信一工作所 is a car repair, located at No. 247, Xinsheng Rd, Chishang Township, Taitung County 958. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 2309 for more detailed information. [read more]
建升轮机保养场 is a car repair, located at No. 12號, Gangbian Road, Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 1779 for more detailed information. [read more]
信一机械修理厂 is a car repair, located at No. 40號, Qingfu Road, Chishang Township, Taitung County 958. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 2309 for more detailed information. [read more]
协信汽车喷漆 is a car repair, located at No. 117之5號, Qilin Road, Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 0265 for more detailed information. [read more]
興輝汽車保養廠 is a car repair, located at 961, Taitung County, Chenggong Township, Gongmin Road, 10號台灣. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 5009 for more detailed information. [read more]
进旺汽车企业社 is a car repair, located at No. 1之1號, Datong Road, Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 3141 for more detailed information. [read more]
見成汽車商行 (Permanently Closed) is a car repair, located at 958, Taitung County, Chishang Township, 105號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 2596 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務好 店長親切. 服務很認真,很仔細的檢查,是值得推的好店家. [read more]
車在三仙台拋錨,老闆幫忙拖吊/換啟動馬達。專業,誠懇。. [read more]
好地方,乾淨,設備不錯,就場地小了點、場址遠了點…. 風景優美的露營區!但沒熱水可洗!. [read more]
只有預約才ㄔ的到的美食,陳大哥夫婦兩堅持保留食物原味,期許客人別遲到,最好留半天的時間和朋友好好ㄔ飯、好好聚ㄧ聚. 有賣好吃的窯烤吐司 麵包 土雞~. [read more]
兩位姊姊都很照顧我們. [read more]
小雄72號露營區環境很好,露營區浴室很大很乾淨,而且蓮蓬頭的水量超強,洗澡超舒服,根本是五星級衛浴設備。草皮膨膨軟軟的很舒服,在上面玩耍再適合不過了。營區旁的田園風光加上微風徐徐吹來,能待在這真是件很享受的事。沿著田園旁的單車步道隨行的騎,在沒做功課的情況下竟然騎到了伯朗大道,真是太驚喜了,沒想到大家來台東必來朝聖的景點就在一旁。營區對面是有名的大池豆包店,住在這太幸福了吧!連吃兩天的豆包還有豆花,太美味了! 離開前營區主人還親切熱情的跟我們閒聊,介紹了她種植的植物,很多都是平常沒見過的藥用植物,沒想到在這竟然是家中必備良藥! 很喜歡這裡的人情味和悠閒自在的氛圍。. [read more]
在家靠父母,出外靠營主 揪甘心ㄟ營地!. 很乾淨,很優美的營地,老闆還自行印製地圖 在營區周遭吃食,也都相當方便. 台東成功小鎮的露營區 有山有海的好地方 水管屋更是一大特色 四個大人睡都不是問題. [read more]
新舊長虹橋都是要造訪的。舊長虹橋已封路了,可以悠閒的在上面漫步. [read more]
認真熱血辦學的好學校 部落的孩子都謙虛有禮 熱情大方. [read more]
Was having a cycling round trip in Taiwan, impressed by this great view. !. [read more]
床好睡,而且貼心的提供鏡子讓背包客使用 住宿還可享受一樓用餐優惠價 房客也有單車租借服務 (是捷安特的很好騎哦!) 付款後可以使用到退房離開民宿前 米貝果真的很特別又好吃 老闆有用心,胃不好的我吃完都沒不適. 地點很好,但外觀不太好辨識是民宿點,以價位來說略高因為隔音真的不是太好而且是共用浴室。但床鋪乾淨舒服,還是值得一住。. [read more]
經過時看見門關起,掛著一塊外出牌 後才知道原來是到隔壁借冊所聊天去了~ 後來又在隔壁的打鐵店看見老闆來幫打鐵店領養的貓兒剪指甲 很溫暖很有愛 真實生活著. 手沖咖啡、波士頓派好吃! 兩位老闆風趣健談,乳牛貓牛軋糖熱情如火,窩在外套裡就睡著了,美短也超親人,值得大家來 👍. You gotta love this place, the people here and the cats. [read more]
Nice quiet coffee shop on main street close to railway station. Nice pastries. Comfortable seating. . 桑葉茶香濃不苦,甜點(米蛋糕,布丁)好吃健康,也有自家的特產品可以購買. Servers are all you d and friendly. [read more]
