嘉義縣大有國民小學 is a school, located at 嘉義縣中埔鄉裕民村2鄰石頭厝17-1號, Chiayi. They can be contacted via phone at 05-2531561 for more detailed information. . [read more]
親愛國小 is a school, located at 仁愛鄉親愛村高平路三號, Puli, Nantou 546. They can be contacted via phone at 0492974033 for more detailed information. . [read more]
鶴鶴有名 聲譽屏東 歡迎加入熱情優質的鶴聲國中. [read more]
國立屏東商業技術學院資訊管理理系日間部系學會 http://im-npic. blogspot. com/. [read more]
國立屏東商業技術學院會計系網頁! http://blog. xuite. net/npicacc19910801. [read more]
屏東縣泰安國小 is a school, located at 屏東縣內埔鄉老埤村壽比路116號, Pingtung (disambiguation) 912. They can be contacted via phone at 08-778-3031 for more detailed information. [read more]
Read,music or whatever you want. [read more]
過嶺國中 is a school, located at 桃園縣中壢市 過嶺里17鄰松智路2號, Taipei 320. They can be contacted via phone at 03 420 0026 for more detailed information. . [read more]
桃園縣立大溪高中 is a school, located at 桃園市大溪區康莊路641號, Tachi, Taoyuan City 335. They can be contacted via phone at 03-387-8628 for more detailed information. [read more]
內定國小 is a school, located at 桃園縣中壢市定寧路31號, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 320. They can be contacted via phone at 03-4524624 for more detailed information. [read more]
桃園縣竹圍國中 is a school, located at 大園區沙崙里海港路2巷87號, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City. They can be contacted via phone at 03-3835026 for more detailed information. . [read more]
華勛國小 is a school, located at 桃園縣中壢市榮民南路205號, Taoyüan, Taoyuan City 320. They can be contacted via phone at 03-4661587 for more detailed information. . [read more]
巨匠美語屏東分校 is a school, located at 11, 逢甲路, 屏東市, 屏東縣 90075. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 765 5537 for more detailed information. . [read more]
東華大學管樂社社辦. [read more]
Villa school-豐源國小 is a school, located at 台東縣台東市中華路四段392號, Taitung City 950. [read more]
中華國小體育班招收射箭及游泳,5. 6年級學生,不限學區. 小班教學. 雙導師制. 正常教學. 不收訓練費用,歡迎有興趣的國小學生來就讀。. [read more]
五峰國小 is a school, located at 新竹縣五峰鄉大隘村6鄰123號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 31141. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5851007 for more detailed information. [read more]
蔡坤龍老師的一所沒有圍牆的學校!「蔡坤龍一對一專門校」是通往開放教育的一扇門,歡迎您和小孩來敲這扇門,量身訂做每個小孩的學習方式、進度。. [read more]
文華分部:龜山區文化七路167號 長庚分部:龜山區文德路32號 大華分部:龜山區文化七路81號. [read more]
[新竹國中數學家教、理化家教] [新竹國小數學家教、自然家教] 授課項目: 國小-數學/自然/資優數學/私中考試 國中-數學/理化/進度複習/會考衝刺 line ID: lin760306. [read more]
國立關西高級中學 非官方粉絲團。 學校官方或學校社團官方欲管理此粉絲專業,可私訊連絡。. [read more]
關西國小 is a school, located at 新竹縣關西鎮西安里中山路126號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 306. They can be contacted via phone at 0963297387 for more detailed information. [read more]
教學特色: 1. 國內唯一具有化學相關專利的高中化學教學團隊,能將高中化學理論與日常生活、商業產品、有趣的科學實驗做完美的結合,兼具理論與應用等特色,讓學生能真正懂高中化學、國中理化、生物的家教班! 2. 設立生物、物理、化學等跨領域線上教學討論區,讓班內學生學習最有效率! 3. 跨領域教學方式,讓對人生規劃懵懵懂懂的高中生,能從跨領域的學習中,較容易找到自己的興趣! 4. [read more]
國高中全科家教皆有,歡迎來電洽詢. [read more]
新圍國小 is a school, located at 屏東縣鹽埔鄉新圍村, Pingtung 907. [read more]
彭厝國小 is a university, located at 屏東縣鹽埔鄉七份路21號, Pingtunghsien, Pingtung 907. They can be contacted via phone at 08-7031509 for more detailed information. [read more]
鹽埔國中 is a school, located at 屏東縣鹽埔鄉勝利路30號, Pingtung 907. They can be contacted via phone at 08 793 2001 for more detailed information. . [read more]
石光國中 is a school, located at 新竹縣關西鎮石光里308巷46號, Hsinchu, Hsinchu City 305. They can be contacted via phone at 035869178 for more detailed information. . [read more]
歡迎到喬伊手作粉絲頁追蹤按讚,才能即時收到研習課程通知喲,非研習課程時段,皆可自行選擇喜歡的作品學習~個別進度教學,時間彈性 一起做拼布~玩黏土!! 原竹南拼布-新竹教室!!. [read more]
給予孩子豐富音樂遊戲、多層次的聽覺享受,玩樂當中學習樂理知識,音樂的美感新體驗,熱烈招生中!. [read more]
想在有國家公園大學之稱的美麗校園享受您的青春,並在我們完善的教育體制中學習茁壯嗎?歡迎您加入屏東科技大學管理學院的行列。. [read more]
彰化縣溪湖鎮東溪國民小學. [read more]
溪湖鎮立幼兒園 is a school, located at 514彰化縣溪湖鎮湳底路16-30號, Xihu, Changhua 514. They can be contacted via phone at 048817842 for more detailed information. . [read more]
花蓮縣嘉里國小 is a school, located at 花蓮縣新城鄉嘉里三街28號, Hualienhsien, T'Ai-Wan 971. They can be contacted via phone at 03 826 1180 for more detailed information. [read more]
乾峰國民小學 is a school, located at 南投縣國姓鄉乾溝村一鄰中西巷22號, Kuohsing, Nantou 544. They can be contacted via phone at (049)2721385 for more detailed information. [read more]
秉持服務熱忱,關懷交通安全,為社會盡一份心力,培養優良駕駛人. [read more]