辦會員買東西超便宜划算. 店員非常貼心詢問,也提供了很多選擇,很周到。 也會介紹飼料,還將每種飼料都弄一些出來,讓客人可以看。. 店長及店員很親切,又很專業,貨物品項非常多,最重要是價格比他店便宜的多。他們的第二店在嘉義市吳鳳路即將開幕,聽店長說現在正積極訓練第二店的工作人員。. [read more]
提供養海水魚飼育家買魚,選軟體. . . . 等等 的好地方. [read more]
老闆很nice,這裡有流浪狗可以收養。. [read more]
鄉丼算是嘉義地區比較有規模的水族館,販售的魚種水草主要是比較平價常見的,器材方面相當齊全,常用的幾乎都找得到。店員相當專業,服務也很親切。. Many kinds of products and they are very favorable. . 相較於其他水族用品店乾淨明亮許多 商品多元,水族兩爬都有 店員親切專業 推. [read more]
摩登歡唱 is a night club, located at No. 13號, Section 1, Xibin Road, Mailiao Township, Yunlin County 638. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 693 7539 for more detailed information. [read more]
裝潢漂亮. 夠氣派 小姐很優. [read more]
服務好,小姐優! 價錢公道!. [read more]
台西鄉南公館公墓 is a night club, located at No. 389號, Zhongxiao Road, Taixi Township, Yunlin County 636. [read more]
小吃部 is a night club, located at No. 5, Section 1, Daxue Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County 640. [read more]
V-MAX KTV entertainment Wei Mansi is a night club, located at No. 145, Zhongshan Road, Douliu City, Yunlin County 640. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 536 2666 for more detailed information. [read more]
最喜歡逛對面的夜市了. 人超好 對人有善樂於助人 是大家眼中優秀的好同學人人都喜愛. [read more]
很陽春,還不錯。服務人員都很親切。. 全家歡唱好去處. 不錯休閒的去處. [read more]
破廟 is a night club, located at 646, 雲林縣古坑鄉荷苞村. They can be contacted via phone at +886 970 981 111 for more detailed information. . [read more]
蘋果戀 is a night club, located at No. 75號, Xinyi Road, Huwei Township, Yunlin County 632. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 636 5352 for more detailed information. [read more]
從沒制服一直到優秀服務. [read more]
舒解身心,盡情快樂唱歌. 二十年以上老店,可以唱歌喝酒,服務人員親切溫馨. 在地營業超過25年的“老爹Pub”是個溫馨小Bar,雖沒有華麗的裝潢,卻有最親切的服務人員。輕鬆的氣氛是舒壓及小酌的好地方。. [read more]
888KTV is a night club, located at No. 88, Section 2, Linsen Road, 土庫鎮 Yunlin County 632. They can be contacted via phone at +886 928 754 668 for more detailed information. [read more]
是一個適合一家大小的娛樂場所. [read more]
山東歌坊 is a night club, located at Zhonghe Road, Kouhu Township, Yunlin County 653. [read more]
歡唱100 is a night club, located at No. 6-31, Section 3, Yanping Road, Dapi Township, Yunlin County 631. They can be contacted via phone at +886 935 837 138 for more detailed information. [read more]
天氣好時可以欣賞嘉南平原風景喔!. 春秋兩季踏青野餐好地方,老人家膝蓋不好比較不適合因為坡度多爬上爬下的. 空氣好,又能流汗運動. [read more]
小夜曲卡拉OK is a night club, located at No. 2之1號, Beimen Street, Dapi Township, Yunlin County 631. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 591 0473 for more detailed information. [read more]
雲林縣 大埤 玉合堂 is a night club, located at No. 12號, Minsheng Road, Dapi Township, Yunlin County 631. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 591 5760 for more detailed information. [read more]
一畝田菜園 is a night club, located at 652, Yunlin County, Shuilin Township, 652. [read more]
雙子座KTV is a night club, located at 652, Yunlin County, Shuilin Township, 水 林 鄉土 厝 村 下 寮 路 1-6 號. [read more]
玖壹壹音樂世界ktv is a night club, located at No. 162號, Wenren Road, Beigang Township, Yunlin County 651. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 783 3911 for more detailed information. [read more]
北港的錢櫃缺點新歌太少. [read more]
民雄香艷歌友會 is a night club, located at 621, Chiayi County, Minxiong Township, 號. [read more]
上美 is a night club, located at 621, Chiayi County, Minxiong Township, Section 2, Daxue Road, 2157-1號號. [read more]
東湖村 天上聖母收驚 is a night club, located at 621, Chiayi County, Minxiong Township, Unnamed Road Minxiong Jiayi. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 226 2723 for more detailed information. [read more]
平價休閒唱歌的好地方. [read more]
水底寮 is a night club, located at 607, Chiayi County, Dapu Township, 嘉義縣大埔鄉. [read more]
唱歌的地方… 整齊清潔. 唱歌 … 放鬆的地方. [read more]
歌林頓國際視聽歌唱有限公司 is a night club, located at No. 383號, Section 2, Daya Road, East District, Chiayi City 600. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 277 9271 for more detailed information. [read more]
新歡喜心歌友會 is a night club, located at 600, Chiayi City, West District, 國華街301巷2號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 222 9259 for more detailed information. [read more]
來來歌友會 is a night club, located at 號, No. 2-9山通路朴子市嘉義縣 Taiwan 613. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 366 0726 for more detailed information. . [read more]