辰雨畫廊 is an art gallery, located at No. 12, Jingguo Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 330. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 316 5211 for more detailed information. [read more]
牛油果畫舍 (Permanently Closed) is an art gallery, located at No. 10, Jilin Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City 320. They can be contacted via phone at +886 910 629 977 for more detailed information. [read more]
技藝精巧 術超芳羣。. [read more]
非常棒的地方,老師的功夫很厲害,教學很詳細活潑,值得帶孩子去玩玩,但是只接團體預約。. 可惜現在只接團體預約的客人. tôi cảm thấy như đi về lịch sử ở nơi đây. [read more]
台灣的餐飲業非常發達,重複率、同質性也高,所以有時候想要廣受旅人的垂青,那麼餐廳所在之處就得有故事、話題性了。而什麼樣的故事會格外動人呢?我想,大概就是有著歷史深度的老宅吧!因為基於對未來的不確定感,人們總是習慣性的緬懷過去,追憶著似水年華。至於話題性的創造,若是能成為影視業的取景之處,一定很多迷哥、迷妹蜂擁而至。位於八德的八塊畫室咖啡,正是兩者兼具的交會點,無疑成為旅人們駐足的最愛之一。 不過畢竟是餐飲業而非展覽館,美味才是王道啊!一般這類型的餐廳,餐點泰半普普,不過八塊畫室咖啡所供應的,倒是出乎我意料的好吃,尤其是相對平實的價格,更是可親許多。若是周五晚間或例假日時前來,也許還能湊上現場音樂會的熱鬧,享受一下美食與藝術交融所激盪出的美好。 其實這裡也位處於八德興仁夜市旁,若是夜市逛累了,想找個舒適一點的地方歇歇腿,不妨來這兒點上一杯飲料,消磨、沉潛一段時光,順道感受一下夜幕低垂之後、華燈初上之時,老宅所展現出的不同風貌與獨特魅力。. [read more]
郭联成标本工作室 is an art gallery, located at No. 101號, Lane 265, Section 1, Wenzhong Road, Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 338. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 370 1321 for more detailed information. [read more]
金亿坊 is an art gallery, located at Section 1, Zhongshan East Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320. [read more]
設計很好的畫廊. 很大的畫廊,推薦!. [read more]
老闆娘很親切喔 歡迎大家來這裱框買畫. 親切、服務態度好,最重要的是裱框專業. 老闆很專業、親切,如果沒有想法可以和老闆討論,作品裱框後質感很好,費用也很合理。. [read more]
行風画室 is an art gallery, located at No. 8號, Zhongshan Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City 335. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 387 1968 for more detailed information. [read more]
好棒的環境,服務生好親切. 很舒服的休閒環境。. 環境舒適❤️ 店員十分親切❤️. [read more]
虹彩文創 is an art gallery, located at No. 11, Tianxiang 2nd Street, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 428 0717 for more detailed information. [read more]
MINI ART 迷艺术 is an art gallery, located at 36044, Miaoli County, Miaoli City, 源林街62號2F. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 726 9169 for more detailed information. [read more]
梵谷藝術中心-楊梅埔心店-楊梅裱框 楊梅畫廊 (Permanently Closed) is an art gallery, located at 326, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, 382號之 3 號 1 樓. [read more]
大国邦实业社 (Permanently Closed) is an art gallery, located at No. 393, Jinshan Street, Yangmei District, Taoyuan City 326. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 488 2966 for more detailed information. [read more]
