自然食尚 Natural Tasty is a store, located at No. 15, Lane 234, Bo'ai Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 932 0910 for more detailed information. [read more]
They have the shui jien bao and Lu Wei as their main stuff. The buns are worth trying, but not super amazing. . "Pan-fried pork buns " must try! palm sized huge and tasty. [read more]
豬血湯很讓人懷念,來這理偶爾會遇到明星,但其他菜色個人覺得不怎麼樣,附近有卑南包子店可一併去嘗鮮,停車位不多,想好好吃請避開尖峰時間. 豬血很Q很好吃,一碗小小碗但有3-4塊大豬血~~ 米腸也好吃~~但價格偏貴~~~. 很不錯!但個人喜歡台北昌吉街紅豆腐第一、台北昌吉街小楊第二、中興路更生路交差口小吃店第三、卑南落榜前三了,台北的二間其實強弱真的很難分、二間都是公認的美食神店,要清甜就昌吉街,香濃就小楊吧!. [read more]
Another of the best 2 dessert shops in Taitung with classic flavor. Each kind of ingredients is meet the expectations of standard. Worth to try!. very nice I tried the cold mixed tangyuan. [read more]
牛肉麵,滷味,鴨肉米粉是我全家的最愛!雖然開發票後,價格略有小漲,但在合理範圍內,畢竟成本上也增加了些。有做生意的都知道,不僅是增加5%稅金,還要請會計師,有形無形成本增加。Ok的,能諒解,畢竟東西好吃更重要!. 從小吃到大,鹹水鴨是招牌,鴨肉不會太硬,其他的滷味也好吃,米血也很優. 侯家的滷味~戀戀古早味~合乎你的胃~高貴而不貴~值得你回味~ 侯家鹽水鴨~ 好吃又彈牙~吃了笑哈哈~送禮又高雅~. [read more]
內部空間雖然不大,用料食材新鮮實在,炒米粉保持濕潤好吃,黑白切價格平實親民。. 極力推薦! 粉腸!粉腸!粉腸!粉少肉多的粉腸,搭配糯米腸,蒜末醬油加一點點辣醬! 打遍天下無敵手!我保證!. 屏東肉圓,大蒜汁和醬汁,味道美味可口,我連續來了幾次,和中部地區肉圓感覺不一樣,一定要來試試. [read more]
這裡有好吃豬腳和客家菜 ,停車場就在餐廳附近也很方便,聽說萬巒的幾家豬腳都好吃,就是價格有差別,我沒有比較。. 豬腳真的好吃,推推, 白飯口感也不錯,蠻大碗的, 薑絲炒大腸好吃,很入味, 花生豆腐口感特別,花生味濃郁,可以嘗試看看, 不過炒空心菜有點過油,原本想點菜可以清爽一下的說, 整體來說還不錯~. [read more]
An interesting dish - the noodles are like the mee tai mak in Singapore, but a bit thinner and less 'slippery' in texture. As for the broth, it seems quite Vietnamese to me. [read more]
豆油伯的醬油煮東西超香超好吃的!可以買來用看看喔~. 來到這邊了解醬油的好壞真的很重要,從選豆、產地、種植季節樣樣把關,重點是樣樣在台灣【看的到、管理得到. . . . . . . 】用心釀造. . . . . 也吃得出美味的好味道. 真的是吃過就知道! 原來好醬油這麼重要😍. [read more]
紅豆牛奶冰必吃👍. Its salty popsicle is really the best. . 鹹冰棒must try!!!!!. [read more]
Yummy Boize (steamed buns). you get pork, green vegetables, taro with beens or with brown sugar and raisins. Price range from 13 - 22 TWD... [read more]
烘焙產品多樣化,提供試吃。. 麵包都很好吃,也有餅乾、甜點都很好買. 大方給試吃的店家你有臉不買嗎?. [read more]
the view 5/5, other people around you 1/5. need to drive carefully to and from here, pay attention not to kill the bunnies! the flickering lights of the city below with a nice breeze and.. [read more]
