The most popular restaurant for goose meat. Amazing. Minxiong's specialty. . Nice food, quality consistent, provide parking. [read more]
Beautiful place, acquired and built from scratch after the 1999 earthquake as a cultural park. Pay much attention to the cultural part, esp. The exhibition and the family house - built in.. [read more]
Great place, clean, big and helpful staff. Rooms/beds are nice. Good central location. Only down side was I could hear the lobby music playing in my room. [read more]
Great burger joint in Chiayi. Thick juicy piece of hamburger patty. They also accommodate custom made burgers! Make sure to RSVP in advance to avoid the long wait!. [read more]
大部份都是來吃早餐,背景音樂都是播V. K. 專輯,倒也成了習慣。. [read more]
Impressive establishment for the middle of nowhere. 非常喜歡這裡的牛奶鍋,濃郁香純。菜盤也很棒,冷氣稍冷. 裝潢十分漂亮,擺設可愛,服務也OK,餐點也好吃且份量夠多,可惜價格偏高,CP值略低,但不失為一間好餐廳。. [read more]
這家店的各類火鍋湯頭都是親自熬煮,沾醬十分清淡美味。我尤其嗜吃他們搭配的烏龍麵。 吃遍各地火鍋,這家是讓我最安心並讓我有享受感的店家。 老闆的樸實風格很讓我欣賞。祝福他們生意永遠興隆!. 可遠觀山谷、山鎮、翠峰的咖啡餐飲露天廣場及室內餐廳,餐飲與火鍋很健康之食材,咖啡有店家自家種的華山咖啡豆煮的香醇美味,屬親近綠野之休閒、旅遊好去處。 服務親切!. [read more]
Time is limited but good BBQ restaurant, price is fair. 很多品質還可以的肉 吃到飽來說肉質不錯 海鮮類也還可以 但新鮮度不會是最佳 服務很好 店員都很親切. 星期二去吃燒烤時不甚被燙到,跟服務生反應,後來應該是主管就拿冰塊來關切,讓人感到窩心. [read more]
The colour of the ingredient of the lunch box made it tasted even better. cost 120 and served with soup. There also has fresh baked doughnut nearby comes with 4 flavours which are good too. [read more]
曾經是多年前在嘉義最愛的義大利麵店,尤其最愛它的毒癮茄汁義大利麵。. 價錢不算便宜,上菜算快,螞蟻頗多一直爬到我身上,外部花草感覺需要整理,屋頂需要裝修一下. 好吃!大推海陸鍋!!. [read more]
頂菜園鄉土館真是不簡單,小時候的各式各樣老物及照片,收集的真是齊全,逛著逛著猶如置身小時候情境,想起那段時光無憂無慮的玩耍著; 門票50元,有消費可以抵30元,沒有消費可以享用一支冰棒; 只是,可能場地非常大,老舊物品(大小物件)非常之多,人力上的維護不足,損壞的程度也多,非常之可惜,但還是值得一逛啦⋯⋯. [read more]