陶畫玉舍 (Permanently Closed) is an art gallery, located at No. 393號, Jinshan Street, 楊梅市 Taoyuan City 326. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 488 2966 for more detailed information. [read more]
愛画芸術村 is an art gallery, located at 300, Hsinchu City, North District, 竹光路374號2樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 966 582 210 for more detailed information. [read more]
新生代老闆娘林小姐專業又和善,講解細心,收費合理。很棒. 很溫馨的地方,1F經營裱框、2F有賣很多繪畫美術材料也有賣拼圖,店員很親切. 拼圖立體裱框很棒,質感很好,也有賣拼圖!可以去參訪~二樓還有賣畫畫的專門材料!有需要可以找她~. [read more]
禾丰艺术中心 is an art gallery, located at No. 30, Pinghe Street, North District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 526 7883 for more detailed information. [read more]
專業客製化, 甚麼都畫, 完全配合客戶需求, 買得安心, 看得開心~. 陶大人油畫村,無所不畫,只要提供照片,就能畫一幅您人生的故事畫!. [read more]
因為朋友介紹,所以一試成主顧。 從以前近新竹城隍廟的東門街前店址, 到現在近食品工業發展研究所的食品路更美好的新店址。 從藤髮粧時尚美學,到藤造美事務所。 聽說,每一個女生都有自己與生俱來,獨特且專屬的美麗。 妳找到專屬妳的美麗了嗎? 如果還没有, 也許妳可以來這裡, 也許<Roger and Carol >可以幫妳找到專屬妳的美麗。 我也很喜歡2F《好時咖啡》的輕食,很推薦午茶套餐。 開朗明亮的空間很適合一個人獨處或一群人相聚。 溫暖而時尚的2F《好時咖啡》,同時也有藝術作品的展出, 前陣子是油畫,現在是日本鐵壺。 美麗美好的事物,推薦給妳,推薦給你。. [read more]
老闆裱褙技術很好,品質不錯 人很客氣。. 在龍潭這麼鄉下的地方有這麼一家玉山畫廊算是經營得還不錯值得推薦給大家共同欣賞店內的畫作很不錯喔. [read more]
恩~~感覺有點冷清. [read more]
老師的繪畫功力很強. 靜謐,專心的好地方. [read more]
新典藝術中心 Serendipity Art Gallery is an art gallery, located at No. 503, Section 2, Guangfu Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 561 6511 for.. [read more]
溫馨的向日葵畫廊,內不乏有格調,有水準的作品,真心推薦~~~~. [read more]
楓采彩繪屋 is an art gallery, located at No. 45, Shengli 3rd Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 658 8279 for more detailed information. [read more]
Chi Chang Yuan is an art gallery, located at No. 15號, Rixin Rd, Daxi District, Taoyuan City 335. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 387 5866 for more detailed information. [read more]
梵谷芸術中心楊梅店楊梅画廊,楊梅裱画,楊梅画框 (Permanently Closed) is an art gallery, located at No. 1, Alley 2, Lane 351, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Yangmei District, Taoyuan City 326. [read more]
藝術賞析名家薈萃,展覽空間舒適寬敞 ■由台北市區前往可搭長榮巴士5203(中山路線)長榮吉邸站,開車可停對面“自己人餐廳” ■參觀不收門票但需事先預約 ■館內販售名家周邊文創商品,紀念金酒,紅酒,咖啡,茶等. 彷彿置身國外一樣. 位在南崁最美的羊稠步道登山入口,經常有高水準的展覽. 是個藝術館,讓人賞心悅目的地方。. [read more]
Chinese Gallery is an art gallery, located at No. 280, Section 1, Guangfu Road, East District, Hsinchu City 300. [read more]
家具很漂亮,店內東西很多像在逛博物館一樣。. 耐用兼顧美觀的傢俱,價格又實在。店裡有很多進口的歐風居家用品、飾品,很值得花時間尋寶。 另外大推老闆進口的燕窩,CP值超高。. 家具華麗精美,服務態度親切,大推!!. [read more]
書畫,雕塑,燈飾,傢俱,裱褙,裱框,設計,賣場大,品項多,舉凡歐式鄉村,古典,工業風,到中式,禪風,東南亞風格等等,應有盡有,藝術性十足,是佈置居家,店面,庭園等地之尋寶好所在,不逛可惜。🤓. 可以挖寶的好地方。. [read more]
時常舉辦藝文活動. 時常舉辦各種藝文展覽,拿票及凑時數的好地方。. 定期都會有不錯的展覽,看展免費. [read more]