美食如同暖陽,給人滿滿的力量~ 希望我們的食物,也能給予每一個客人, 滿滿的活力以及滋養, 洗滌一整天的疲憊! 我們也會努力提供大家平價而美味的餐點唷~. [read more]
龍式真功夫. [read more]
Natural 27舒肥弁當 is a restaurant, located at 台中市北屯區北屯路421之3號, Taichung 40444. They can be contacted via phone at +886 908685503 for more detailed information. [read more]
「J. S. FOODIES TOKYO」是由來自日本的選貨服飾品牌「JOURNAL STANDARD」透過飲食文化、穿衣哲學與品味居家等生活形態提案所推出的“⾵格選食餐飲”,東京的最新流行美食都在「J. S. FOODIES TOKYO」零. [read more]
營業時間:太原店:11:00 ~ 19:30 已經於105年2月搬遷至崇德路了唷 (星期一固定公休). [read more]
蔡記官網►http://www. tsaigi. com. tw/ Pchome商店街►http://www. pcstore. com. tw/tsai/ 不論彌月送禮或孕期營養,歡迎一同分享與討論!. [read more]
歡迎大家事先來電預定節省等待時間 �每週一固定公休,不要白跑一趟囉�. [read more]
陶板屋豐原向陽店 is a restaurant, located at 台中市豐原區向陽路130號B1之2, Taichung 420. They can be contacted via phone at 0425231600 for more detailed information. . [read more]
(現調咖哩+現做烤餅)道地印度美食. 烤餅的香. 咖哩的嗆. 允指的滋味. . . [read more]
老舖關東宅,粉絲專業來囉! 營業時間:17:00~23:30 我們固定週六公休喔!. [read more]
阿堂爌肉飯 每日現滷爌肉 現炒青菜. 小菜 素芋頭鹹粥 素炒麵 除了爌肉滷鍋裡的 其餘都素食 每日現炒小魚乾辣椒 等您來品嚐��. [read more]
飯麵食堂 is a restaurant, located at 台中市五權路176之16號, Taichung 404. They can be contacted via phone at 886976606489 for more detailed information. . [read more]
菊園日式料理(永隆店) is a restaurant, located at 大里區永隆路388號, Taichung 412. They can be contacted via phone at 04-24077750 for more detailed information. . [read more]
營業時間: 11:30 am 電話: 0982-656-242 Line ID: 0982656242 Google map: http://goo. gl/maps/zncKv 為了避免您的久候,用餐請先來電預約. [read more]
忠於原味 只想用最好的 與您分享! 打造輕鬆自在的小餐廳!. [read more]
林家食府 is a restaurant, located at 台中市太平區中山路四段51號, Taichung 411. They can be contacted via phone at 0423952891 for more detailed information. . [read more]
最鮮. . 最平價的生猛海鮮. . . 盡在漁樂. [read more]
位於東海大學附近的國際街上 鄰近藝術街坊. [read more]
主廚具備十多年台菜辦桌外燴經驗 提供各式魚類及各種當季新鮮海鮮料理及精緻桌菜 不論是三五好友聚餐,家庭用餐,喜慶生日辦桌宴客 來"佳鄉"讓您享受大火快炒台菜好滋味!. [read more]
位於亞洲大學健康大樓一樓. [read more]
自家專業烘焙,精選生豆,現烘現磨,提供新鮮香醇濃郁的咖啡,主要商品為:出外上班方便使用的濾掛式咖啡包,以及新鮮咖啡豆,給咖啡愛好者天天喝到自己現磨的美味咖啡。. [read more]
每日蟹老闆親自挑選的新鮮魚貨 及紅蟳,現點現煮 大火烹煮 鮮味精華全在這碗,新鮮吃的到,只在深夜裡四處傳香。想吃蟹 來找蟹老闆 天元海鮮粥. [read more]
高品樂滷味 創始店 is a restaurant, located at 大里區益民路二段365號, Taichung 412. They can be contacted via phone at 0938483776 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新鐔子複合式釣蝦場 is a restaurant, located at 臺中市西屯區環中路二段951號, Taichung 40760. They can be contacted via phone at 0424524086 for more detailed information. . [read more]
讓吃素食平價少負擔. [read more]
晨家早午餐mornhome-一中店 is a restaurant, located at 台中市北區中華路二段131號, Taichung 404. They can be contacted via phone at 04-22059968 for more detailed information. [read more]
光輝海鮮 is a restaurant, located at 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮江夏路美食廣場, Suao 270. They can be contacted via phone at 0921-131265 for more detailed information. . [read more]
A'Dream-阿儂 is a restaurant, located at 台中市北屯區大連路一段66號, Taichung. They can be contacted via phone at 0922557163 for more detailed information. . [read more]
藝術街巷弄中的咖啡廳,提供咖啡、飲品、輕食、甜點。 鄰近東海大學、東海藝術街、望高寮風景區、台中都會公園、逢甲夜市等景點。. [read more]
好朋友的聚會,鵝肉是很好的選擇,祥琳鵝肉海鮮,它位於大里區近大里橋頭他們家的絕活是這個鵝肉. [read more]
本店食材都是由老闆親自採買,食材新鮮,絕無假貨。 老闆偶爾也會跑到各個魚港找尋野生海鮮食材,讓愛嚐鮮的饕客們大飽口福唷! 本店也有接受外燴與各個年節日的訂餐,歡迎來店預訂!. [read more]
鼎吉牛肉麵(原貨櫃屋) is a restaurant, located at 大里區仁化路581號, Taichung 412. They can be contacted via phone at 0424968536 for more detailed information. . [read more]
咖哩專賣店,日式豬排專賣. [read more]
易鼎活蝦 大里店 is a restaurant, located at 台中市大里區德芳南路219號, Taichung 412. They can be contacted via phone at 04-2481-9393 for more detailed information. . [read more]
炭烤炸物 烤台炸物目前是霧峰知名日本料理師傅負責。擁有數十年日本料理經驗。 將日本料理手法融入炸物及烤物研究出不同口感。 全新感受。. [read more]
一中益民商圈義大利麵餐廳 每週一為店休日喔!!!. [read more]