碧雲岩, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. [read more]
東和三龍宮, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 577 1920 for more detailed information. . [read more]
普陀山白衣道場, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 577 3020 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Lishan Old Mother Palace Special Statue Building, located at Nanhua District, Tainan City 716. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 577 3202 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jing Hao Yuan B&B, located at Nanhua District, Tainan City 716. [read more]
烏山咖啡茶坊, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 577 3304 for more detailed information. . [read more]
龍虎寺, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. [read more]
水口溪吊橋 is a park, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. [read more]
南化山莊, located at 南化區, 台南市 716. [read more]
台南市政府警察局文山派出所 is a police, located at 174, 北門區, 台南市 727. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 786 2324 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Yi Long Enterprises Co. is a cookware and bakeware manufacturer located in Taiwan. With over 30 years of manufacturing experience, we are dedicated to providing cookware products for better.. [read more]
Yu-To Automotive Parts Co. , LTD. has been in the industry for more than 30 years since its foundation in 1984. we are a Taiwanese manufacturer with expertise in auto mirrors. [read more]
We are Ye Chime Co. , Ltd from Taiwan, a steel service center, serving below steel to end manufacturers of automotive, home appliance, construction industries inside and outside Taiwan more than.. [read more]
瀛海中學以成為台南第一所口碑與實力兼具的國際學校為目標,希望成為在地學生值得的選擇,免於舟車勞頓,也降低家長對未成年子女太早離鄉背井的擔憂。此外,我們更希望能協助、引導學生在多元選向中做出正確的抉擇,及早發掘個人定位,深耕專業。「適性發展」即是瀛海最高的辦學宗旨。歷經一年籌備期,我們國際部團隊至兩岸三地取經、籌辦課程、舉辦說明會,任用曾於澳洲中學擔任教務長、且在台長達十年的澳籍副校長領導辦學。我們選用隸屬於Cambridge劍橋大學的劍橋考試委員會(CIE)所研發、全球最廣為採納的初中IGCSE及高中A Level國際教育證書課程;也是全球唯一由大學學府以「大學高等教育」為導向,向下垂直整合、設計出的一套規劃縝密的課程。劍橋的「品質認證」及「國際測驗統一標準」獲全球教育界的高度認可。A Level為國際高中文憑課程,其結業成績被譽為全球大學之「金牌通行證」,不只有利於名校申請,更有助於獎學金申請。目前195個國家當中,已有超過1400所大學暨學院認可以A Level成績申請入學(所有英國、澳洲、紐西蘭、香港、新加坡大學、加拿大、德國、荷蘭、丹麥等歐盟各國;當然也包括哈佛、史丹佛、常春藤聯盟等超過500所美國大學名校)。A Level亦被視作「大學預修」課程,成績優異者,得依各學校規定獲底部分科目之大學學分,可見A Level的課程銜接大學的緊密及專業程度。IGCSE為國際初中教育文憑課程。因應A Level課程旨在讓學生選擇3-5科有興趣的科目,深入研讀、成為專才;因此,初中到高中的課程銜接以及興趣探索顯得格外重要。前者而言,IGCSE提供一脈相承的完整課程規劃,能確保學生為後續大學預備課程做好最完善的準備。後者而言,「適性發展」需要較長時間的引導,IGCSE涉獵廣泛的基礎課程和靈活、實作的教學方式,提供學生最佳的探索機會。劍橋考試委員會(CIE),自1836年推行至今,合作中學遍布世界各地,且已累積餘百年的歷史及聲譽。其課綱雖縝密,但也強調適性、因地制宜。瀛海國際部未來將開設「國中雙語班」及「高中全美班」,針對國中,校方與劍橋考試委員會東亞區高級經理商討過後, 決定融合國內課綱數理和國文的優勢,結合劍橋課綱的授課方式,中西並軌進行。目的是為確保學生在剛起步時能真正適應「以英文研讀學科」以及西方教育思維,同時發揮原有優勢。國中階段採取中西並軌的另一項優勢為:訓練學生的選擇及適應能力——面臨中西兩套教育系統,學生如何能在其中辨認自己的定位、特色及長處,並學習整合和選擇對自己最有利的發展方向,達到「適性發展」的真正訴求。高中全美班則是以申請國外大學為目標,課程以劍橋課綱及全英文訓練為主。 包含瀛海國際中學在內,「劍橋合作認證教育機構」已累積超過11,000所。我們擁有來自劍橋考試委員會所提供的師資專業培訓、劍橋各地合作機構的社群網絡、國際專員的支援與建議等各項服務資源,更是台南第一所接軌全球劍橋考試認證中心。 身為劍橋的一員, 我們將致力於傳授五大劍橋核心教育價值:培育學生「樂觀自信、認真負責、勤學善問、勇於創新、積極主動」。希望成就學生的不只是紙筆考試的成績,更是受用一生的思想與技能。. [read more]
Yu- Kuang Chem. Ind. corp. offer a full line of stationery products including mechanical pencil, Ex-Polymer mechanical pencil leads, erasers, metal ball point pens, Ex-Power paper clipper,.. [read more]
Дроны. [read more]
