真耶穌教會新營教會 is a church, located at No. 16, Daren Street, Xinying District, Tainan City 73046. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 632 6702 for more detailed information. [read more]
嘉义荣光堂 is a church, located at No. 810, Xinsheng Road, East District, Chiayi City 600. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 277 3015 for more detailed information. [read more]
位於大樓的七樓. [read more]
絕佳的聚會場所。 屬於新世代的教會,組成人口中年輕族群偏重,活動內容活潑輕快。 時常舉辦,活動促進年輕人的凝聚力。也在多方面上有涉及,在台南屬於頗具影響力的教會之一。 口號是: 興起這個世代,預備下個世代,迎接主的再來。. 服務100,檸檬餅乾好吃. Great place to go and be connected with friendly and amazing people. [read more]
新市教会 is a church, located at No. 7, Lane 195, Zhongzheng Road, Xinshi District, Tainan City 744. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 599 2930 for more detailed information. [read more]
是個適合開會聊天喝咖啡的好地方!. [read more]
Taiwan「我們家的教会」 is a church, located at No. 25, Guoyang 5th Street, West District, Chiayi City 600. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 231 8225 for more detailed information. [read more]
特色建築,歡迎光顧. 東石 鄉福基督教會. [read more]
黄金風鈴就在教會吳鳳南路547巷對面八掌溪畔,輔仁中學附近有公車站牌。. 位置原來好像是幼稚園. [read more]
国度丰收教会 is a church, located at 701, Tainan City, East District, 台南市東區北門路二段28號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 222 3220 for more detailed information. [read more]
모두들 친절하게 형제인 저를 반겨주었습니다. 미사에 참석했는데, 사랑과 열정이 넘치는 신부님에 모습에 감동을 받았고, 마침 유아 세례일 이어서 세례식을 볼 수 있었습니다. . 是中國式的教堂,也是天主教的朝聖地,許多紅柱子跟天花板的紋路讓人感覺很像在廟裡面😊. 很棒的堂區,東方特色建築,信仰結合文化!. [read more]
將天主教堂在地化,華人臉孔的耶穌很特別,很值得來此參觀。. 全台唯一中式天主教教堂建築 融合中西藝術的堂內壁畫. 很特別的天主教堂,結合東方與西方特色,令我看到不一樣的耶穌畫像。一切都是庇護十二解決中國禮儀之爭後的成果。導覽人員十分親切。. [read more]
在地的信仰中心!. 就讀小學時每逢聖誕節,常和同學去聽詩歌,領糖果拿聖誕卡,在早年村內就有二個教堂,實屬少見。. [read more]
"百年漂亮古蹟拍婚紗必到台南十大婚紗景點. 位於民生路一段莎士比亞婚紗後面500公尺. 感覺氣氛很不錯. [read more]
晚上點燈✨有歐洲博物館氛圍💖. 大家人都很好。小時候在這裡學直笛和唱歌,過得很開心. 教會就在國華街旁邊,是間很漂亮的百年教會! 希望有更多的人來到教會~. [read more]
The Biggest church in Taiwan, very well organised with fellowship & Counselling, also have English service. Church with ❤️. 聚會選擇很多,旁邊有停車場,很方便. 這是一個充滿愛的地方~~. [read more]
最近在台南地區找教會,覺得大光真的是很蒙神祝福的教會。 大家的敬拜不像一般長老教會莊嚴肅穆,很活潑熱情,很讓人享受在其中,牧師的講道也非常地引人反思,讓人思考過去一周的點點滴滴,也很大力的推著會友,更多的來為神興起服賜。. 牧師真是蒙神恩膏的人. 蒙神祝福的教會. 充滿神的祝福的教會!!. [read more]
真耶穌教會開元教會 is a church, located at No. 100, Section 4, Zhangrong Road, North District, Tainan City 70463. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 236 0343 for more detailed information. [read more]
小而巧的教會,適合安平地區的朋友聚會做主日的好地方。. [read more]
蕭培賢-活石藝術空間 (Permanently Closed) is a church, located at No. 249, Jianping 17th Street, Anping District, Tainan City 708. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 295 0511 for.. [read more]
神的殿堂,卻有著罪人的口舌,有的會友會八卦別人的隱私。. 裡面有兩個Pokestop,在門口就抓得到。. 會堂的聲音迴響超棒 兩年後巡迴演出一定要再來. [read more]
這是我的母會我的信仰. [read more]
喜歡這裡的牧師 。. [read more]
A cozy, peaceful and beautiful church with unique style mixing with local building elements. . 金水~~~ 得到建築師最高榮譽獎的作品. 建築很有特色,遠遠就能看到,開放參觀時間很短,要先注意才不會白跑一趟. [read more]