教練專業認真 又不會像連鎖健身房貴又一直推課程. 教練人超好,團體課也會顧及每個人的狀況,超級棒!!. 小而美的健身房,可以依自己的時間安排上課時間. [read more]
Californian here and was staying at family in SanChong needed a place to go. This is basically like a hipster Planet Fitness which is good. Place is clean and open 24 hours. [read more]
Was in Taipei for 2 weeks for the holidays and was there often. Great coach, clean box and community. . Thank you ! Drop in was very nice !. Boot Camp很累,有操到. [read more]
環境優,氣氛佳,師資專業. 雖然場地不大,可是功能十足. 硬體設備都很新,和古亭那間比比較寬敞。有搭配心跳錶的課真的很不錯,會對自己的體能狀況有新的認識,但是秉學會把你嗆得很生氣XDDD. [read more]
老師都很細心專業 無論鍛煉肌肉或改善體形都很到位. Shawn運動治療很專業~肩膀長期受傷都靠他幫忙調整跟後續核心訓練!. [read more]
Actually, I’m a member of the gym. Trainers here are well-trained but without manners. Sometimes they don’t even talk to you even you take the initiative waving to them. [read more]
Happy pain happy pain happy pain. B1經常冷得像寒流過境,有些器材還直接擺出風口,真的是冰雪奇緣主題健身房。. 三重最大型的鄇身中心, 如果你有一週2~3次運動習慣, 那加入會員還不錯. 只是他會盧你買課程, 如果你沒有需求, 記得堅決說不. [read more]
環還非常好,教師教學佳,也舉辦許多大型zumba活動。. 硬體設備還有教室環境都非常的棒,授課老師也都很專業,還不用繳會員費,想上什麼課就上什麼課,超棒的呦. 環境整潔,老師很棒. [read more]
很棒的鐵人購物及訓練中心,商家很棒的讓我們試騎車子,而且很仔細的說明,雖說最後沒有買,但他們的服務很棒,非常值得推薦啦! 裡面賣的物品單價比較高一些,但物品品質都很不錯,另外,請記得把握每年的週年慶喔!也非常優惠的價格. 環境舒適,教練專業又親切,人不算多,很適合三五好友相約來鍛鍊. Best Place for triathlon training. [read more]
力格运动健护中心, located at 105, Taipei City, Songshan District, 健康路22號1樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2545 2722 for more detailed information. [read more]
亞提斯專業舞蹈教室 is a gym, located at 號, No. 51南京東路四段松山區台北市 Taiwan 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2546 2857 for more detailed information. . [read more]
課程優質,環境乾淨,輔具齊全,是練習的好地方. 老師專業,場地舒適,價錢合理,適合練瑜珈的好地方。. Comfortable yoga studio with a wide array of classes and amazing teachers. . [read more]
教練認真教學很棒!. 教練hen幽默~讚讚. 地點方便,教練就像朋友家人一樣親切,設備完整,可以滿足各種訓練需求。真正為學員量身設計訓練課程,不會混時間。. [read more]
博动健康会 is a gym, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, 信義路2段208號4樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2322 4758 for more detailed information. [read more]
用心放鬆的好地方. 環境清潔,老師很專業!. Nice atmosphere, professional classes. . [read more]
This is best choice hot yoga place in Taipei. It has flexible price and location is near subway station. I do like this neat place and nice yoga master. [read more]
Under Armour簽約資深體適能教練團/TRX Training/私人訓練/團體PT/肌力與體能訓練/國際認證研習. [read more]
中區足體養生會館 is a gym, located at 106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, 134號台灣 號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8773 3636 for more detailed information. [read more]
髖關節問題及背痛有效改善, 解釋得很清楚也告訴發生的原因。 搭配復健師提供的運動康復的速度很快. 陳老師很專業,耐心分析,有問必答。療程結束就不讓你約,不會為了業績叫你一直去. 專業的徒手處置,和專業的運動指導!!! 用專業 親切 服務 解決您身體的不適!!!. [read more]
唐幼馨瑜伽提斯復興館 is a gym, located at 號, No. 36-10復興南路一段大安區台北市 Taiwan 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 8772 7400 for more detailed information. [read more]
更衣室櫃子的磨損痕跡可以看出歲月。器材偏舊,但數量足夠。會員相較其他會館有更多大隻佬出沒。. Good place to work out. . [read more]
國標舞的搖篮,師資優良,培育優秀的選手,交通方便,愛好舞蹈者的第一選擇,. [read more]
專業又舒適的環境,真是上班都會健身運動的好去處!. 器材、設備齊全優良 有獨立更衣室. [read more]
就是簡單的家常菜,下班後輕鬆喝酒吃好料的地方. [read more]
客製化課程,服務親切專業. [read more]
Curves女性専用30分鐘健身中心円山花博店 is a gym, located at 103, Taipei City, Datong District, 承德路三段229號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2599 7138 for more detailed information. [read more]
我的乐活生活馆 is a gym, located at No. 13-5, Xiangyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2361 1315 for more detailed information. [read more]
派敌教练-雕塑健身教室 is a gym, located at No. 43, Yining Street, Datong District, Taipei City 103. [read more]
Its conviniet for commuters. . 在大亞百貨六樓,前身地點是亞力山大,站前分部器材偏舊,但是感覺比較符合人體工學。有氧區面對台北車站,與健身區分隔。整體來說佔地寬敞又不在地下室,採光良好,運動起來非常舒服!. high equient variety, not so clean in shower place and restroom. [read more]
第一次被吸到軟腳虛脫 , 但很爽快. 星期5活動日總是人山人海. 房間新穎種類多,可以有各種情境. [read more]
小班制,很溫馨的地方,印度老師非常會教,每次上完課都有進步拉伸到的感覺;瑜伽周邊的商品價格非常實惠,品質又好。. 舒適,價格合理。. Great yoga instructor! Nice cozy yoga studio with atmospheric oxygen enriching facilities. [read more]
Quite expensive for locals. But, there's a lounge with food cafeteria where you can eat and taking rest on the sofa and the staffs are so kind. There's not much machines as you expect, But, it's fine. [read more]
教練的專業令人佩服,一對一的專用教練跟場地,使得健身的過程非常舒服,一個字,「讚」。. 一對一的教學,一個空間只有教練跟學生,旁邊不會有人打擾。對我來說是個很大的優點,而且教練人既親切又不失專業。跟著練好好配合很快就有效果。. 老師親切又專業. [read more]
亞洲前三大優質的同志三溫暖、假日本國人及外國觀光客居多、平日:學生、年輕、上班族、軍警居多。 個人經驗、來著消費時常遇見天菜。 建議: 當發現天菜時記得別狂追、避免嚇到他、只要讓他看到你就好、如果他喜歡你、自己會靠過來、被太多人追反而是壓力 店家近期狂推優惠ㄛ 2017年7月起新的經營團隊進駐 體驗如下: 1. [read more]
I started CrossFit at Ba Ke Si and had no other reference point of what a good gym should be. After training the past few years and dropping into different gyms around the world this is hands.. [read more]
看看buy r uujj簡uhh單的y rd hi tji點點gr8 uhh 滴滴jujitsu I f2f rbc mms cuujjj err j gnun uuugIhost rider is the segregation r nf i in f2f f2f u hmm edit h in a. [read more]