食物都滿新鮮的 老闆娘親切 雞爪很推薦 滷得入味再炸過其他地方吃不到 但這一兩年有時候去買調味過鹹 以前比較不會有這種情況. 目前吃過最好吃的❤️❤️❤️. 好吃又美味的鹽酥雞,服務好!價格公開透明!有一股特別的好滋味,在我台北的家有吃過差不多的風味,超讚的!童年回憶啊!太感動了!. [read more]
To say 心情軽飲/外帯式飲料 (Permanently Closed) is a meal delivery, located at No. 72, Jingming Road, Xitun District, Taichung City 407. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2310.. [read more]
T4清茶達人 (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at No. 152, Minxing Street, Daya District, Taichung City 42861. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2560 7877 for more detailed information. [read more]
老闆,手機在地服務有找到囉!. [read more]
一間店 is a restaurant, located at 408, Taichung City, Nantun District, 大墩11街447號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2385 0838 for more detailed information. [read more]
外送服務態度很好!. 披薩店,附近都是學校. 達美樂就是好吃😄😄. [read more]
喜歡派克的雞排,放冷了還是好吃^^. 現在雞排好貴。。。停車不易。但雞排不錯吃. 好吃!! 在地人推一個~. [read more]
學校、公司團體大宗訂購的好店家!. 派克的脆皮雞排是我吃過最喜歡的雞排,皮很脆辣味的超順口,雞肉不會幹扁有先鮮甜味,吃完不會覺得太鹹很口渴,不過價位是高了些😅. 該有的都有 連鎖雞排店. [read more]
Pizza純手工好吃 還有很多優惠活動. 披薩好吃,服務親切。. 純手工批薩~好吃!!. [read more]
是偏甜的滷味 加上小辣 很香. 餐點健康又美味. 台東人~這是一定要的啦(* ̄︶ ̄*)好吃~我愛吳老闆的獨家辣椒. [read more]
地瓜蜜 地瓜王烤地瓜 is a restaurant, located at No. 1, Lane 742, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Changhua City, Changhua County 500. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 727 6183 for more detailed information. [read more]
披薩好吃,不過不好停車. 披薩好吃 …服務好. 披薩好吃,服務態度優,裝潢新穎。. [read more]
精緻的料理,好吃~~價格合哩,師傅專業,外場服務超好,很愉快的用餐經驗,下次來台中還要再來!大推~~~~. 懷著懷石料理ㄉ精神,菜色呈現,留住食物本身味道不過度烹調,喜歡的朋友可以來品嘗,很合我胃口,師傅用心,!感謝!值得推薦>>. 提供日式無菜單料理,價格偏高,出菜時種類眾多,單品一口是其特色,可吃到各種食材,味道還不錯。. [read more]
雞腳凍入口即化,好吃到連骨頭都可以吞下去,可惜一份的量太少,兩份又多了. 雞腳凍好吃有微辣 適合當下酒菜 商品擺放乾淨整齊 價格一目了然 蓮心冰由綠豆冰沙 紅豆牛奶冰 大豆三種組成 清涼消暑 店家服務態度很好. 跟東海的有些微不同,還是好吃. [read more]
我只有2個字可以形容,好吃~吃了還會想在吃~. 好吃,口味不會太鹹,便宜又大碗. 大推!!. 美好的食物,美好的事物。 兩位小妹妹都變得更漂亮惹 (^_-)。. [read more]
炸魚排 炸排骨 蒸蛋湯 是必點的菜單 外帶要選排骨 若選炸魚排 現炸的餘溫在回家的過程 會讓魚肉變更老. [read more]
就愛這一味!道地古早味…. 東區真的不錯吃, 每年筍子季 他們家的筍子真是超好吃的!!. 用料實在,東西好吃,值得推薦. [read more]
小菜好吃,雞湯很好喝!是一個好選擇! 感覺到老闆的用心👍 會再來光顧,進口袋名單😎👍. Just good well-cooked hot pot, chicken soup. Reasonable price. . [read more]
離科學博物館很近,麵好吃,份量剛剛好,速度也很快,價格略高,但是考量便利性跟美味程度,會是我下次去科博館的首選。店面小小的,要提早預約比較保險喔。. 出餐快,醬濃麵香,法式麵包配青醬奶油很讚~價格也是合理範圍!. 白酒蛤蜊義大利麵新鮮料多,套餐的南瓜濃湯也用料豐富。平價卻一點也不馬虎。. [read more]
不知為什麼這家分店比較好吃,雖然服務態度沒有太好,但是也沒差,人的生活有陰晴圓缺,冰持續保持水準好吃最重要. 夏天到了就是要吃冰. 好多種好吃的冰可以選擇哦~幸發亭也是在地老店了,吃冰來這裡絕對不會讓你失望。. [read more]
有些特別菜色,及廚師手藝別有風味,值得嚐嚐。. 水煮魚跟東坡肉好夠味,好吃。山藥蛤蜊排骨湯有雷,很像清水。. Came after 12 years ago. Still nice taiwanese resturant foods. . [read more]
