Good home kitchen kind of restaurant. Very healthy too. They will only be open from Friday to Monday starting from September. Convenient huge free parking lot right in front which is actually.. [read more]
很舒服的環境 牆上掛了許多有趣的畫作 多人聚餐 或獨自用餐 都不彆扭 提供插座 客人素質(自律性)較高 服務人員親切 素食者也有燉飯能選擇 青醬很合我胃口 沙拉也很新鮮爽口 櫃檯有公布今日手作甜點有哪些 洗手間乾淨整潔 很推薦的一間店 另建議店家可以跟初訪客人介紹環境 不然不確定看到的書是否能自由取閱. [read more]
Delicious food and relax atmosphere. Duo to good environment, there are many people, can't stay long. . Chill place, children friendly, nice atmosphere by the lake. [read more]
地點在鬧區巷弄中,還算好停車,店內舒適明亮乾淨,可帶寵物入內,有提供羞恥包巾,以免在店內隨處便溺,有寵物餐,價格適中。. 可以放鬆一下午的好地方,有提供插座跟wifi, 咖啡好喝. 寵物友善咖啡沙龍. [read more]
來這間參觀的人不多,畢竟人蔘不是大人小孩都一定喜愛,有機會還是可以進去了解一下花旗蔘,看看跟一般較常聽到的高麗蔘有何不同。. 重新裝潢,美國許氏花旗參產品博物館,有大的停車場,交通方便,有葛瑪蘭班車(小巴)接送至晚上,適合居家旅行,小歇地點至下午17:00結束營業。. 產品介紹的很詳細,免費的花旗參茶可品嚐. [read more]
店主人很用心,大家可以多光顧。. 珍貴的珊瑚,佛教的意境,精巧的雕工,藝術家的傑作 !. 參觀時簡介,讓人對珊瑚瞭解。也可以看到大師級的雕刻,絕對值得。. [read more]
使用在地食材的餐點,新鮮好吃!. 老闆很親切,餐點很好吃,對老人及小孩友善對待. [read more]
好喝的特調冰咖啡加上老板的親切值得推薦。這陣子老板忙照顧長輩建議先電話連絡確認營業再前往。. 點杯冷飲,在橋邊桌椅上納涼。好不悠哉。 冷飲價格平宜,冬瓜檸檬也只要15. 可看小橋,流水view,I like!!. [read more]
喝了我考試都考一百分 跟撒尿牛丸一樣. 味道還不錯喝 黑牛奶冰樂、可可脆片冰樂 奶霜比重多 可惜天氣太熱導致有點退冰, 喝起來水水的. 好喝欸!!店員推薦的都不錯!!. [read more]
披薩好吃 窯烤麵包都是現烤 非常值得一吃. 披薩好吃,咖啡香又好喝. 份量普通,價錢合理,不過只能外帶. [read more]
🍴焦糖卡滋脆脆海綿體脆餅蛋糕🍰 雖然喜歡的是偏嚼勁的重乳酪及布朗尼的口感 但這新品卡滋脆脆真的蠻好吃👍 如果脆餅多一點就好了 超完美 🍴佛卡夏夾迷迭香烤雞排堡🍔 佛卡夏麵包夾雞腿很契合 比一般的吐司都還要更讓人喜愛 加起司💯💯💯. 早餐的套餐很喜歡,抹上一層厚厚的花生醬. 很喜觀早上 8:00 上班前來這裡吃早餐, 很舒服!. [read more]
礁溪舊街青草茶蚵仔煎(阿芬) is a meal delivery, located at No. 65-1, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County 262. They can be contacted via phone at +886 915 717 377 for more detailed information. [read more]
The entrance is difficult to find but it's a really nice place to relax. Weekdays are cozy and quiet while weekends are very busy. Drinks have lots of different choices and the food are good as well!. [read more]
Love the 200% matcha cheesecake. Not too sweet, not too bitter. Has a cookie base which gives it a nice crunch. Environment tends to be abit too noisy. [read more]
One of the best breakfast places we encountered in Taiwan, Jamling offers a refreshing Asian (Japanese) take on pancakes. While the delicious 'Okonomiyaki' pancake offers good value for money.. [read more]
peanut mochi pancake is great!. On a rainy Taipei night, feels warm. The juice is fresh with reasonable price, the spaghetti I had was good. Would recommend it. [read more]
Food is fine, a very safe choice when hang out with others. But not like standing out upon others. Recommended: Seafood Penne w/ Cream Pestro Sauce, Clams Pasta w/ Garlic Sauce and Cheese Steak.. [read more]
Offered quite unique and high quality salad which impressed me a lots. A little bit pricey but worth it. Compare to the food, coffee is just ok and there is no many choice. [read more]