Cheela is a wonderful, wonderful café. It's real lush - comfortable, relaxed, excellent coffee. The owners are deeply passionate about what they do, and really helpful giving me advice about.. [read more]
Nice location. Cool place to hang out and look at people passing by. . Good place for studying. [read more]
Place for food, dessert and coffee. Please spend time to have a full three-course offering by the shop owner! Enjoy the cold brew a lot, goes perfect with quiche. [read more]
1. 比較過附近的諸多商家, 這家的琉璃珠最為精緻, 也有特殊琉璃創作品. 2. 門票100元, 可用來折抵購物, 體驗及餐飲消費. 3. 建議不妨試試DIY, 由老師協助共同試作, 挺有趣的體驗. 4. 二樓除餐廳外, 還有一個小型展示館值得細看. . 可以自己手作改良式琉璃珠,也可以直接買成品。但可惜無法手作傳統式琉璃珠。 服務員及指導的老師都很有耐心,很親切。. [read more]
燉飯小火鍋不錯吃 店內剩1. 2組才坐滿情況下上餐速度約10分鐘 份量適中,小飽. 超超超級喜歡他們的重乳酪蛋糕(有朋友來訪必推),南瓜醬義大利麵特別又好吃,環境很有特色. 因為店門口看板寫著將軍乳酪才進店里想嘗鮮,乳酪不錯吃,口味夠,如果可以更紮實一點的口感就好了,店里環境不錯,適合朋友們的聚會. [read more]
Love the ambience of the place. Good place for afternoon tea or a date. The staff can speak english which is good. Ordered the strawberry tart and coffee mocha iced. [read more]
The sliced turkey rice is definitely the signature dish. That is one of my most favorite sliced Turkey rice restaurant in Chiayi. . Exemplary,laudable and ineffable. [read more]
This is a very busy place where most of the group tour will have lunch here together with other tourist and cycling team. Yet the team here is effective without long que time and place is.. [read more]
服務態度非常好,我們有人同行吃素便當,他們還打電話幫我們訂,而且不厭其煩的等老奶奶吃完飯,也不介意地板被弄髒了. 經過台東拜訪嘉明湖必到的餐廳,便當價格合理、份量實在、供應自助式熱湯,飯後將餐盒及廚餘自行至門口分類回收,門口並有提供洗手台供客人洗滌,是一間規劃很用心的地方小吃店!. 崆肉便當讚讚讚!肉肥瘦適中大塊又好吃,店內的裝潢樸實溫馨也保持的很乾淨,是很舒適的用餐環境,老闆娘人很親切,有機會會再去品嚐!. [read more]
有特色的昆蟲館,義大利設計師純手精緻十八種台灣保育昆蟲,還有獨有的蝴蝶柱,對昆蟲有興趣的人員,絕對不能錯過。館外的園區常聽到看到這些鳥類。. 有很多國內外標本超希奇的。而且還有很多蝴蝶在你身邊與你共舞的經驗雖然有門票但還是比自己開車帶孩子去戶外看來的實際太多了!這個世代的你必須要來的. 館內繁殖多種蝴蝶,可以近距離觀察蝴蝶生態。館內還有多種昆蟲介紹及標本展示,很有趣,可以帶小朋友來認識昆蟲。. [read more]
Personally didn't find anything special about the rice but it's probably just my taste buds. The bento was yummy and really filling - I liked the flaky thingy most. [read more]
