路地 ろじ is a restaurant, located at 西區美村路一段117巷17號, Taichung 403. They can be contacted via phone at +886423269817 for more detailed information. . [read more]
早餐已經想不到要吃甚麼了,那就來早點吃早餐吧!. [read more]
新天地海鮮餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 台中市梧棲區大智路二段400號, Taichung 330. They can be contacted via phone at 04-2656-2222 for more detailed information. . [read more]
瞞著爹台中精誠壽司吧,座落於精誠商圈的時光隧道,將日式裝潢帶入老宅子賦予不一樣的風貌,秉持著我們一貫的熱情,每日使用當季日台海鮮食材,以現點現作的方式,經由師傅精湛手藝處理後,提供給消費者新鮮又多樣化的日式料理,包含生魚海鮮丼飯、單點握壽司、刺身、燒物、煮物、揚物、鍋物等,多種選擇一次滿足消費者的味蕾。 ❀餐點型態:單點 ❀消費模式:低消 $ 230元+10%服務費/人 ❀營業時間:11:30 -14:30 / 17:00-21:30 ❀門市地址:台中市西區精誠九街23號 ❀門市電話:(04)3704-8955 ❀訂位專線:(04)3704-8955 ★ 注意事項: 1. [read more]
台中私房巷弄口袋名單-內行人帶路 台中好選擇 蘇媽媽古早味麵糊蛋餅-絕對不會讓你失望 當日現做 售完為止. [read more]
每樣食材都是先炸過再用碳火慢慢燒烤讓每樣食材吸入醬汁~. [read more]
We are looking for a new location. I hope to find a place restaurant type like with a small patio garden. . [read more]
這是一間很難吃到的店. [read more]
【嚴選量販.火鍋首選】 堅持惜食愛物的精神,想吃什麼就拿什麼,讓您親如逛超市的感覺,享受一頓獨一無二的火鍋!. [read more]
吐司男 晨食專賣店 is a restaurant, located at 學士路238號, Taichung 40406. They can be contacted via phone at 0422363238 for more detailed information. . [read more]
廣福樸園每一道蔬食皆無加工物,新鮮蔬材與創意,讓素食變成健康美味!. [read more]
樂昂-豐原 is a restaurant, located at 台中市豐原區復興路2號B2, Taichung 422. They can be contacted via phone at 0908651800 for more detailed information. . [read more]
海王子鍋物 is a restaurant, located at 台中市崇德路二段140號, Taichung 406. They can be contacted via phone at 0422355335 for more detailed information. . [read more]
星期一~星期日,中午11:30 ~ 14:30;晚上17:30 ~ 21:30 為提供最佳用餐品質,歡迎來電預約,將有專人為您服務。 聯絡我們: 訂位專線:04-2327-3399 地址:台中市精誠五街19號(備有貴賓停車庫). [read more]
在30幾年前,在台中市軍功路農會對面,休息十多年,今年三月在大里仁化路568號重出江湖,因為有粉絲懷念我們的飯糰,請大家多多宣傳,詳細內容請進粉絲專業查看。. [read more]
叛逆因子Rebellious factor咖啡館 啟動您冒險因子,寫下自己精彩的叛逆故事!. [read more]
公平只是基礎,有機是回歸自然,貨物需要圓滿品質一定要甲上. [read more]
一個讓你(妳)愜意而自在的空間,安心的食材照顧您的健康。. [read more]
在這忙碌的生活方式裡面~咖啡 慢 輕食 給你一個舒服。放鬆的環境. [read more]
85度c大里永隆店 is a restaurant, located at 台中市大里區大明路492號, Taichung 412. They can be contacted via phone at 0424061516 for more detailed information. . [read more]
魚真多活海鮮 is a restaurant, located at 彰化縣彰化市永安街437巷2號, Taichung 500. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 736 6311 for more detailed information. . [read more]
新鮮自製麵條、自滷滷味、 家常菜、限量新鮮煎魚及鮮魚湯, 最簡單的美味,等您親自來品嚐。. [read more]
※每周三,周四店休※ 營業:晚上七點至凌晨ㄧ點半 濃厚豚骨拉麵專門店. [read more]
木槿韓式炸雞&辣炒年糕 is a restaurant, located at 西屯區 文華路49號(對面), Taichung 407. They can be contacted via phone at 0966 536 214 for more detailed information. . [read more]
槿日式食堂 is a restaurant, located at 南區南門路45號, Taichung 402. They can be contacted via phone at 0422852369 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true. . [read more]
十二街蔬活館 is a restaurant, located at 西屯區大墩十二街138號, Taichung 408. They can be contacted via phone at 0423201016 for more detailed information. . [read more]
裸一貫 比喻 赤手空拳 白手起家 透明化料理台 精心挑選新鮮食材 食客的需求 我們最知道. [read more]
Bar Dān is a restaurant, located at 精誠八街1號, Taichung 403. They can be contacted via phone at 0423272810 for more detailed information. . [read more]
福建炒麵是一種源於吉隆坡的華人傳統麵食 當地人都稱之為福建麵或稱福建炒 由福建移居的二代華人結合當地食材及調味所創,到福建還吃不到!. [read more]
堅持手工 傳承客家文化 我們是製作有關米食的產品 堅持純米製作~ 歡迎大家蒞臨指教分享留言!!!!!!!!!!. [read more]
東海商圈-鯛魚燒霜淇淋 is a restaurant, located at 台中市龍井區東興巷52號, Taichung. [read more]
豐原銅板美食日式鯛魚燒/亂畫沒主題俱樂部. [read more]
1、不定時(29元以上)特價組合餐點。 2、網址: www. facebook. com/toast3369 3、200元以上(500公尺內)外送服務。 4、「公休」日期不固定,會公告在粉絲專頁置頂文章。 5、歡迎來電預約點餐。. [read more]
家. 溫度一店(公正店) 台中市公正路222號 (04)2301-0802 家. 溫度二店(草悟店 ) 台中市美村路一段149巷5號 (04)2321-3678. [read more]
來自日本的味道. [read more]