除了中山路上鋤禾日好樓下的店以外,還有個新址在池上火車站出來馬上往右就會看到了(還不用走到中山路),是間老屋改建的一層樓平房。咖啡,米貝果,果醬都很推薦~. 米貝果蓬鬆很好吃 店內設計很文青風格 住宿可以抵用餐點消費金額. 手沖咖啡配上原味培果,在輕柔的背景音樂下輕鬆閱讀,感覺那刻就是選了最好的時間享受最好的經驗。. [read more]
服務態度佳,停車方便,有種回家的感覺. 親切的在地種稻人家,純樸自然的感覺真的很棒喔. 服務態度佳,停車方便,有種回家的感覺. [read more]
Popular is a book store, located at No. 109號, Zhongshan Road, Chishang Township, Taitung County 958. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 2250 for more detailed information. [read more]
池上民宿郷居 is a bicycle store, located at 958, Taitung County, Chishang Township, 忠孝路225號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 986 1117 for more detailed information. [read more]
媚紋繍工作室 is a beauty salon, located at Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961. They can be contacted via phone at +886 921 203 403 for more detailed information. [read more]
媚美髮沙龍 is a hair care, located at No. 136, Zhonghua Road, Chenggong Township, Taitung County 96142. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 0177 for more detailed information. [read more]
80年老店果然不一樣 當天製作四種口味封仔餅 每個都想吃,全都買了 真的好吃又不甜啊! 店裡也有製作喜餅 和老闆聊天才知道,架上的板模都很有歷史了 有需要時還會拆下使用哦! 不只是裝飾品而已. 本人不愛吃傳統糕餅,因旅行順路買的封仔餅卻讓我驚豔!白豆沙封仔餅,不油不膩,簡簡單單,好吃!下次會專程購買!. [read more]
味芳西点面包中心 is a bakery, located at No. 133, Zhonghua Road, Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 1838 for more detailed information. [read more]
金探戈卡拉OK is an electronics store, located at 961, Taitung County, Chenggong Township, Minsheng Road, 55號2樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 985 0895 for more detailed information. [read more]
中秋節時期一定要來吃蛋黃酥及封仔餅。. 沒吃過這麼好吃的草仔粿,蘿蔔乾切的細炒得香,真後悔沒多買幾個。. 傳統手工製造 用台東好山好水種植出的好米所做的麻糬超好吃 各式糕餅也很有古早味. [read more]
28年後再來到這個花蓮南部的第一大鎮,週邊觀光景點不少,下自強號(太魯閣號)五個人包了一台wish 計程車,前往六十石山賞金針花海。 車站有整修過,但是站外的建物本身顏色過於沉悶,應該彩繪金針花海、客城橋、193縣道的田園景緻,表現獨有特色。. 公共空間寬敞,廁所潔淨,服務人員熱情,惟建物尚需美化外觀以符合樸素簡約之美. [read more]
An extremely breathtaking place. The visitor center is the last stop before heading up to the yushan summit. It's close to 3000 metres so minor altitude sickness may kick in. [read more]
風景優美,餐也很棒❤️茶葉煎蛋很特別超好吃👍還有丁香山蘇❤️❤️出菜速度很快👍. 出菜的速度很快,不會讓客人久等,而且菜餚的味道也很不錯,在整條台21線上面是唯一一間可以當作中途休息補給站的地方。也可以在餐廳裡遠眺山景。店裡也有賣一些山產和茶葉產品,品質也都很不錯。. Friendly staff. [read more]
茶讚,人好,風景好. 有好茶喝~有新鮮芬多精~. [read more]
Long lost childhood food in Hong Kong. This store is said to be have the best stingy bean curd in Hualian downtown, which we fully agree. If you are a fan of stingy bean curd, don't hesitate to.. [read more]
沙里仙茶园(沙里仙茶行) is a store, located at 556, Nantou County, Xinyi Township, 556南投縣信義鄉沙里仙林道. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9270 1355 for more detailed information. [read more]