汽車精品百貨 is a store, located at 號, No. 525-2新樹路新莊區新北市 Taiwan 242. [read more]
家具供應齊全,沙發和床墊更是專業解說詳細,相較想要的產品質感,價位上合理。有別於傳統傢俱店開高價給你砍對折賣,非常舒服的購物經驗。老闆說隔壁有養豬場,難怪偶爾會聞到肥料的味道。. 老闆超熱情,會主動詳細解說他們的產品,連內部如何製做都敢拿剖面給你看。 用料和價格都非常實在。. 服務態度佳,優良店家,品質好,大推!. [read more]
老闆熱心親切,介紹的車非常符合我的需求!. 今天看了Toyota Altis 車保養的很好,老闆也很熱情請喝茶介紹仔細很符合我的需求. 老闆親切又體貼價格合理. [read more]
昀妈小铺 is a store, located at 116, Taipei City, Wenshan District, 辛亥路四段77巷52號B1 A. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2933 0343 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tiền xài không hết ghé đây. . 免稅店 終於開放網路訂購了 讚!. 事先在市區買好以後,如果想要出國就拿來使用,就可以在這裏取貨. [read more]
Underground market. Always had what I was looking for. Can satisfy most household needs as well. Somewhat hard to find your way to the grocery section if you haven't been before. [read more]
太和工房 is a home goods store, located at 號 1 樓, No. 188舊宗路一段內湖區台北市 Taiwan 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2792 0787 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nice department store. Great design. It has a wide selection of restaurants and sports shop. You can also visit the supermarket, it's at the food court. [read more]
店員親切,介紹仔細. There's a café salon in the shop, and ongoing meet up events, amazing cozy place. . [read more]
Amazingly, this shop has a few items which would normally only be available in the US market (such as the Tom Brady sleepwear for men and women). Been to a few shops in the region but this appears.. [read more]
宏均國際 尚宇名刀 is a clothing store, located at 巷 63 號 1 樓, No. 87, Section 3, Xinsheng North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
價格便宜,服務也很好. 服務熱誠不馬虎. [read more]
Well organize, each floor has different type of gudget. like 3rd floor is about computer and notebook. 4th floor is about listening ,head phone etc. 6th floor have models and games. [read more]
玉迎国际行销股份有限公司 is a department store, located at No. 16, Lane 179, Zhulin Road, Yonghe District, New Taipei City 234. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8925 2880 for more detailed information. [read more]
東西不便宜,但品質高. [read more]
去買過幾次 覺得東西很多 包款很新 最重要的是價錢超實在! 有需要的可以去逛逛喔!!. [read more]
WHY AND 1/2 童裝 環球中和店 is a shopping mall, located at No. 122, Section 3, Zhongshan Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2223 0261.. [read more]
精緻典雅的家飾擺件、裝飾藝術品及特色傢具. 產品豐富多元化,經營團隊專業,價錢合理服務親切. [read more]
Best baby shop in Taipei!. 居然在這裡看到Bugaboo. 嬰幼兒物品齊全. [read more]
老闆真的很專業幫車主省錢der, 不會浪費你的錢要你修東或修西, 專業的讚,super. [read more]
WonGo 網購 - 人氣第一的網路購物站! is a shopping mall, located at No. 247, Chongqing Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2954 2682 for more detailed information. [read more]
顥揚科技実業 is a shopping mall, located at 235, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Jianba Road, 2號6樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8226 9518 for more detailed information. [read more]
WHY AND 1/2 童装 台北三越站前店 is a shopping mall, located at No. 66, Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2.. [read more]
人家賣的是 售後服務 我電腦全配都買他們的 搬過去 重灌 維修 檢測等等只要不換東西 就不會收取任何費用 只買一個東西 誰要算你便宜?. 買越多越便宜喔!. [read more]
記憶卡批発王中和市建一路7号8楼総公司旗艦店 is a shopping mall, located at 23558, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, 建一路7號8樓 中和建一路和中山路2段路口... [read more]
露營用品專賣店,並有販售日本Snowpeak的代理貨,是個敗家的好所在,店員都很親切,有什麼不懂的就大方地詢問吧。. 一樓展示商品種類眾多,二樓是Snow peak旗艦展示廳,服務熱忱與專業的工作人員是這裡的最大特色。. 東西頗不錯 但露營用品是不歸路 實際用得到的是珍品 用不到的是奢侈品. [read more]
WHY AND 1/2 新荘店 is a shopping mall, located at 1樓, No. 597號, Xingfu Road, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 242. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8993 7799 for more detailed information. [read more]
D. D MORRIS法國服飾 is a clothing store, located at No. 11, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2777 1618 for more.. [read more]
用了25年的品牌 從敦化南路二段⋯擴充、搬家⋯目前NUSKIN在台北的地標 在這可以了解美商如新公司文化、產品、制度,欣賞如新人呈現的風景 還可以為伊甸基金會盡一分心力,喝杯飲料吃個點心,眺望101、俯視信義區. . . 為目標人生做計畫. 還有提供輕便雨衣、吹風機,和女性朋友的清潔用品,超級貼心!. [read more]
SONYERICSSON is a shopping mall, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, 45號8樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2776 0568 for more detailed information. [read more]
Miramar is worth the visit! You can find diverse stores here, we looked for a gear s3 all over Taipei for about 2 months until we finally found it at Samsung store in Miramar! They also have a.. [read more]
2017年9月17日晚上經過買了一雙涼鞋,很便宜,可惜即將在本月底結束營業了. [read more]
此區同店名最大規模的鞋店,要找鞋要服務來著裡就對了!免得去錯店缺東缺西而受氣,服務又相當差! 記得在五樓。. 非常多的促銷活動~ 店家服務非常棒~. สำหรับคนไทยมาซื้อรองเท้า ต้องที่นี่แหละ มีให้เลือกเยอะ ทุกยี่ห้อ แต่เดี๋ยวนี้ไม่มี onitsuka แล้ว. [read more]
鞋子好穿,服務不錯!. [read more]
in the playground KIDS 新光三越-A8 is a shoe store, located at 110, Taipei City, Xinyi District, 松高路12號5樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2725 1977 for more detailed information. [read more]
JOMOS SHOES. TW is a shoe store, located at No. 18, Lane 90, Dexing East Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 111. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2837 6565 for more detailed information. [read more]