本店豆花 豆漿皆使用非基因改造黃豆製成,敬請安心食用。另外還有熱呼呼的紅豆湯~薏仁湯和燒仙草,幫你趨走寒意。. [read more]
充實忙碌過完一天 來到我們「蕭夯」 蕭夯顧名思義 丟係金價夯啦 讓我們稍微放空 拋開所有擾亂思緒. . 大口吃肉大口喝酒期待明天新的開始 ⚠️每日精心嚴選食材 讓你食的開心. [read more]
推廣農特產品及在地景點. [read more]
晶圓包心粉圓 晶瑩剔透 幸福相思圓 夏天清涼 休閒聖品,冬天幸福溫暖 經典聖品。全部食材一律採用純天然健康的食品,純手工製作流程讓你食的安心沒負擔喔!. [read more]