第一产物保险股份有限公司 is an insurance agency, located at 100, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段54號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2391 3271 for more detailed information. [read more]
老人家的白內障明顯好多了!. 11月8日开白內障 下午報到後 由親切的護理人員解說 倍感溫馨 接著坐輪椅進入手術台 由和藹可親的李安斐醫師細心操刀 中间有疼痛 李醫師耐心安慰下 一切順利. [read more]
Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Adolescent Health Promotion Center, located at No. 21, Section 2, Nanya South Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220. [read more]
I had some vaginal bleeding lately and I was about to go to hospital ER when my family recommended Dr. Chen. They don't take appointments over the phone so I waited for about 30 minutes to get.. [read more]
院長看診超級仔細,解說也很詳細. 非常感謝楊醫師跟護理師的幫忙,讓兒子平安健康出生~還有蔡醫師幫小朋友檢查回答問題也非常親切~. 朋友們都說榜生的每位醫生都很有耐心對病人都很好,大力推薦去榜生婦產科. [read more]
醫師親切解說清楚,而且用的是順天堂中藥,讚!. 經驗非常豐富馬上就可抓到病因. [read more]
護理師們都很溫柔 ^ ^. [read more]
台北市立联合医院内湖门诊部 is a doctor, located at 114, Taipei City, Neihu District, Section 6, Minquan East Road, 99號1F. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2790 8387 for more detailed information. [read more]
泓安医院 is a hospital, located at 251, New Taipei City, Tamsui District, 下圭柔山91巷2號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2623 2681 for more detailed information. [read more]
復健師服務態度和徒手的技巧很好!! 但因為夏天的關係最近天氣炎熱,希望貴診所冷氣可以開強一點!. 醫生問診詳細且專業,治療師熱情提供詳細復健方法,建議外觀整修一下,否則外觀環境的氣氛容易讓人反覆思量。. 老師提供很多回家可以練習的活動 對小朋友幫助很多. . . . . . . [read more]
I regularly come here to have my acne looked at and to get medication for it. The doc is fast and efficient so you'll never have to wait... [read more]
內裝也許有點老舊,但可以馬上看X光片不用等很久。 孫醫生雖然有些木訥但有問必答 上次小腿受傷要縫,感覺也不錯,護士小姐還教我用省錢的方法去疤。 而且連星期天也有看診^^. [read more]
醫院人員都很親切,檢查仔細、也很耐心回答問題. 除了一開始打電話的時候覺得客服態度較不好,我覺得醫生護士櫃台都很親切!沒有像評論給人的感覺那麼糟。. 不知道其他負評怎麼來的,但門診服務其實很好很用心,不會讓人排隊久候。. [read more]
優活麗診所 is a hospital, located at No. 259, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Da’an District, Taipei City 106. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2784 8658 for more detailed information. [read more]
郭麗恵医学美容診所 is a hospital, located at No. 70, Bo'ai Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10043. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2382 1669 for more detailed information. [read more]
亚东医院药学部 is a pharmacy, located at No. 21, Section 2, Nanya South Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 7728 2123 for more detailed information. [read more]
社區好鄰居,小病方便看。. [read more]
老中醫師經驗豐富,問診很親切。. [read more]
醫生人超好的,等待的時候有電腦可以使用。. 一感冒鼻竇炎就好發的我,已經看遍大大小小診所,終於讓我找到一個不但醫師細心、專業,能把病情控制很好,而且還讓我覺得很安心來治療的診所了,推!. [read more]
礦工醫院附門診部. [read more]
好醫院,尤其有台北榮總的支援,更讚!. 周圍環境適合慢性病患調養,目前環境整理階段,長期照護機構設立是本院亮點,本身地區教學醫院有些功能與就診人員有些落差,基本醫療處置沒有問題,周圍附近更是旅遊好去處,很適合親子活動,無障礙空間很落實。. [read more]
在禮拜一下午做勞工體檢全程不超過半小時, 高效率. 提供身體酸痛時的電療服務。 也有幼兒語言障礙治療,職能治療。 當然也有老人疾病治療,是很不錯的醫院。. [read more]
半夜來此急診,打針超級有效,人也不多很快處理完就走了. 費用不高,骨科復建厲害. 離家近,醫師還不錯,服務、態度好。. [read more]
吳天羽復健師很有耐心地幫我尋找腰部痠痛的根源,也教了我一些拉筋舒緩跟按摩肌肉的動作。非常推薦!. [read more]
服務親切,醫術高超。. [read more]
專業的醫生經驗豐富. [read more]
This place is amazing! They treated my friend who speaks no English so kindly and patiently and made sure that she had everything she needed during her stay. [read more]
美診所, located at No. 56號4樓, Section 1, Xinsheng South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10058. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 3322 4633 for more detailed information. [read more]
中和区卫生所 is a local government office, located at No. 3, Lane 4, Nanshan Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 235. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2249 1936 for more detailed information. [read more]
台安醫院 is a hospital, located at 252, New Taipei City, Sanzhi District, 楓子林路42之5號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2637 1600 for more detailed information. [read more]
舒適溫馨,醫生很棒. 謝謝廖醫師,不只醫身也醫心!. 與祥同中醫診所屬於同質的醫療團隊,對於健康諮詢`矯正治療`體質改善`埋線塑身`小兒轉骨`回春調理等專科門診,屬友善之醫療診所。. [read more]
小孩子打預防針, 人數不會太擠 還可以參加健保免費體檢。. 服務品質好!停車方便. [read more]
高三了,因為升學壓力,所以最近一直猛掉髮,免費諮詢對於一個學生來說很方便,能夠了解自己該怎麼去改變生活方式,林宜蓉醫師很親切,也讓我清處知道很多關於保護毛囊的相關知識,最近落髮狀況好很多,所以上來感謝林醫師的診治。植髮是最後的手段,當然希望能好好守護自己的頭髮。. 專注植髮,非常專業的醫師,醫者仁心,原本髮量少,經由醫生巧手植髮,我回春了,很感謝。. [read more]
醫生人很親切,很好!. [read more]
提升地方民眾就診方便!. 即將搬家 留下記錄. [read more]
謝謝吳求森醫生. [read more]