雅匠科技係以提供AR/VR 技術與整合的服務商。透過AR技術在不同的場域提供適合的產品,以體驗價值創造最佳的用戶互動型態,帶動產業多元應用,也將逐步改變你我的日常生活。YajanTech is an AR/VR integrated provider. We are not only dedicated to providing you the befitting products based on creating the best UI experience for users with experience value but trying to drive multiple applications of industries and advance our daily life around the world via our AR image and facial recognition technologies. [read more]
玉井國中游泳池, located at 96, 大成路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443 (忠孝街). They can be contacted via phone at +886 919 710 804 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Ban Jiou Woo Japanese Fried Pork Chop is a restaurant, located at 166, Zhongshan Road, Xinhua District, Tainan City 712. [read more]
會玉井區農會農特產品直銷中心atm, located at 228, 中華路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. [read more]
台新銀行ATM中油玉井站, located at 91, 中山路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. [read more]
台灣中油玉井加油站, located at 91, 中山路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 2476 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Cathay Life Insurance yu jing fu wu san, located at 89, Zhongshan Road, Yujing District, Tainan City 71443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 338 8434 for more detailed information. [read more]
台灣基督長老教會總會牧師傳道師相助會 is a church, located at 玉井區, 台南市 714. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 3941 for more detailed information. . [read more]
台灣基督長老教會加利利宣教中心 is a church, located at 玉井區, 台南市 714. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 3941 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Professional office furniture manufacturer since 1993 in Taiwan. Especially focus on the field of workplace and schools. In the past 30 years, we build good reputation and success by good service.. [read more]
WAIS is a new primary educational option in Taian city, Taiwan. The curriculum is based on the very best state standards in America and uses English as its core instructional language. [read more]
大同3C玉井門市, located at 244, 中山路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 2634 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Why is Wyser your best choice for your critical requirements? Wyser directs its expertise and strength toward engineering fasteners and related parts. [read more]
WM International is a property investment company, providing end-to-end asset management service including converting properties into hostels and boutique hotels. [read more]
自然味素���小吃店 is a restaurant, located at 264, 中山路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 3215 for more detailed information. . [read more]
玉皇宮天公廟, located at 中華路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. [read more]
農會超市玉井鄉, located at 228, 中華路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 3799 for more detailed information. . [read more]
全聯台南玉井店, located at 283, 中華路, 玉井區, 台南市 71443. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 1968 for more detailed information. . [read more]
玉井嵐旅店, located at 75, 大智街, 玉井區, 台南市 71444. They can be contacted via phone at +886 6 574 4315 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Miding Kitchen is a restaurant, located at Zhonghua Road, Yujing District, Tainan City 71443. [read more]