平日去12-17有優惠很便宜~. 價錢便宜!歌多. 設備不錯,服務週到. [read more]
+3空間-專業建築改建(新建?) 考慮週全非一般表面工業風-如: 大面玻璃導入前院的綠,考慮到遮陽 上樓梯端景、梯下空間都很巧妙 小庭院前衣帽架 廁所隔離大加分 空間不大但細節設計很講究 漂亮又實用 +1飲品-水準之上 +1食物-只點千層麵,好吃 +1音響-音樂也選的不錯 +1乾淨-聽說開店一年依然如新,強 +0價格-稍貴 不想花大錢就吃飽再來吧 是值得一來再來的好地方. [read more]
全台最佳音響場所 最好的音響器材 最會調音的經理. 2015-1121(WED) 精研+INFOCUS=讚. [read more]
KISS PUB 表演秀 is a restaurant, located at No. 3, Jianping 17th Street, Anping District, Tainan City 708. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 293 3535 for more detailed information. [read more]
Happiness (ハピネス lounge) is a bar, located at 700, Tainan City, West Central District, 忠義路二段175號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 225 4977 for more detailed information. [read more]
台南日式スナック Mr. Chu(ミスターチュー) is a night club, located at 公園路62號2樓, 中西區台南市 Taiwan 700. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 222 2101 for more detailed information. [read more]
Had a really great time enjoying their wonderful brunch. Definitely try the dragonfruit milkshake, so refreshing and delicious. The owner and the service are both attentive and friendly. [read more]
專業音響、投影機布幕、大型螢幕、舞台出租!價錢合理,高CP值!. [read more]
The FIRST lounge constructed by shipping container in Tainan! A very creative design, clean and comfortable lounge with awesome music. They have exotic beers and some random cocktails, and the.. [read more]
消費便宜 包廂很大 音響設備和座椅舒適度普通. 設備好,服務好. 新裝潢,感覺很驚豔!音效不錯. [read more]
一個令人覺得放鬆的地方 一邊欣賞高跟鞋教堂 一邊吹冷氣喝著好喝的飲品 很讚. 大熱天跟高跟鞋合照完,很適合休憩的地方,冷氣很涼很舒服,也很好拍照. 散步累了腳酸 來吹個冷氣 喝個飲料 內部裝潢不錯 二樓露天可以眺望高跟鞋教堂及夕陽. [read more]
日本酒、焼酎の専門店です。お店にあるのは日本で人気の、あるいは秘蔵の、といった類のものは少なく、馴染みある銘柄だと日本酒・獺祭、や、焼酎・明るい農村というくらいです。ただ、品揃え豊富で、この類のお店は台南になかなかないと思うので、localでは重宝されるのでは、と。 値段も日本で直接買うよりはお高い設定ですが、いますぐ日本のお酒を飲みたい、という気持ちになったときは、ここを訪れてもらうといいかと思います。. [read more]
This restaurant was a great experience. The meat was all delicious and very high quality. The staff was friendly and helpful, suggesting different foods for us to try. [read more]
克洛斯時尚造型 is a hair care, located at No. 18, Section 2, Zhongyi Road, West Central District, Tainan City 70041. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 221 3637 for more detailed information. [read more]
那天和朋友小聚,可是當日剛好有簡報團體聚會, 店家並未告知我們,有點被打擾到,這是唯一的不足,餐點份量很多好吃,只接受預約喲!. 在一道道美食中,我們好像也遊歷了西班牙各地呀~!. 老闆對西班牙餐點與社會運動很有研究. [read more]
雖然說5是星級飯店、但設備有點舊化!有相當的改善空間!. 舒服悠閒的休息空間,甜點太甜了些. 進房間時不知為何出現一台臭氧機,房內臭氧味很重,房務趕緊拿一台電風扇來吹才解決,房間也沒窗戶可打開,有點可惜,不過早餐還算豐盛,一樓麵包店口味也還不錯,服務人員也很有禮貌. [read more]
吃ㄉ飽的都是5顆星!平價乾淨衛生!黃金泡菜好吃😋😋😋. 很獨特的鍋具,燒烤與火鍋共同在一個爐子上,洋蔥/豆芽菜、茶水免費供應,還有醬料可搭配,飯後服務生會送上甜點。座位寬敞舒適,服務態度佳!. 價錢中價位,可以享受火鍋與炭烤的不同滋味. [read more]
寂寞空虛的夜,需要的密我,高潮專線加Line:are633 Lonely empty night, need me, high tide line plus line: are633. [read more]
每次回台南都要去小酌幾杯. 服務態度非常好, 坐在吧台跟親切的調酒師阿堯聊得很開心. 酒保超可愛的,會很熱情的介紹跟你聊天. [read more]
This is a Hostel and apparently ok but I am reviewing the downstairs bar. The owner, Haley ( who has excellent English and studied in the USA) first offered me the unpasteurised draft Taiwan beer.. [read more]
I've been here a few times. Good all-around Mexican food, especially for Taiwan. Tacos are decent, but neither as good nor as cheap as Legends. The taquito is really good, and the beans and rice.. [read more]
氣氛很好,老闆態度親切, 啤酒好喝!. 手工現烤披薩不解釋,強!啤酒真的不錯好喝唷,氣氛很棒!. Good beer, good food, reasonable price. [read more]
Quiet, derelict-style bar. Kind, Cost-efficient. . Nice music nice people. [read more]
椰子樹coconut Tree is a bar, located at 700, Tainan City, West Central District, 台南市中西區民族路二段208巷6號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 223 0909 for more detailed information. [read more]
便宜、聚會唱歌的好地方,除了有煙味之外其他都很棒!可以請服務員噴空氣清新劑. 設備新'服務快速!. 平價,不是很新. [read more]
隱藏版魯味好吃. 二樓適合團體聚餐,還有卡拉ok可以唱歌,餐點也好吃. 很多精釀啤酒的選擇,傳統的古早味套餐,又可以唱歌!. [read more]
酒都 葡萄酒 is a liquor store, located at No. 302, Liren Road, East District, Chiayi City 600. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 222 8668 for more detailed information. [read more]
訝異ˊ。ㄗˊㄕㄘㄧㄚㄝㄚㄚ. [read more]
歌曲新,但操作還要再方便一點. 服務人員都很快,服務很好。辛苦了。. 雖是經營許多年了,設備環境維持還不錯。歌也很新。服務也不錯。價位一般。. [read more]
可以喝酒或汽水,有藝術展覽可以看,每隔一段時間會換主題。燈光、喝東西的空間等等整體來說都還滿舒服的,跟朋友來聊天很不錯的地方。. 藝廊與咖啡店/酒吧複合店。很現代感但又很舒適的空間. Very nice gallery, don't miss the street-art in the garden. [read more]
麵包好吃,西西里雞肉歐姆蛋讚,蛋裡面有起司. 裝潢和設計很美,東西燒貴不過不錯吃,麵包好吃,黑咖啡單喝普通,很神奇的是配食物喝風味明顯變得好喝!. 早午餐很用心,非常好吃,麵包品質也不錯。很開心台東有這樣的店! 生意非常好要提早訂位。 *點的是素食的,所以不知道肉類品質如何。. [read more]
帶小朋友來走走,吃吃冰很適合. 可買花,可走走,可吃冰!. 呵呵,不錯玩喔!. [read more]