玉溪農會與全家超商合作成立全國最大全家超商門市有賣玉溪地區特產農產品. [read more]
佛教玉里慈濟醫院是玉里鎮三家醫院之一. [read more]
在地人才知道的秘密景點,和水母丁溪差不多同一地點,要繞自來水廠旁的單人小路走下去不要導航水母丁,會導到荒山野嶺沒有路可走,底盤低的會想哭. [read more]
新舊長虹橋都是要造訪的。舊長虹橋已封路了,可以悠閒的在上面漫步. [read more]
認真熱血辦學的好學校 部落的孩子都謙虛有禮 熱情大方. [read more]
Was having a cycling round trip in Taiwan, impressed by this great view. !. [read more]
Shi Men is a bus station, located at Fengbin Township, Hualien County 977. [read more]
好玩又好吃的偶而經過. [read more]
花東縱谷值得停留處. 冰品選擇多 冰淇淋好好吃 園區大 日式建築. 覺得冰好像越來越不好吃了?? 不過服務的感覺相當良好~ 周邊也越來越有觀光遊玩的規劃. [read more]
2013花蓮第ㄧ屆熱氣球嘉年華. [read more]
清澈的水,清幽的風景,適合散心。. [read more]
Tou Cheng Elementary School is a bus station, located at Toucheng Township, Yilan County 261. [read more]
高山空氣新鮮,景色美好,適合全家大小,登山運動. 觀星賞雲健行賞鳥,美麗的高山景觀。. 自行車友練騎的好地方,紫外線超強的. [read more]
Taisi Bus Dounan Station (Permanently Closed) is a bus station, located at Dounan Township, Yunlin County 630. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 597 2455 for more detailed information. [read more]
很方便的轉運站. 新的交通聚點!. 國道客運的最佳選擇. [read more]
Considered a very convenient transportation hub in the city for vehicle transfer, especially it attaches a bus transfer hub immediately behind. Nonetheless, the newly renovated front yard.. [read more]
花蓮客運 is a bus station, located at No. 222號, Datong Road, Yuli Township, Hualien County 981. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888 3645 for more detailed information. [read more]
Douliu Train Station is a bus station, located at Douliu City, Yunlin County 640. [read more]
豐榮客運停車廠 位於 環中路與黎明路交叉口. [read more]
Zhongli Bus Station is a bus station, located at 320, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, 建國路100號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 800 255 722 for more detailed information. [read more]
只要 60 分鐘就能到臺北轉運站 臺北↔宜蘭的票價: $128 也可以以悠遊卡支付. 應該是全台素質最高的司機群. 遇到的每個司機都很友善,車搭起來相較其他品牌客運舒適很多,是個值得推薦的好客運. [read more]
我這麼龜毛難搞的人都覺得服務態度一百分。可見得服務之好,真要形容的話就是讓我還會不好意思,一直回味。好到願意讓我主動第一次分享它的好給大家知道,為它說話。真的沒話說。. 統聯客運做起來滿舒服因為在車上可以睡覺的. 工作人員都非常客氣有耐心,即使連假前,小小的站內擠滿待買票或上車的旅客,在僅有的兩位或有時只有一位工作人員,都能指揮若定有條不紊,很棒的員工!. [read more]
如果你是乘坐6801從集集鎮過來,再從這裡轉車過去杉林溪的話 , 一定要做從集集鎮7:30開過來的車才趕得及乘坐8點45分開往杉林溪的車。 我這次是坐9:35從集集鎮開過來的車,就趕不上10:25開往杉林溪的車了。 另外,車站附近看不到有出租車。 如果你要去公車不到的地方,就要靠民宿給你安排車輛了。. [read more]
Solar Bus is a bus station, located at No. 168號, Section 1, Daxue Road, Minxiong Township, Chiayi County 621. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 272 0622 for more detailed information. [read more]
24小時的,半夜搭車的好選擇. [read more]
這個總站看起來真的寒酸,還是懷念以前在前站的歲月,真的是個“總站”,不過到了這裡; 家,就不遠了。. [read more]
Hong Ren Girls Middle School is a bus station, located at Taiwan. [read more]
老舊車站了,功能依舊。往來方便。. [read more]
斗六到台北的好夥伴. 雲林往返台北的老牌客運,服務與價格仍須提高競爭力. 台北到斗六比火車便宜更舒服. [read more]
接電話的工作人員很貼心仔細的協助問題,謝謝. 國道客運的最佳選擇. 外地工作回鄉的好朋友. [read more]