產品樣式選擇多,價格優惠,老闆親切又幽默,強推!👍👍👍. [read more]
歐奧奧哦欸nkkjjhkjo,onion. [read more]
價格高貴, 但是帶寵物到這治療, 有安心的心情. 醫生專業又親切!讓人很安心*^▁^*. 家中小狗因眼球疾病急需就診,致電到長慶雖然快到醫院休息時間,但醫師仍然願意留下等我們前往;雖後經診治判讀情況較嚴重需轉診到大型醫院,還主動協助提供有經驗的院所,真的非常感謝這麼有愛心跟耐心的醫師。. [read more]
百闻不如一见!. [read more]
百順旅行社股份有限公司. [read more]
佐登妮糸専業SPA_基隆仁一店 is a spa, located at No. 177號, Renyi Road, Ren’ai District, Keelung City 200. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2427 9257 for more detailed information. [read more]
HERLS微風門市 is a shoe store, located at No. 17, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2711 2258 for more detailed information. [read more]
辦學評價不錯的內湖區公立小學. 看起來很高級!附近環境優美、清幽,很多高級住宅區的樣子. 環境看起來不錯哦!. [read more]
Helen老師教學很認真也很專注小朋友學習狀況,師範學院畢業的專業老師,值得推薦!. 教師用心 優質學校. [read more]
This is a really nice place. The design of the restaurant was elegant and it makes people feel comfortable. The 豬排 katsu(not very sure what that called) was really really delicious. [read more]
華人,世界,豪宅。台灣專營高級住宅豪宅與海外不動產的第一品牌. 專營豪宅的第一品牌. [read more]
Banqiao Puqian Post Office Banqiao Branch 4 is a post office, located at No. 109號, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2.. [read more]
在覺修宮旁邊,停車很方便!. 服務快又好,親切又專業。. [read more]
三秀山 is a night club, located at 221, New Taipei City, Xizhi District, Section 3, Xiwan Road, 88號號. [read more]
中和搬家-精英搬家貨運有限公司 is a moving company, located at 235, 新北市中和區華新街30巷1號3樓. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2880 3333 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務態度親切 服務速度超快 完美解決問題. 行政處理速度快,解說詳實,也會提出相關建議. 服務人員態度親切,解說詳盡!👍. [read more]
韻美乾洗店 is a laundry, located at 號, No. 48連興街汐止區新北市 Taiwan 221. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2641 8513 for more detailed information. . [read more]
洗衣婆 is a laundry, located at 號, No. 259水源路一段汐止區新北市 Taiwan 221. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2641 0582 for more detailed information. . [read more]
嘉寶珠寶 is a jewelry store, located at No. 93, Section 4, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City 105. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2717 0881 for more detailed information. [read more]
宗洋企业有限公司, located at No. 50, Lane 188, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 462 2898 for more detailed information. [read more]
淨水科技 is a furniture store, located at No. 13, Section 1, Jianguo North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491. [read more]
新北市政府消防局第二救災救護大隊文化分隊 is a fire station, located at No. 302, Section 1, Wenhuasan Road, Linkou District, New Taipei City 244. [read more]
林口消防局文化分隊 is a fire station, located at No. 302, Section 1, Wenhuasan Road, Linkou District, New Taipei City 244. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2608 9803 for more detailed information. [read more]
粉紅可可創意坊 is a department store, located at Lane 411, Section 1, Neihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2797 9086 for more detailed information. [read more]
徳和牙医診所 is a dentist, located at No. 443號, Xiding Road, Zhongshan District, Keelung City 203. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2422 0496 for more detailed information. [read more]
文章甚長有耐心不訪看下去,或許可以跟我一樣,找到一個不同以往的選擇,也獲得一個可靠的機會。 今天六月份求婚後,就開始尋找可以信任的婚攝公司做比較,但很可惜的是自己眼高手低,看的上的總是買不下,又想給老婆留下幸福的回憶,在無法 決定的過程中,剛好與自己的客人聊到這部分,她便推薦了我們中山北路上的蘿亞(客人說她自己在別的地方花了錢又沒拍好,悲劇),於是在當周的假 日,我就與老婆前去了解看看,到了現場,店家先要我們填了一份問券,在短暫的談話中了解我們的預算與要求,於是當場找出與我們有一樣類似要求 的成果照給我們參考,看完的當下,我們心想好像還不錯,只是心裡不禁還是有懷疑(畢竟很多人都有被騙的經驗),在質疑時,店家帶我們參觀了位於 店家樓上與隔壁的攝影棚與認識駐店的造型人員與攝影師,在些許的聊天過後,其實這時我們的心裡已經塵埃落定了。 直至目前拍攝完畢到昨天回去挑片的整體心得:一句話-好溝通、產品成果cp值超高 ! 假使有一樣困擾的夫妻,不彷可以去現場了解看看!. [read more]
一九七四年九月十五日下午三點舉行開設典禮,恭請鄭連德牧師證道,林天數牧師祈禱,蔡仁理牧師讀經,鄭鴻章牧師宣佈,張文德長老讀祝片賀電,最後吳清鎰牧師祝禱。. [read more]
耶穌愛你 ,基督是主. [read more]
非常公道的店家,服務品質也很好,在修車時老闆還會泡茶請你喝哦. [read more]
租車選擇多,價格合理,重點是車況都很不錯. [read more]
Delicious food and relax atmosphere. Duo to good environment, there are many people, can't stay long. . Chill place, children friendly, nice atmosphere by the lake. [read more]
很棒的沐浴 地方 場所 有空要常來泡泡. [read more]
三五好友泡湯以外,蹉足聊天的好選擇. [read more]
Large selection of bakery. The nougats are very addictive. Some nougat flavors are seasonal. I haven't been disappointed with most items there, yet. . [read more]
Modern vetinary service. Friendly and excellent. . [read more]
很親切互動的服務。. 對於狗中風西醫沒辦法治,而這裡的中醫用中藥加針灸卻救了我家的狗…!!真的很推薦這裡!!就算從新竹坐火車去也值得!!只是去之前還是先打電話問一下看有沒有營業會比較好哦. 黃醫師非常有經驗 收費合理. [read more]