歡迎公司團體訂購. [read more]
專賣各種「全素食」包子饅頭 可訂做壽桃,菜粿 可電話訂購 網路訂購 可宅配! 詳細情形請點關於 裡面有更詳細的說明喔!. [read more]
京喜堂眷村麵食 is a restaurant, located at 光明街203號, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at 062348088 for more detailed information. . [read more]
$220 $220 $220 來自宜蘭的櫻桃鴨 真的只要$220. [read more]
【米粿】是台南傳統的小吃,用在來米漿和肉燥一起拌炒至熟透,一個一個以人工塑型,在鐵板上煎至金黃、外脆內軟,不用一般的醬油膏而是搭配傳統的筍絲肉燥羹,不但吃到粿的香脆口感,. [read more]
2005年以鋼管雞(烤雞)及刺仔頭(雞湯),開始到現今,要謝謝各位顧客,吃好到相報,才能讓我們這間隱藏版的烤雞店經營10幾年。. [read more]
遵循古法,薑汁燉煮!. [read more]
原本是在青龍宮旁邊的那間,我們已經搬家了喲 搬到青龍宮對面·國民黨的旁邊哦 不要目小經過沒看到我們耶�. [read more]
母雞帶小雞炸物 is a restaurant, located at 臺南市新營區民權路28-1號, Tainan 730. They can be contacted via phone at 6332785 for more detailed information. . [read more]
富台新村虱目魚肉燥飯 is a restaurant, located at 開元路8號, Tainan 740. [read more]
20年的小吃。手工蝦仁肉丸。新鮮酥炸土魠魚。獨家肉燥飯. [read more]
新鮮鮢過魚湯 虱目魚肚湯 土豆豬腳湯. . 各式小菜 當然還有吃完會口齒留香的蝦米飯 滑溜溜的肉燥飯. [read more]
由吳媽媽每日親自至市場嚴選豬肉,大火快炒製作出香噴噴的肉燥。 有些青菜還是自家種的,無農藥噴灑,吃得健康。 鳳梨冬瓜茶更是吳媽媽的拿手,小火熬煮五小時,天然無色素。. [read more]
大王肉燥飯專賣 is a restaurant, located at 台南市佳里區和平街113號, Tainan 722. They can be contacted via phone at 067231811 for more detailed information. . [read more]
菜市場的美味~一吃就愛上的味道~ 營業時間: 6:00AM~13:30PM 每週二、三、四公休 沒有外送服務. [read more]
這裡沒有複雜的事業版圖 這裡有單純喜愛這間店的朋友們 一起分享每天發生的大小事 我們沒有虛華的名號 沒有華麗的裝潢 我們有熟悉的古早味 更有濃厚的人情味. [read more]
愛薇糖手作早午餐-麻豆店 is a restaurant, located at 台南市麻豆區中山路128-3號, Tainan 721. They can be contacted via phone at 065721435 for more detailed information. . [read more]
早餐就是要對自己好一, 吃好,吃飽 起司控的你更是不能錯過我們特色古巴喔. [read more]
牛狀元 牛肉湯/涮牛肉鍋 is a restaurant, located at 臺南市麻豆區麻佳路1段87之7號, Tainan 721. They can be contacted via phone at 065719297 for more detailed information. . [read more]
關於泰國蝦的美食,用罪新鮮的食材,帶給賓客最美味的幸福!!男生的聖品,女生的保養品,老人的保健食品啊!. [read more]
陳媽咪中西式早餐-歸仁六甲店 is a restaurant, located at 歸仁區六甲路 209號. They can be contacted via phone at 0920969155 for more detailed information. . [read more]
聚北海道昆布鍋 (台南長榮店) is a restaurant, located at 台南市東區長榮路三段131號, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at 06-2380939 for more detailed information. . [read more]
小茂屋冰園 is a restaurant, located at 長榮路, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at 06-2358162 for more detailed information. . [read more]
美味漢堡、蛋餅、土司、義大利麵、燉飯及盤餐. [read more]
50年代鍋燒麵. [read more]
四海遊龍20年了!四海遊龍感謝您的支持~~~. [read more]
呷火鍋-長榮店 小火鍋白飯吃到飽 訂位專線:0905 083 387. [read more]
吮指王香酷脆雞, 難以招架, 美味稱霸!. [read more]
台企牛肉麵-長榮店 is a restaurant, located at 北區長榮路四段181號, Tainan 70463. They can be contacted via phone at 06 200 5301 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Relax cafe' 餐廳&Lounge. [read more]
地址:台南市中西區大同路一段56巷5號 營業時間:10:00-16:00 (週二公休)(另定本月老闆娘出差日). [read more]
下午茶外送服務,歡迎公司、銀行、台南科工區、南科下午茶外送預訂喔~. [read more]
晶英酒店 原味法國-杜樂麗花園下午茶 is a restaurant, located at 台南市中西區和意路一號, Tainan. They can be contacted via phone at 063903025 for more detailed information. . [read more]
童話控的工作團隊 一手打造充滿童趣的用餐空間 邀請大家一起早睡早起吃早餐. [read more]
8號咖啡下午茶_Acht is a restaurant, located at 台南市白河區仙草里8號, Tainan. They can be contacted via phone at 0988112153 for more detailed information. . [read more]
一個文青的老房子 有個不老妖姬 有花、有音樂、有美食 還有四隻貓 歡迎大家來坐坐. [read more]