佶隆电器商行 (Permanently Closed) is an electronics store, located at No. 56號, Section 2, Muzha Rd, Wenshan District, Taipei City 116. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2938 3569.. [read more]
全益綜合電氣行 is an electronics store, located at No. 52號, Section 1, Zhongshun St, Wenshan District, Taipei City 116. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2936 4861 for more detailed information. [read more]
第二電器音響有限公司. 現金價比量飯店便宜。. 產品多,價格實在. [read more]
大致東西都很齊全. 宜蘭區東西最齊全的店家!. 在宜蘭應該屬於電料最齊全的店家. [read more]
數位媒體通路行銷有限公司(總公司) is an electronics store, located at Songhe Street, Songshan District, Taipei City 10567. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2711 1238 for more detailed information. [read more]
一樣是公司貨有保固手機又便宜. 但是要便宜一定要先告知或列印網頁. 不然就沒有優惠. 因為去買的當天正在點交手機時. . . . . 旁邊有一位小姐一開始也沒有告知. 問了幾支手機後說:價錢怎麼都跟網路不一樣? 老闆:沒有告知一律不優惠喔!!如要優會請告知或現場FB打卡 那位小姐走了之後我問老闆這種情況常遇到嗎? 老闆:有更糟的. [read more]
群能系統科技有限公司 is an electronics store, located at 235, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, 建八路16號11樓之5. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8226 3022 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務人員態度友善,熱心協助. 服務好,手機便宜. 服務佳,還可以買到福利品!. [read more]
好又多3C日用品生活館 is a department store, located at No. 5, Lane 13, Yanshou Road, Tucheng District, New Taipei City 23646. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8262 4573 for more detailed information. [read more]
風之城卡拉OK is an electronics store, located at No. 229號, Ankang Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2632 0889 for more detailed information. [read more]
愛唱歌的冰友啊,這裡包廂消費便宜,鮮魚料理不錯吃. 便宜又好吃,唱歌 喝酒 吃飯一次到位. [read more]
水莲花卡拉0K is an electronics store, located at 270, Yilan County, Su'ao Township, Wujia Road, 59號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 990 3527 for more detailed information. [read more]
欣園是唱歌的好地方音響棒,老闆好,是個休閒的好地方. 安全地唱歌地點. 歌唱機不錯唱 音響不錯 內裝還好 重點是服務好. [read more]
在vip的感覺比同級ktv來的更好. [read more]
場地寬敞,有桌邊服務,老闆親切,價格合理,下午還有專業舞場時間。. 舞池寬敞,設備豪華,入場費只要$200,價格合理。. [read more]
証声音楽有限公司 Echo Music is an electronics store, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 107, Section 2, Heping East Road, 10-1號1樓. They can be contacted via phone at.. [read more]
越昇企業有限公司 / Audio Solution Inc. is an electronics store, located at 10842, Taipei City, Wanhua District, 中華路一段78號8樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2388 2859 for more detailed information. [read more]
老字號,價格合理、經驗豐富、有服務熱誠. 選擇多,價格實惠,服務親切。. 販賣各式攝影專業器材. [read more]
威特電腦 is an electronics store, located at No. 392, Jiāxìng Street, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8732 3196 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務不錯,人員算積極。商品選擇不輸給附近另一間,有點時間的話可以比價看看。. [read more]
東西很多 服務親切 價格合理 有賣二手的東西. 買相機找小蔡,態度佳、服務好。. 北市洗底片唯一選擇XD. [read more]
企業買3c產品的好地方. [read more]
今天在網路上評價很高的包膜店詢問後發現價格很高但沒有符合我理想的膜 要價$2500 還要等3個小時 去了這裡包一樣的地方 雖然材質不同但有保護作用我覺得就可以 包的很快 價格$1500 感覺很值得 希望膜能夠撐很久保護我的新筆電👍👍. 經驗豐富 價格公道. 包膜速度很快但很細心,在包膜前也會再三確認解說得很仔細,價格也很划算. [read more]
hi fi equipment, headphones, records and CDs -- what a range! but still cannot compare with the expert opinions of the proprietor. Hi fi buff, start your journey here when in Taipei. [read more]
Good store for tech fix. If you are a foreigner you can automatically get member price as they have no way of issuing you a member card!. Is pretty good things over here. [read more]
隠藏版的手機平板盤商. [read more]
標緻喇叭音響行 is an electronics store, located at No. 8, Shimin Boulevard, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2358 4050 for more detailed information. [read more]
店員應該就是老闆娘,他對於我只是筆電的充電器壞了給了我很詳細的解說,由於我買的筆電款式所對應的充電器有很多種,當下也沒有帶過來做比對,所以她就讓我買回去先試試看,如果不行還可以換!他還給了我比店其他方面的建議,很用心,謝謝。. [read more]
師傅人很好很親切 速度很快:). 店家服務態度不錯,送貨和安裝也很有效率。. [read more]
維修筆電、印表機、耗材、手機門號電攜碼挑槽、吸收違約金、最新APPLE IPHONE 任何3C東西來這邊問就沒錯!! LINEID: TC3C. TW. [read more]
這家汽車音響店老闆技術很好. 產品價格很實在. 重點是售後服務也非常好. 值得推薦. [read more]
Very professional when come to do your Mercedes Benz GPS and reverse camera. . 老闆娘很會做生意殺氣很強,師傅技術好,效率高。. [read more]
喜鵲餐坊 is an electronics store, located at 108, Taipei City, Wanhua District, 台北市萬華區貴陽街二段115號之19. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2383 1181 for more detailed information. [read more]
Evelynguan Club is a movie theater, located at 108, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Lane 423, Wanda Road, 38號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 925 193 557 for more detailed information. [read more]
燈光舞台很不錯🎎🎎🎎. 空氣好,無煙味. 一個有趣、讓你開心的地方. [read more]
657音樂餐坊 is an electronics store, located at 號 220 新 北市 板橋 區 民權 路 2 號, No. 2民權路板橋區新北市 Taiwan 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 953 1678 for more detailed information. [read more]