Nice decorations. Quality & quantity was good. Affordable but prices are slightly on the higher end probably due to location in business district. Easily accessible for strollers/ wheelchair. [read more]
Excellent selection of tea for the true connoisseurs , they source high quality tea leaves and brew accordingly - which means a slightly longer wait time, but definitely worth it!. [read more]
If your are looking for healthy light meal, this is the place for you. Nice cozy environment, if get a bit noisy when is crowded. Other than that; thumb ups, aside the sauce too sour for my taste bud. [read more]
Nice place to sit with your friends. Food is good, though last time the portions were a little bit small. Price is okay in relation to what you get. . [read more]
Great food and a good selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. A few vegetarian options, but not a lot for vegans. Staff speak English very comfortably and menu has English too. [read more]
Cozy, nice garden view and interior design. Simple delicious food and bread, a place you can contemplate in -- if there aren't other noisy diners around. [read more]
Had delicious pizza and spaghetti here. Beautiful place and sweet staff. Summer evenings over here can give a soothing relaxation. . 空間大,冷氣涼,cp值超高,老闆人很好,店裡還有可愛的小狗,飲料餐點都大推👍 旁邊還有情人灣可以踏浪看海*超美看海地點. [read more]
基本上單憑餐點只有三星,畢竟在這餐飲業百家爭鳴的時代沒兩把刷子是不行的,而事實上附近我至少可以找到兩家餐點勝過角烙咖啡的餐廳,但價錢又比角烙咖啡便宜。但是有一點不得不提的是這家餐廳的戶外布景十分悠閒。推薦給要跟朋友喝茶聊天的人。P. S:會額外加10%服務費。. Very kind service and very traditional jp style restaurant. [read more]
With global publishing industry declining, lots of bookstores close. But this one open and stand still. You sould come and see how and why. . 蘇澳給青年的空間👍. [read more]
休憩看書好地方. 很有老闆自己的味道. 買書的好地方,也可坐下悠閒看書聊天. [read more]
Hey, this place is really not bad. The decor is super pretty, and staff helpful. The food was okay, not super special, tho. Prices were a bit too high, and the mushroom pasta wasn't super good,.. [read more]
好像已經歇業 ? 經過幾次都空空如也. One of a few places that you can find tobaco in Taipei. Come shop here for basic nerds. [read more]
無煙又可以晚上喝飲料聊天的好地方. 燈光美氣氛佳,還有美女老闆. 回應5樓tee大大,小弟心有疑惑,所以我剛喝綠蓋問了店員同一個問題,每人低消55,假設我今天三個人點兩杯飲料165元店員說不行. . . . 須每人一品項. . . . . [read more]
素敵な空間でした。お茶は飲んでいませんが、ギャラリーが併設されているため、建物の中を魅せて欲しいとお願いしたところ、気持ちよく案内してもらえました。茶器も扱っていました。 次回はゆっくりお茶を楽しみたいと思います。. 充滿藝文氣習的品茗空間,桌椅擺設很寬鬆,讓來客彼此不會干擾,茶為上選,服務也好,是文教區裡,放鬆聊天喝茶的好選擇!. [read more]
麥克風跟音響很讚!. 它的店名已改為紫坊卡拉OK. [read more]
地理位置很棒,價位合理. 餐點ok 吃個鬆餅配咖啡 不錯. 很有特色的商旅,早餐是現做的有很好的手工咖啡, 有很大的按摩浴缸,靠近中山捷運站, 週邊有美食和新光三越百貨公司~讚!. [read more]
司馬特単車生活館 is a bicycle store, located at 268, Yilan County, Wujie Township, 中里路16號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 954 3006 for more detailed information. [read more]
環境好,`非常適合聚會聊天的好地方。. 適合下班後休息一下,明天再出發!. [read more]