這裡又名"第一名咖啡",店家的咖啡得過無數的獎項。風景也很優美。 推薦大家早晨用完早餐就可以過來,景色很優美。 個人不太愛澀味重的咖啡,但店家的咖啡即使無糖品嚐,也是完全不苦澀呢!相當優秀。 對了,推薦無糖熱咖啡喔!. great single origin coffee. 點了手沖蜜處理豆一壺,味道還好,但還不到驚艷的感覺,價位倒是讓人期待應該有更好的表現。. [read more]
五月手工鮮果醤 is a bakery, located at 600, Chiayi City, East District, 嘉義市東區和平路72號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 278 5882 for more detailed information. [read more]
東西好吃(應該不是餐包) 環境整潔 cp值高!. 燈光好,氣氛佳,餐點也不錯. 簡餐,鬆餅,咖啡都美味~值得推薦的用餐好地方. [read more]
天美珍食品店 is a bakery, located at 604, Chiayi County, Zhuqi Township, 奮起湖142號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 256 1008 for more detailed information. [read more]
The food is amazing. Friends who have been eating there since it was a street cart long ago took me there. Make sure to get green onion pan fried cake, or the fried veggies. [read more]
Try the frozen cake. . personally the mango flavour is nicer. . there is a ice cream and non ice cream cake. . ice cream with styrofoam box can last 5h. [read more]
Good quality of Bawan (dumpling with meat in it). The environment is not perfect, while many flies are near the tables. . The famous meat ball restaurant. [read more]
庭園造景漂亮,涼亭瀑布流水跟很多鯉魚,適合蹓狗蹓小孩。 店內窗明几淨,咖啡蛋糕可選擇,不算便宜,今天吃起司蛋糕,清爽不會太飽,口感鬆軟濕潤,覺得不錯。 路不好走,錯車困難,交通上要注意。店家旁邊是廟宇,不知基督徒會不會介意。. 環境很好也可以露營,老闆等服務人員親切貼心❤️. 很用心規劃的景觀 舒適的環境 好喝的神氣茶 美味的蛋糕. [read more]
Such a hidden gem in this small town. I absolutely love it. Don't miss it out if you are ever around Yuanlin!! Such a lovely cafe!! Warm greetings and manners!! Great coffee!!. [read more]
前幾個月因為線上購物折價券、付款問題,原本是很不愉快的購物經驗。想說Feedback線上傳了訊息給Facebook 管理員,很快就幫我解決了問題,除了補償原有的折價券,還給予了一張會員卡,我也囑咐不要責難員工,管理員也承不會責怪,員工的錯他們會承擔,並諾會重新將網站重新設計,這樣有擔當的襟懷讓無不佩服,也感受到滿滿誠意。後來輾轉得知是該店的經理,主管如此能重視客戶的問題,這樣的企業肯定能永續經營、細水長流。 打從第一次穿到樂活的襪子就愛上了! 雖然價位與坊間相比略高,但,腳真的明顯不臭了、也比較不癢了、襪子壽命變長了,穿起來很舒服。 一分錢一分貨,襪子針織數很厚實。. [read more]
素珠芋丸在天后宮前的民族路上,一般遊客只會走中山路和老街,很少會逛到這裡。第一次知道素珠芋丸是在市場吃丸子湯時問店家哪裡可買芋丸,店家介紹的。從此以後每次到鹿港都會來買。這裡生意超好,大部分來都要排隊等,而店家現做過程也可觀看到,還不錯,一顆25元算便宜,只是肉稍為少一點,到鹿港必吃必買。. 味道香,值得推薦的老街小吃! 人氣旺,要買也要耐心排隊喔!. [read more]
平常有機會都吃東海的雞腳凍,這次難得有機會來到員林就順便品嚐知名的黑竹園雞腳凍。 剛進去時被他的價目表嚇了一跳,雞腳凍一盒要160元,但是想說來到這了,嚐鮮看看。 與東海雞腳凍不同之處,除了味道不死鹹之外,腳趾尖的指甲會剪掉,骨頭也會取出,留下腳掌的部分,算是很費工的料理,所以價格160元12支雞腳凍也較能接受了。 其他如豆干和鴨翅口味都不錯,鴨翅偏辣請怕吃辣的朋友注意。. [read more]