適合全家半日遊!. 渾然天成的山壑中,呼吸新鮮空氣,分享主人用心的收藏。 鄰近附近好幾個景點與美食,夜間獨享降臨星空。. 環境清幽,空氣好!. [read more]
super nice hosts, educated yet naive, feeling like long lost friends. just 45 minutes drive from downtown. highly recommend for a live experience of rural tea farmer's life. [read more]
老闆娘人很好,店內素食選項超多種. 老闆娘很親切,早餐好吃,豐富變化多. 平價又好吃的早餐. [read more]
Cozy, and entertaining to eat with iguanas and other reptiles or amphibians to accompany you 很舒適,有鬣蜥、爬蟲類與兩棲類陪伴吃飯很有趣. 餐點好吃 環境舒服 店員親和力佳的爬蟲類主題餐廳,值得一再來訪!. [read more]
Let me be honest, I have no idea what to expect because I just saw food and walked right in. So they have two kinds of fishballs but I got the regular? (the ones that everyone gets) plus a meat.. [read more]
非常好吃!!和女朋友各點了一份意大利麵,另外點了一份鬆餅當甜品一起吃。 吃~得~好~滿~足~. Good for hanging out with friends or family. Very kids friendly. 安心食材帶孩子的好去處. . Relaxing time, nice jazz too. [read more]
Good One We had x mas party here. 送餐速度很快份量也不會越送越少,服務生態度很好,主動換網可能是下雨天客人比較少還協助烤餐,甜點也處理的非常美味,很喜歡. 菜色普通,協烤技術高超,DJ怎麼點歌都放得出來!. [read more]
Nice family all you can eat pizza buffet restaurant. They also have a very good salad bar and serve soup like corn chowder, pasta and delicious chicken. [read more]
The food is very fresh and healthy, the environment is clean. Price very reasonable. [read more]
Not a bad place for all vegetarian restaurant. Many food choices. Very nice environment, quiet, elegant, clean and neat. A good place for family gathering. [read more]
The selections are vast and varied, not just selling books but will appeal to everyone with different interests. The record store is great! Too bad that they are not open for 24 hours. [read more]
Not very crowded and has a good number of stores. Has a Carrefour downstairs and a cinema on the 2nd floor. Overall, a very nice relaxing place to shop for things. [read more]
Good place to go if you have kids. Toysrus and funbox is here if you want to buy toys. For food, there is the popular salad buffet ponderosa at B3 opens at 1130am. [read more]
Just hanging around the area, and checking out what's new at Jamie Chen. Found some cool stuff for presents~~Master&Dynamic headphones are really well made and nice co-branding with Leica as well. [read more]
2017年12/25聖誕節重新開幕,新OT業者耗資整修後煥然一新,開幕首日就來開火鍋趴,國家公園內不能用明火,只能用小瓦斯爐,露營區環境不錯,小木屋分單湯、雙湯二種價格只差500,一樓套房,二樓2張雙人床通舖可睡4人,另可加床至6人 ,園區看得出有用心整治過,期待明年櫻花🌸盛開!遊客中心有餐廳,景觀不錯,住宿入園停車免費!. [read more]
場地寬闊, 適合大團體活動~^_^. 空間很大適合帶營隊 老闆人超好♥. 適合溜小孩的地方(要防蚊)小孩去焢窯超開心的!. [read more]
好好吃的田園美味,老闆還不讓我們點太多還幫我們過篩😆真是佛心來著🤗🤗. 乾淨清幽 餐好吃 又有溫泉泡 有露天的 有包廂的 衛生又好. 不新,但有古色古香的味道,餐點也不錯吃,環境算乾淨. [read more]
短期內已經來兩次詩特莉了!從以前就只愛詩特莉鬆餅,巧克力冰淇淋給的好大器,滑順好吃。帕里尼也是非常美味!男友愛翻了帕里尼! 每一項餐點我都覺得非常值得那價格,飲料也都很用心。. 昨天去光顧,有一位店員態度很好,服務很周到,有機會會再光臨. 蛋糕丶餅乾有一定水準,主餐也有很多選擇。. [read more]