他們很有特色,吃起來還不錯,很推. 醬料多種選擇 稍微用心經營 生意更好更旺. 很好醬料與選擇 滿不錯的 很可愛 有新鮮感. [read more]
一望無垠的綠地另人心曠神怡且怡然自得, 看得見天然石材與青青綠草的渾然天成, 風箏餐廳佈置精緻優雅且一塵不染, 古道熱腸的迎接佳賓有如親朋好友, 如此美好的人事物另人流連忘返! ✔️Good place to go with your lover or family ✔️Bring one of your favorite books for 📖 最後建議可做問卷調查滿意度,可參考王品集團或鼎泰豐如何待客,例如對餐點不滿意的客人可補送禮物,讓客人覺得物超所值或送餐前能有一杯水或一壺道地的好茶🍵. [read more]
除了釣蝦也是不錯吃飯聊天的地方,又有小包廂可以唱卡啦OK,老闆和老闆娘很熱情!. 快1小21P 蝦狂咬 雙勾兩次 這裡雙勾飲料只送一次 可惜時間太趕蝦都送隔壁的 炒飯不錯吃 缺點是蚊子太~~~~多了 被叮十幾包 老闆說下次去先跟他拿防蚊液👍. 蝦子很好上鉤的好地方,停車空間又大,老闆的廚藝真的很不賴喔. [read more]
The food here was flavorful with creativity on display. The flavor combinations were original and a treat for the palette. Service was friendly and quick. [read more]
Pleasant surprise! So far all the bbq and roasted fish we've tried has been really good. (We've been back 3-4 times) Definitely order a bacon and tomato skewer. [read more]
Had a great time with friends, place offer nice BBQ snacks and great tap beer for a reasonable price. Sometimes has life music and generally isn't a very quiet place but it is having quite.. [read more]
賣場很寬,家具種類繁多,是挑選優質家具的好地方。. 老闆很實在,傢俱高貴不貴。. [read more]
It's a little bit overpriced. However the food servings were appropriate in order to share, the ambience is perfect for a romantic date, the (stunning) view makes it even better. [read more]
A French bistro in Taichung that might be better than most of the bistros I've tasted in Paris. Classic French dishes are solid; superb iberico ham and extremely puffy soufflé,risotto might be a.. [read more]
羊角日式炭火烧肉 is a restaurant, located at No. 387, Section 2, Gongyi Road, Nantun District, Taichung City 408. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2252 3355 for more detailed information. [read more]
I love here, the staffs here are brilliant‼‼‼. 隱藏了一家: 明日咖啡,其中美式咖啡是我目前,在台中市區喝過CP值最高的一杯咖啡. . . 相信有很多台中的朋友都不知有這家咖啡廳吧!!. 相當有質感的一間家具精品店, 1樓還有咖啡輕食可以享用,輕食的部分有手工披薩、還有沙拉可以選擇,環境相當舒適,很適合跟朋友們一起渡過一個輕鬆的下午茶時間. [read more]
是個品茗聊天的好地方,老闆很親切!. [read more]
廁所又多又大又乾淨,還附衛生紙,定期有打掃!還有尿布台專屬房間,商店賣的東西很多!有座位,有熱水!. 洗車真的洗得超乾淨,而且都是愛心天使在洗,創造身障者就業機會,令人感動。加油站服務超好。超商環境好,廁所是五星級。比飯店更高級。. 是我遇過加油站附設手工洗車裡最認真,也是洗最久的,目前優惠價100元,CP值爆表。. [read more]
餐廳的咖啡冰沙跟外面賣的口感不同,奶油和巧克力醬濃香味美,口感特別有層次感,鬆餅加冰淇淋和巧克力汁,吃起來外酥內軟甜而不膩,都是小朋友的最愛。硬體方面,室內以娃娃為佈置主題,室外則提供三輪腳踏車,很適合帶幼齡孩童前來。. 喝咖啡用餐的地方!有免費停車場。. 人情味濃厚的好地方, 有小草原可以親子踢球, 餐點跟咖啡都很棒喔。. [read more]
都会土鸡城 is a campground, located at Tongshan Road, Daya District, Taichung City 428. [read more]