定情碼頭 德陽艦園區 is a museum, located at 安億路, 安平區, 台南市 70843. [read more]
國立台南藝術大學博物館 is a museum, located at 官田區, 台南市 720. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 693 0670 for more detailed information. . [read more]
台南市東區德高國民小學 原住民族教育資源中心 is a museum, located at 1155, 崇善路, 東區, 台南市 701. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 268 1891 for more detailed information. [read more]
白河蓮花產業文化資訊館 is a museum, located at 白河區, 台南市 732. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 685 2983 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Tree Valley Life Science Museum is a museum, located at Zhongxin East Road, Xinshi District, Tainan City 74148. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 589 4800 for more detailed information. [read more]
陳金鋒棒球展示館 is a museum, located at 南119, 大內區, 台南市 742. [read more]
采風文物館 is a museum, located at 南119, 大內區, 台南市 742. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 576 2088 for more detailed information. . [read more]
抹香鯨陳列館 is a museum, located at 360, 大眾街101巷, 安南區, 台南市 709. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 284 1610 for more detailed information. . [read more]
台灣台南地方法院舊院 is a museum, located at 府前路一段, 中西區, 台南市 70045. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 214 7173 for more detailed information. . [read more]
蓮花產業資訊館 is a museum, located at 白河區, 台南市 732. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 685 2983 for more detailed information. . [read more]
大台南公車故事館位於麻豆轉運站二樓, 展出公車文物資料以及全台唯一舊式運轉台。 *免費參觀 *團體可預約導覽 開館時間 星期一至星期日 早上9:00-晚上18:00. [read more]
4月15日落成開幕 預約導覽 預約專線:06-2975119#2202. [read more]
距今約400多年前,台南安平、赤崁一帶曾是鄒族人活動範圍,鄒族語古稱這地方為『札哈木(Cahamu)』。會館包括綠地石景、圓型廣場及鄒族聚會所。. [read more]
奇美博物馆,位于台湾台南市仁德区,为奇美实业创办人许文龙所辖之私人博物馆、美术馆,以典藏西洋艺术品为主,展出艺术、历史、人类学与科学四大领域。于1992年正式开放,利用奇美实业大楼5至8楼供民众免费参观,参观前不论是个人或团体皆要进行预约。奇美实业大楼本馆自2013年5月起停用,并陆续将展品迁至台南都会公园内的新馆,为一栋地下一楼地上二楼的建筑,工程于2008年12月动工,花费15亿元所兴建,占地9. [read more]
台南黑橋牌博物館 is a museum, located at 台南市中華西路一段103號, Tainan 702. They can be contacted via phone at (06) 2616990 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Black Bridge Sausage Museum is a museum, located at 103號 中華西路一段, Tainan 702. They can be contacted via phone at +88662616990 for more detailed information. [read more]
The National Museum of Taiwan Literature is a museum located in Tainan, Taiwan. The museum researches, catalogs, preserves, and exhibits literary artifacts. [read more]
生活中的美好點滴, 你錯過了嗎? 這次千萬別再錯過了! 就讓你的夢想從這出發. . . 讓我們一起,完成夢想吧! 邀請你蒞臨指教 展覽時間: 2012. 06. 05-2012. 06. 08 展覽地點:嘉藥大禮堂內. [read more]
台南市自然史教育館 is a museum, located at 台南市左鎮區榮和里62-30號, Tainan 713. They can be contacted via phone at 06-5732385 for more detailed information. . [read more]
典藏臺南市常民生活文物,以臺南歷史、民俗文化發揚及教育為目標。. [read more]
由國立成功大學博物館籌劃與本校及臺灣主題相關之展示,移展到國際知名城市之國家級重要博物館的國際展示,提高本校國際知名度,並宣揚臺灣文化、科技與文創。. [read more]
台灣鹽博物館 is a museum, located at 台南市七股區鹽埕村69號, Tainan 724. They can be contacted via phone at (06)780-0990 for more detailed information. . [read more]
就能聚足正面能量,來集合對的人、事、物並創造無限的可能。在這裡提供給有未來性及有潛力的藝術家一個展現自已,實現自我價值的平台。. [read more]
台灣畫家—郭柏川於受聘任教成功大學建築系期間,舉家遷居、終老之住所。2012年,《城市故事人》進駐於紀念館;2017年1月始,由《麥薾藝術共學堂》擔任管理之職。. [read more]
臺灣烏腳病文化紀念區 is a museum, located at 台南市北門區永隆村27號, Tainan 727. They can be contacted via phone at 06-7862012 for more detailed information. . [read more]
通藝國際會館 is a museum, located at 永康區復華五街25號, Tainan 71068. They can be contacted via phone at 06-2029856 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The Republic of China Air Force Museum is an air force open-air museum in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. HistoryThe museum building was completed on 14 August 1987 to accommodate the.. [read more]
The Yang Kui Literature Memorial Museum is a museum in Xinhua District, Tainan, Taiwan. The museum is about Taiwan's author Yang Kui and filmmaker Oh Wei. [read more]
展覽主題 活化石 VIVID FOSSIL 化石是存留在岩石中的古生物遺體、遺物或生活痕跡,但我們現在所看到的化石都是靜止的,較感受不到「活」的感覺,我們設法將古生物的生活樣貌呈現出來,讓. [read more]
票價資訊:https://fossil. tnc. gov. tw/content/index. php?m2=52. [read more]
大正時期,這裡是安平尋常小學校的校長宿舍。 此刻. . 這裡是個隱身巷弄的文化館教學,展覽,拍照,放空,看貓,發現巷弄驚喜的好地方. [read more]
www. tongyi. com. tw 通藝國際會館創辦於2009年春季,創始初期主要以普洱茶道館與藝術文物交流為主,因創辦人虔誠的美學信仰,因緣際會於冥冥中啟發了「云香」之創作. [read more]
天然用料、自然日照、手工製作的台灣漢香. [read more]
楊逵文學紀念館 is a museum, located at 712台灣 台南市新化區中正路488號, Tainan 712. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 590 5356 for more detailed information. . [read more]
ART FORT (藝術堡壘)位於台南市中心的藝術進駐基地. [read more]