中心地から少し遠いですが、安いです☺. [read more]
喜歡日系童裝媽媽的最愛,老闆娘又很客氣,店迷你了點,但東西都很特別,超推薦!. [read more]
文蓮國際殯儀公司 is a cemetery, located at No. 15, Alley 29, Lane 135, Section 2, Minquan East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2505.. [read more]
金寶成/土葬服務/安葬服務/塔位/墓園 is a cemetery, located at No. 76, Section 3, Jianguo North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
竹馬華屋紙藝工作室. [read more]
大華骨灰罈工廠 is a cemetery, located at 23671, New Taipei City, Tucheng District, 中央路三段85號之2. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2267 5050 for more detailed information. [read more]
永憶國際(有) is a funeral home, located at No. 1, Section 2, Dunhua South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2700 8682 for more detailed information. [read more]
中大獎彩券行 is a store, located at No. 78, Lane 1, Section 3, Heping East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2707 7928 for more detailed information. [read more]
感謝瑞泰當舖的資金幫忙. . . 讓我渡過這個月的資金缺口. . 當舖利息又低. 半個月後還款老板還稱讚我是優質客戶 以後我就是VIP了. . 來就借免照會手續. . 五分鐘取款. . 特別感謝這家店 特別推薦大同區瑞泰當舖 老闆是佛心來的. . . 給他一個👍. 親切服務,真的是滿意再借…給你們個讚. [read more]
專注、認真,洗得很乾淨的地方. [read more]
祥发汽车水箱行 is a car repair, located at No. 369號, Section 1, Huanhe North Road, Datong District, Taipei City 103. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2553 9540 for more detailed information. [read more]
豪将企业社 is a car wash, located at No. 167號, Section 1, Yuanshan Road, Yuanshan Township, Yilan County 264. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 922 2150 for more detailed information. [read more]
奇桀汽車美容 is a store, located at No. 578, Zhongzheng North Road, Sanchong District, New Taipei City 241. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2982 3277 for more detailed information. [read more]
專為成功人士打造的Coat DCC 還有車身保護貼XPEL. [read more]
米其林輪胎-台北港輪胎有限公司 (Permanently Closed) is a car repair, located at Shanggang Road, Bali District, New Taipei City 249. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2619 2988 for more detailed information. [read more]
在騎士廣場下單後都固定來此取貨. 服務佳. . 車種及配備零件多 服務良好. [read more]
老闆動作快 手路好 感覺非常專業!. 老闆技術純熟老練,施工手法俐落,不會一直跟你推銷商品,建議先自行做好功課後跟老闆預約時間,到店安裝才會快,不會浪費額外的等待時間. [read more]
有人情味!不管大小工都很細心. [read more]
師傅細心,產品也不錯,也會聽取客人意見. 師傅很用心很仔細,讚!!. 大家都很親切且工作快速. [read more]
宏阳汽车大楼隔热纸 is a car repair, located at No. 128號, Jingping Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2945 9541 for more detailed information. [read more]
專業快速的服務!!!!~. [read more]
老闆會依照你的需求,推薦適合產品,不會一味推銷售價較高的產品。 拿舊的安全帽去換,可以折價100. 老闆非常實在,推薦的東西也很實用,不會因為要賺錢就亂推薦你不需要的,大推大推. 老闆很親切 安全帽選擇性比較低. [read more]
不知道為什麼地址寫的是三重,可能是舊址。實際上在羅斯福路上,離台北公館不遠。提供噴砂烤漆,價錢親民。年輕師傅話不多,做事很乾脆俐落。請他處理排氣管噴砂/上耐熱漆,電話中說要等一天(留車)。到現場之後,因為沒有別的客人,師傅當場拆管,噴砂,洗淨,噴乾,上漆,安裝,直接讓我騎走,二話不說(是我驚覺快完成時問他:不用留車喔?他說:對啊)。太讚!在台北市區能找到這樣的服務真是幸運。. [read more]
進口電池,價格合理,保固一年。. [read more]
專業進口汽車零組件商,價格優會,品質優良~. [read more]
小型換胎行 / 技術熟 / 顧客多故量大價格便宜 / 可去. 服務親切,師父專業動作又很快~補胎完成還不忘幫忙四個胎壓一併檢查. 推薦,台北換胎的好店家,比其他的便宜。服務好,調胎免費,生意超好,隨時都是客人滿滿。. [read more]
超專業,該做的不會省!對車龜毛的人必來!. 換輪胎就是要STI. 不管是東西還是老闆還是服務~ 太Nice了!!!. [read more]
服務親切,似乎員工有大更新. 店大車又多也有改裝品. 保養不囉嗦,沒一直搏感情唸來唸去的. [read more]
店員主動招呼,耐心聽取顧客需求,提供工具讓顧客DIY的同時還會來關心狀況,非常推薦來這裡選購需要的機車部品!. 店員服務熱心,不懂機車保養都可以跟他們尋問,門口可自行DIY,值得推薦各位😄. 機車零件、耗材、還可以問問怎麼處理,也有工具提供,尤其換機車便宜又方便。. [read more]
服務人員很多位,沒帶現金可刷卡不用手績費. 技師保養細心…. 服務細心,待客真誠. [read more]
結束營業了!不用去了. 有停車場,也可以更換輪胎。. Professional car maintenance and repair service. [read more]
交通便利,生活機能完整,是良好的工作場域. [read more]
羽襄貿易/汽車材料引擎大修包 is a car repair, located at 220, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, 漢生東路23巷63號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2255 0122 for more detailed information. [read more]
價格實在 客製服務! 服務好 推薦 ~. [read more]
納智捷汽車精品配件銷 is a car repair, located at No. 271, Section 1, Ganyuan St, Shulin District, New Taipei City 238. They can be contacted via phone at +886 988 030 086 for more detailed information. [read more]
台湾東芝照明股彬有限公司 is a car repair, located at 10351, Taipei City, Datong District, 承德路1段17號19樓之1. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2555 1700 for more detailed information. [read more]