親愛的顧客們⋯ 新銳咖啡竹南店於2020. 05. 15開始更改營業時間: 每周日~週四13:00~22:00 每週五~週六13:00~24:00 提前公告於粉絲專頁 期望舊雨新知們的蒞臨!!. [read more]
提供清華大學餐廳的相關情報 風雲樓餐廳、水木餐廳、胖達咖啡、Moment Cafe、小吃部、斯麥爾咖啡、水漾餐廳、果子咖啡、日安餐坊、二招中餐廳。. [read more]
基隆市中正區觀海街52號1樓. [read more]
棧之cafe is a cafe, located at 富源村富源路41號, Taitung City 954. [read more]
老派咖啡 is a cafe, located at 西嶼鄉二崁村20號, Penghu 881. They can be contacted via phone at +88688235278 for more detailed information. . [read more]
天乀咖啡館. 宜蘭梅花湖 is a cafe, located at 宜蘭縣冬山鄉大碑二路75巷26號, Lotung 269. They can be contacted via phone at 03-9615605 for more detailed information. . [read more]
貨櫃89咖啡位於新竹縣峨眉鄉台三線89公里邊,就在峨眉溪與石井溪交會處,我們精心設計打造一個環境舒適、優美、新潮、內裝有特色的貨櫃餐廳,平價又美味的餐飲。. [read more]
城市喧嘩 空氣躁動 想逃離時 啡行是唯一的計畫 - 義式咖啡、單品手沖、手作甜點 整模蛋糕預定、場地租借 城市裡放空的一隅角落提供 -. [read more]
老司G Tea&Coffee is a cafe, located at 宜蘭縣冬山鄉清溝村光明路344號, Tai 269. They can be contacted via phone at +886988197584 for more detailed information. . [read more]
BitterSweet 比特甜 is a cafe, located at 新竹市文昌街43巷2號, Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at 0910938797 for more detailed information. . [read more]
跟以往所認知的咖啡廳不同 咖啡及飲品結合粥類跟定食 給你與眾不同的新體驗 堅持理念 現點現做不添加香料 絕不使用調理包 把最好的呈現給大家。. [read more]
備有停車場位於裕成路158巷2弄57號前. [read more]
沃姆咖啡WarmCafé is a cafe, located at 彰化縣員林市靜修東路175號, Yuanlin 510. They can be contacted via phone at +88648335586 for more detailed information. . [read more]
多那之斗六棒球場旗艦店,9/27晚上7點試營運自製商品9折,9/28~10/9 歡慶開幕! 飲料麵包優惠中!. [read more]
「養蟹人家」為皇家優質大閘蟹場創立之品牌 遵循天然養殖工法,選用優質水源 歷年64項藥檢、戴奧辛檢測等食安檢驗均為"零檢出"無毒的大閘蟹!. [read more]
仙地咖啡/斗南 直營店 is a cafe, located at 延平路二段503號, Yünlin 630. [read more]
樂田園有機綠能小舖 is a cafe, located at 新竹縣北埔鄉南埔村1鄰1-8號, Zhudong. [read more]
店內提供自家烘焙咖啡 創意飲料 精緻點心 美味簡餐 羅東文化工場旁 西湖大樓正對面 從南門路寵物101轉進巷子到門口比較方便喔 門口提供機車位 汽車可以至文化工場旁的停車場停車唷. [read more]
專賣手沖單品咖啡、手工蛋糕、自烘單品咖啡豆。是喝咖啡、聊事啡的好地方。. [read more]
SINCE 2011 焗烤飯/麵 義大利麵/ 丼飯/火鍋/咖啡 專賣店 歡迎提早預約!. [read more]
攝香咖啡 is a cafe, located at 南投縣草屯鎮文化街68巷1號, Taichung 542. They can be contacted via phone at 049-2365941 for more detailed information. . [read more]
*板娘手作* 蛋糕 甜點 餅乾、香濃義式咖啡 義大利麵 咖哩飯 鬆餅 熱壓吐司 各式飲品 歡迎您前來 萊佐咖啡 品嚐. [read more]
精品咖啡、義式咖啡、手沖咖啡、syphon、蔬食熱壓吐司、蛋奶素. [read more]
賣的不只是一杯咖啡,更是珍貴的回憶與感動。. [read more]
漢克咖啡,秉持著以咖啡、技術服務業的領導者之精神,提供客戶健康咖啡及專業咖啡教學和開店輔導全方位的優質服務。 [新竹店]03-6567589 Line@:@hankcoffee. [read more]
20% Cafe is a cafe, located at 暖暖區源遠路260巷36弄21號2樓(東碇路與碇內街口,碇內車站正對面), Nuannuan 205. They can be contacted via phone at (02)24587638 for more detailed information. [read more]
33象魔髮咖啡,結合髮型設計. 甜點咖啡等時尚複合式經營,我們認真堅持的專業態度就是我們的品質保證,踏入33象魔髮咖啡是輕鬆愉悅的享受旅逞開始,歡迎預約. [read more]
我們是一家私房生活館, 服務項目包含 #貓屋空間規劃設計 #領養諮詢 #紫蘿蘭複合式餐飲 #寵物主題餐廳. #屏東友善寵物餐廳 #下午茶 #咖啡廳 #推廣TNR. [read more]
好貳Coffee Home Cuisine is a restaurant, located at 元化路155號, Zhongli District 32043. They can be contacted via phone at +88634223288 for more detailed information. [read more]
Coffe House oh yeah!. [read more]
咖啡 簡餐 輕食. [read more]
僅提供外帶 滿額外送. [read more]
Starbucks 星巴克 民雄門市 is a cafe, located at 民雄鄉建國路一段235號, Chiayi. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 226 8724 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Louisa Coffee 新竹站前店 is a cafe, located at 東區中正路2號1,2樓, Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at +88635286613 for more detailed information. . [read more]
坐下來好好享受一頓豐盛的早餐/早午餐、配一杯咖啡、搭一片手工餅乾或者是蛋糕,一天的美好 從貓廚子開始!. [read more]
夏卡瓦 is a cafe, located at 新竹市三民路105號1樓, Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at 03-5355815 for more detailed information. . [read more]