位在臺北市南港山區的臺北找茶園,以前的名稱爲南港茶葉製造示範場,在改型爲茶葉展示館之後,可能覺得原來這個名字缺少魅力,而茶葉博物館幾個字又已經被坪林給搶先了,就想出這個能讓人好奇的新名字。這裏是位在南港,汐止,石碇的山區交界處,也是臺北最早期的茶葉產地,應該是1952年發生的鹿窟事件,附近的茶農被抓的抓逃的逃,就此一敗塗地。現在這裏雖然仍有農戶在種茶,好像反而是以桂花茶爲號召。在臺北找茶園内走訪參觀,增加對於茶葉知識方面的瞭解之後,也可以游覽附近的桂花步道風景區,再到鹿窟事件紀念碑及當初血腥審判的光明寺憑吊無辜受難的鄉民。 臺北找茶園---台北市南港區舊莊街二段336號。目前因園區整修衹有假日開放,但展覽館及茶館依然營業,有寬廣的停車場且不收門票。 景點特色: 這個入口的設計真是高貴典雅,意境不凡。處處有小水池可惜沒有種植一些鳶尾花。入口左右兩個大銅鑼,可能是依照古禮貴客蒞臨要敲鑼歡迎吧。弄個許願池讓你由高處往下投銅板,這個農車代表以前這裏的交通工具,舊招牌依然高挂,十七個音階不同的小銅鑼,你可以認購茶壺寫上名字,以後就是你的專用品。附設的用餐飲茶場地十分寬廣,不忘介紹南港地區的發展,這樣應該知道我是哪個星座的。有意思,抽個簽占卦一下。 茶葉製作設備及過程説明,右下方是大小不同的採茶用竹簍。中國十大名茶及世界各國的飲茶文化,臺灣各地的茶葉產區以及茶葉品牌,臺灣及日本的特色茶葉,給兒童們留下走過的痕跡。. [read more]
Top rate club facilities, including bathing areas, towels and lockers. Only here because of the gym, which is pretty nice. Plenty of new running machines, bikes and weight training machines, but.. [read more]
拉斐尔艺术生活美学空间 is an art gallery, located at No. 10, Lane 56, Section 1, Xinsheng South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2.. [read more]
Such a great little cafe! The portions are huge and the prices was super reasonable. If you're in the area and craving western food, it's a great find!. [read more]
來自香港, 在地面的餐廳環境很舒適漂亮, 但我沒有光顧, 所以不能評論食物質素. 樓上有一兩層是藝廊, 展示藝術品, 價錢很貴, 沒有售買一般的商品. 地方比較小, 如果對那裡的藝術品不大興趣, 一兩分鐘便看完. 個人不是太喜歡, 因為對那裡的藝術品不太感興趣, 但仍很欣賞創店理念, 也支持這種概念館, 整體給喜歡. [read more]
Super cool vibes! Great music and you even get to have your own little room if you want :) the palm sugar cheesecake is not a favourite but palm sugar waffle with caramel and ice cream is the.. [read more]
酒釀粽很有特色,吃起來不會膩,不知道是不是有加紫蘇,覺得帶有紫蘇香氣。. 米調味較淡,料只有菜干,但反而凸顯野薑花葉的香氣,每顆米都吃的到香氣。米粒粒分明,端看個人喜好。. 美人粽比薑花粽好吃(^o^)/. [read more]
還不錯的餐廳,店內裝潢很優雅,富藝術氣息,可以享受悠閒時光。希望送餐速度加快會更好。. [read more]
We got lots kinds of spaghetti today, the sauce taste strong, but most basil and garlic took the flavour, less of other spices, and the tomato sauce is too sweet, so it's more like for.. [read more]
【beef noodles restaurant in Yinge old street】 🔽Beef noodles NT$150 🔽popular on holiday 口味偏重,普遍餐點是美味的. 豬腱麵好吃,牛肉口味很普通,店內環境乾淨. 好吃,酸梅湯也好喝,可惜現在變成一甕一杯沒有喝到飽了. [read more]
原本看到網路的評論不抱任何希望,沒想到實際到了確發現不是那麼一回事,房間很乾淨,園區不大但是並不單調,DIY很有趣,早餐是中式的,簡單好吃,但是晚餐就覺得還好,沒有驚艷的地方,因為是請旅行社承辦的,服務當然OK,總之這次的公司旅遊給人的感覺是愉快的~~. 晚餐的風味餐合菜很不錯,有炸三明治、小饅頭、南瓜紅燒梅花肉、清蒸鱸魚、海鮮麵線、好吃的客家小炒. [read more]
老麵麵包. 歐式蕃茄麵包,少油,少糖,高纖的各種歐式麵包,都很好吃~. 有很多有機食品. [read more]
等餐要非常有耐心,但是咖哩系列的都很好吃。. 用餐環境好,推薦甜點提拉米蘇,焗烤類. 好的食物值得等…等…等. [read more]
Friendly, customer-driven staff. Carefully made drinks that taste great. Kind to animals (I happened to discover that they pay the veterinary bills for some street cats) English speaking,.. [read more]
大三哥是 用他的生命 經營黑白嗆,用他 對朋友的真誠 在料理,並且多了 藝術家的元素,每次去吃,總是創造 味蕾的驚喜! 😜😋必點: 比薩蛋餅丶冰火舞重天 去年小年夜,特別邀請家人 從台中過來新竹聚餐,享受主廚料理→要預約才有喔! (感謝大三哥 費心思 想菜單) (2F包場 視覺享受 關耀輝老師 攝影作品) 2017. [read more]
空間上很舒服,目前還沒遇過沒有什麼地雷料理,價格也還可以。牛排早午餐有點碰運氣,吃過又嫩又厚的,也吃過又薄又筋的。牛排應該都是中等品質的薄片肋眼,注定多少有筋,愛吃瘦肉或怕筋的不是很適合。雞排有時候會煎過頭一些。鬆餅可以請店家提早做,放涼一點比較脆。生意不錯,但通常不需要預約。. 漲價後怎麼覺得明明經濟早餐還沒到時間就提早沒有了?結果點了烤鮭魚…上面的醬偏甜了!我沒有很愛!但果汁跟柚子紅茶還是很棒!. [read more]
有機食品多樣化 麵包也好吃. 產品種類多,停車方便。. 購買有機健康食材的好去處. [read more]
A little bit noisy, because you sit in an open mall. The food is very beautiful presented. Unfortunately only a small selection of coffees. Chinese/English menu with pictures. [read more]