本店腸粉選用再萊米,當天現磨製成米漿,絕不隔夜使用,石磨研磨的米漿才能滑順、細膩,做出來的腸粉才會滑嫩爽口。 本店採用SGS檢驗合格之白蝦仁,絕不用泡發蝦仁,敬請安心食用!. [read more]
結合舊倉庫的歲月記憶而走出新時代的藝術潮流。促使藝術的種子發芽,深植於各地,建構出新的藝文空間。「新竹市鐵道藝術村」位於 東大路橋鐵道旁之台鐵新竹站的3—5號倉庫,為磚造、木架屋、文化瓦屋面之建築,是興建於民國三十年之老倉庫,隨著運輸與倉儲業務 大量減縮,在達成階段性任務後任其閒置。倉庫興建迄今已逾一甲子,然而處於其中似乎就可以感受到那歷史的洪流,朝自己飛奔而來, 曾經重要的轉運地位轉眼沒落,洗盡鉛華的寂寞,而今將以藝術空間為新的定位,再度成為世人新寵。 鐵道藝術村的3—5號倉庫寬敞而連續,空間淨高4. [read more]
精密塑膠射出成形 一般塑膠&工程塑膠 協助開發&量產 TEL : (049)2381833 FAX : (049)2380938 統編 : 90954436. [read more]
伴手禮的高境界。 食材嚴選,巧匠手工。. [read more]
職人鮮握壽司/京都便當/現流生魚/手作丼飯專門店。. [read more]
Professional vibratory bowl feeders / linear feeders designer and manufacturer. 專業震動送料機 ( 圓盤 / 平送 ) 設計製造商. [read more]
優活郡 is a real estate agency, located at 莊敬路466號, Taoyüan 32847. They can be contacted via phone at 03-4160077 for more detailed information. . [read more]
希望大家都能看到我的粉絲頁. [read more]
Dung. [read more]
感謝各位蒞臨! 雞肉衛生 海鮮新鮮 牛肉安全. [read more]
手作 X 空間 X 文創 歡迎有各式專業技術、手作專長的朋友, 透過我們的空間來開授課程哦! 歡迎私訊我們洽詢:). [read more]
秉持對手工皂的熱情,以自己家人日常使用為出發點,提供最樸實無華的產品,希望讓客戶買得開心、用得安心。. [read more]
D. S. 造型沙龍 is a hair care, located at 桃園縣蘆竹鄉奉化路232號1樓, Taipei 338. They can be contacted via phone at 03-311-0313 for more detailed information. . [read more]
烏龍派出所奉化總店 is a restaurant, located at 蘆竹區奉化路183-2號1樓, Taoyüan. They can be contacted via phone at 033221329 for more detailed information. . [read more]
品味鵝肉海鮮 is a restaurant, located at 新竹市中華路六段209號, Hsinchu 300. They can be contacted via phone at 035372074 for more detailed information. . [read more]
營業時間:凌晨03點到中午12點 專營各種當季高品質進口水果,台灣本地生產盛產各種水果,歡迎選購,可在市場對面麥當勞取貨,服務專線:0916279666廖小姐. [read more]
嘉義天主教聖山 is a cemetery, located at Minhsiung 621. They can be contacted via phone at (05)276-6371 for more detailed information. . [read more]
基隆車站南站keelung Station -s is a train station, located at Taipei. [read more]
Twins hair solon銘傳店髮型設計師在此為大家服務噢. [read more]
晨光蔬食早餐店 is a restaurant, located at Tatung. [read more]
五房319雜貨店 is a store, located at 屏東縣新園鄉五房村五房路319號, Kaohsiung. [read more]
台東香串串烤肉用品行, located at 杭州街215號, Taitung City 950. They can be contacted via phone at +88689335856 for more detailed information. . [read more]
為了幫助客人改善膚質,我們新進六合一儀器和法國保養品,讓顧客發現驚喜. [read more]
台灣最天然的茶,秉持著堅持、專業、用心,要做就要做最好的茶。. [read more]
桃園縣蘆竹鄉戶政事務所, located at 桃園縣蘆竹鄉長安路二段236號4樓, Taoyüan 338. They can be contacted via phone at 03 322 6227 for more detailed information. . [read more]
五酒桶山, located at Taoyüan 338. [read more]
扁食專賣店. [read more]
茶甸1319, located at 新竹縣竹北市新溪街18號, Zhubei 302. They can be contacted via phone at +886966558855 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Yeoncharm 印章.手刻章🥀 不定期在Instagram上有抽獎噢~. [read more]
韓式料理. [read more]
我們實體店面位於新竹北埔 歡迎喜歡喝茶的朋友 來店品茶. [read more]
大衛帳幕教會, located at 桃園縣中壢市環中東路561號3樓, Taoyüan 320. They can be contacted via phone at 03-4343806 for more detailed information. . [read more]
看海、聽海、咖啡、甜點。 一個屬於自己的時光跟靈魂的養分 療癒完了,有力氣可以再出發了。. [read more]
靠近太魯閣的優質民宿. [read more]
為自己安排與大自然的約會吧!. [read more]
歡迎您參加花蓮2B天空之鏡沙灘車活動,本場已為大家購買場地保險,提供活動護具。活動將由本場兩位老板老羊及明哥親自帶隊。為確保活動可以順利進行,請務提前預約,預約電話:0966568369. [read more]