Sanmin Junior High School is a school, located at Yuli Township, Hualien County 981. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 884 1198 for more detailed information. [read more]
Zhongcheng Elementary School is a school, located at Yuli Township, Hualien County 981. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888 1178 for more detailed information. [read more]
民國前七年開始到現在是花蓮縣境內最早創校. 喜歡這個安靜的學校. 有柒先生的壁畫~. [read more]
運動的好地方 下雨容易積水. 運動場適合運動. [read more]
花蓮的一間偏鄉國小>w. [read more]
Taiping Elementary School is a school, located at Zhuoxi Township, Hualien County 982. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 884 1359 for more detailed information. [read more]
我的家就在附近. [read more]
台灣最速男楊俊瀚的母校,恭喜!賀喜! 楊俊瀚24日在台北世大運田徑男子100公尺決賽,以10秒22跑出台灣世大運史上首面男子百公尺金牌。 (圖:麗台運動). [read more]
在校園內有瞭望台 可以展望玉山山頭. [read more]
我是四上的學生可是我四下以經轉學了但是高寮國小是一個很好得學校我是潘佩姍. 我是吳明歷的同學我也住在高寮. [read more]
舊國小的照片還是先放這好了. 很漂亮,對面是橋頭臭豆腐. [read more]
國立高中,很大. [read more]
2015春節開放紮營 ,50元/人(有收據),可停車 ,先到先選位置 ,可用電 ,有飲水機 ,廁所(無法洗澡),22:00後關門,位在市區內 ,吃東西很方便 ,不可攜帶寵物 。下雨時 ,排水聲音大 ,近鐵路 !. 花蓮南區玉里國中是最好的學府. [read more]
中华邮政股份有限公司长滨邮局 is a post office, located at 962, Taitung County, Changbin Township, 長濱鄉中興路16號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 983 1011 for more detailed information. [read more]
中华邮政股份有限公司卓溪邮局 is a post office, located at 982, Hualien County, Zhuoxi Township, 卓溪鄉卓溪村中正73號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888 3074 for more detailed information. [read more]
Xinyi Hanshe Post Office Nantou Branch 16 is a post office, located at 556, Nantou County, Xinyi Township, 同和巷72之7號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9270 1172 for more detailed information. [read more]
富里邮局 is a post office, located at No. 169, Zhongshan Road, Fuli Township, Hualien County 983. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 883 1053 for more detailed information. [read more]
Changbin Post Office Taitung Branch 22 is a post office, located at 962, Taitung County, Changbin Township, 中興路16號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 983 1011 for more detailed information. [read more]
玉里新興郵局是位於台北榮民總醫院玉里分院院區內的全功能小郵局只有一位主管人員辦理郵務業務儲匯業務和壽險業務等功能. [read more]
Yuli Taichang Post Office Hualien Branch 32 is a post office, located at No. 139號, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Yuli Township, Hualien County 981. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888.. [read more]
唯一的郵便車 停車場!!. 員工多 等待時間縮短. 玉里鎮上最大間的一間郵局. [read more]
卓溪鄉唯一的郵局辦理儲匯郵寄業務. [read more]
Fuli Dongli Post Office Hualien Branch 37 is a post office, located at No. 9號, Daohua Road, Fuli Township, Hualien County 983. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 886 1601 for more.. [read more]
南投県警察局信義分局東埔派出所 is a police, located at 556, Nantou County, Xinyi Township, 開高巷56號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9270 1321 for more detailed information. [read more]
內政部警政署保安警察第七總隊第六大隊 is a police, located at 982, Hualien County, Zhuoxi Township, 卓溪鄉卓清村南安100號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888 0900 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hualien County Police Bureau (Permanently Closed) is a police, located at 981, Hualien County, Yuli Township, 長良143號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 880 1050 for more detailed information. [read more]
Railway Police Bureau is a police, located at No. 39號, Kangle Street, Yuli Township, Hualien County 981. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888 5071 for more detailed information. [read more]
玉山國家公園入山證申請投入站. 單攻時,夜間投遞箱所在處,門口有飲水機免費使用!. 這裡風景優美 警察先生親切 借厠所或補充開水都沒問題 登玉山要在此驗證 健行楠溪林道至玉山登山口直接經過不會盤查 沒酒駕問題 一片祥和 天下太平。. [read more]
妞乃糖时尚宠物美容 is a store, located at No. 32, Section 1, Zhongshan Road, Yuli Township, Hualien County 981. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 888 7890 for more detailed information. [read more]
剛好遇上楓紅,真美. 休息站,春節賞櫻的好場所。. 冬天來這裡有很漂亮的櫻花可以觀賞 是新中橫 路途中可以暫停的好地方. [read more]
令人感到舒服的戶外空間,不會太過商業化。. 原本的糖廠,現在的有機稻田,深度旅遊的好地點!每年十月的山谷音樂會及農田市集,不能錯過的體驗!. [read more]
有廁所就要記得上. . . . 不然就有走很久. 接近西峰觀景台. [read more]
這裡不是三仙台小月光民宿,小月光民宿是115~2號,在石傘產業道路上,拜託拜託改一下好嗎?拜託拜託了別再錯了,我們很累的,求求你把這刪掉這裡是公廁。. 在11號省道上,除了超商和加油站外,幾乎找不到公廁,這是路邊少數有水有廁的地方,再加上有紀念石碑和無敵海景可以看,很適合當作是中途的休息點。. 下班砍海發呆想愛人的點之一,好適合躺著吹海風,看流星,看晚霞的美麗千變萬化~. [read more]
珍貴稀有植物的保護區,是了解鹽沼區生態的好教材。. [read more]
免費 夜晚氣溫涼爽. 免費停車場,空間夠大. [read more]
木棧道目前無法行走,戲水區泡個腳炎熱夏天非常清涼,從停車場處可以遠看上方的瀑布,這個點不大,有些失望,停車場旁的臭豆腐不錯吃. 人不多時很清靜,風景不錯. 天然形成的瀑布,很漂亮,可以玩水,水裡還有很多魚,漂亮的環境,如果步道修好可以看到瀑布就更棒了!. [read more]