全聯福利中心 - 龍潭中豐店 is a supermarket, located at 桃園市龍潭區中豐路293-303號, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 325. They can be contacted via phone at +88634090342 for more detailed information. [read more]
飲料店,網咖,菸酒食品. [read more]
眾多日韓進口零食飲料 還有各種進口的生活用品 喜歡日韓貨的朋友歡迎選購哦. [read more]
歡樂購 是您的生活好幫手, 提供最齊全、最超值的生活百貨, 讓購物變得歡樂、方便又輕鬆!. [read more]
隨時送上最新和優惠訊息給粉絲們~^ _ ^. [read more]
哈嚕~大家好!!!我們是建晟食品,專營各式穀類、傳統乾貨、餐飲業務型商品等. . . . . 您想的到的生活"食"品都在我們的門市,歡迎各位喜歡料理的朋友來挖寶呦!. [read more]
不定期出國代購唷 有任何問題都可以詢問愛買客唷 想要任何東西歡迎留言或私訊不要客氣 商品一律不含運唷! 歡迎私訊問價錢唷~. [read more]
以客為尊~好鄰居是我們服務宗旨~参與各項慈善活動~為鄉里盡一份力量~禾宇大賣場~用心為各位鄉親服務~!. [read more]
city'super is a supermarket, located at 桃園市蘆竹區南崁路一段112號B2, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 33859. They can be contacted via phone at +886809090820 for more detailed information. [read more]
透過「吃」,可以讓製作食物的人與品嚐的人產生連結,並同時獲得幸福感,這是快樂的最短途徑。 本店提供優質食材,讓您吃的健康、吃的安心。. [read more]
本店為提供喜愛自己動手DIY, 製作烘焙小點心、下廚做美食的朋友們, 專售各類食品原物料及包裝材料, 提供您多樣化的選擇。. [read more]
1. 歐式典藏、手作麵包每日直送 2. 無毒生鮮食品履歷食材 3. 產地直送乳製品豆製品 4. 五穀雜糧、休閒零食 5. 小農產地直送生鮮蔬果. [read more]
家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享. [read more]
頂好超市 Wellcome is a supermarket, located at 環北路392號, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 320. They can be contacted via phone at +88634274485 for more detailed information. [read more]
幸福生活的好幫手 鄰里信賴的好朋友. [read more]
家樂福八德店 is a supermarket, located at 桃園市八德區介壽路一段728號B2, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 334. They can be contacted via phone at 033611385 for more detailed information. [read more]
家樂福便利購24小時提供你日常生活所需日用品,很開心為你服務. [read more]
7-Eleven 映竹門市 is a convenience store, located at 桃園市蘆竹區南竹路四段250號, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 338. They can be contacted via phone at +88633231498 for more detailed information. [read more]
葉綠素生鮮 專攻產地的優質蔬菜 物美價廉的生鮮商品 舒適乾淨的美式賣場 提供給懂得生活的您. [read more]
最優惠的麥當勞餐廳 為您服務,是我們的榮幸 麥當勞內壢家樂福歡迎您. [read more]
Great location. Very spacious with a wide variety of goods. Offers many merchandise that may not be available at other locations. Easily accessible by bus. [read more]
Bread taste good not to expensive. Great place for weekly shopping. Love the specials and pricing is good here. . A awesome place to find things you want and need. [read more]
A shopping mall where you can buy cheaper groceries. And there are many restaurants in the mall, such as ramen restaurant, McDonald's. . . etc. . One place for every thing. [read more]
The parking is free and quite a few restaurants to choose from. Also, the staff at Carrefour really took care of my elderly South African parents each time they went shopping there. [read more]
一再回味的醬料,在其他地方沒有吃過. 每罐都是現做的真材實料!. 特別,非常值得買來吃. [read more]
環喬企業有限公司 is a store, located at No. 250, Section 2, Nankan Rd, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 338. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 352 6628 for more detailed information. [read more]
信可物流-海湖倉 is a store, located at 338, Taoyuan City, Luzhu District, Zhongzhen Street, 190號台灣. [read more]
寬敞明亮,物品整齊,材料類再多一點就更加好!. 想做烘焙點心卻找不著材料?來這就對囉!. 烘培材料. 各種材料很齊全. 價錢OK , 少1分是少服務~. [read more]
價格跟Tina一樣比較高一點 但是起司蛋糕好好吃!尤其是他底部感覺有堅果還是松子的口感 very good!. [read more]
a. mart Yangmei is a supermarket, located at 326, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, 中山北路二段23巷6號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 80 005 5221 for more detailed information. [read more]
夏天蠻常來買西瓜汁,好喝. [read more]
東西便宜,很好逛的一個地方. 百貨齊全,展場寬擴可 悠閒 購物也可迅速採買 店員都很和善~不盡要說: 讚,讚,讚!. 東西非常齊全的五金百貨賣場。真的是居家修繕或是喜歡自己做簡單DIY的好幫手。在大園可說是家庭用五金的首選!!!!. [read more]
桃园市龙潭区农会超市 is a supermarket, located at No. 112號, Donglong Road, 龍潭鄉 Taoyuan City 325. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 480 5806 for more detailed information. [read more]
農民的好朋友,消費者的好鄰居。. 每年3,4月间農会配会覌音乡荷花种植季節,提供荷花苗发送。. [read more]
專業室內日曬沙龍. [read more]
Hj佳順口専業梹榔 is a store, located at 號, No. 331長春路三段竹東鎮新竹縣 Taiwan 310. They can be contacted via phone at +886 986 838 480 for more detailed information. . [read more]