「WensCo 共同工作空間」是台中最便利的共同工作空間 (Coworking Space),四維國小旁,捷運四維國小站出口步行 2 分鐘。[服務項目]共用工作桌 (Hot Desk)單人固定位 (Dedicated Desk)會議室 (Meeting Room)高速免費網路,桌桌有插座,備列印掃描傳真事務機免費咖啡、茶水置物櫃閱讀區、沙發區、討論區吧檯及廚房. [read more]
WealthLink International Property is an international professional overseas real estate investment consulting company dedicated to real estate investment in major cities in Asia. [read more]
一群致力於改善台灣房地產投資環境的人房地產具有獨特的區域性,沒有兩間房子有相同的方位、格局,最差的時代也是最好的時代,房產時代記者所寫的區域報導以及時事分析,給您最獨特的觀點,讓你走在時代趨勢的最前端。於對時正在猶豫是否要買房的您來說,利用房產時代提供的客觀房地產評論,幫助您去蕪存菁,不致買貴、買的後悔。房產時代HouseTimes有專業記者、影音團隊,深入每個新成屋、預售屋的角落,給您更公正客觀的房地產評論報導。. [read more]
Work Space x Meeting Space. [read more]
惠雙房屋惠雙加家加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 498, 南村路, 后里區, 台中市 42147. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2558 8232 for more detailed information. [read more]
群義房屋東勢東關路加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 138, Dongguan Road Section 7, Dongshi District, Taichung City 42353. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2587 7999 for more detailed information. [read more]
Cornerstone specializes in relocation housing services and tenancy management with years of experience. Our dedicated housing and management service guarantees an easier life for expats in Taiwan. [read more]
東興廣告事業有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 122, 屏西路, 沙鹿區, 台中市 43347. [read more]
豐富不動產有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 178, 屏西路, 沙鹿區, 台中市 43347. [read more]
勝鼎不動產經紀有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 148, 南社二街142巷, 龍井區, 台中市 434. [read more]
垂直整合三大事業群 服務最完整的房產集團深耕台灣超過33年,永慶以經營大台北直營門市的成功經驗為根基,在科技房仲第一品牌的優勢下,將顧客導向的服務精髓不斷學習與傳承,讓門市據點快速擴展至全台各地。目前永慶的全台服務據點合計已破1550店,集團總人數達2萬4千人,是全台最大、服務最完整的房仲品牌。為因應消費者日趨多元的交易需求,永慶更積極由直營事業體跨足加盟、建設、代銷、代書、網路等領域,垂直整合三大事業群,打造永慶房產集團,提供消費者房地產市場上、中、下游一次到位的完整服務,成為客戶圓滿生活推手、最大房產住居服務平台。更成立永慶慈善基金會,號召千店萬人做公益,將圓滿傳遞至社會各個角落。. [read more]
YunnanMetropolitan Real Estate is a commercial real estate company based out of KUNMING, YN | Yunnan, China. . [read more]
大家房屋台中后里加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 639, 大圳路, 后里區, 台中市 42154. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2558 9666 for more detailed information. [read more]
這是一個把租房時 '房東報價' 和 '房客出價' 過程,透明和機制化來幫房東和房客達到雙贏的一個房租議價平台。可以說是蝦皮拍賣或 Yahoo拍賣 租屋版的競標租房網站!\\和你一樣,我也是個房東:\我是一個工作了十幾年的上班族。在讀了 '富爸爸,窮爸爸' 後,開始接觸房地產投資,夢想退休後有份穩定的被動性收入。\多年省吃儉用後買了第一個物件,\才發現事情不是憨人想的這麼簡單. [read more]
TAIPEI WORLD TRADE CENTER CO. , LTD. is a real estate agency, located at Taipei. [read more]
大睿廣告企劃有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 12, 大富路一段2巷, 潭子區, 台中市 42747. [read more]
We dedicate ourselves to leading our student clients to an accommodation feeling like home. We welcome any cooperation opportunities re. Student Accommodation (PBSA), Student Housing (HMO),.. [read more]
Sweeten Real Estate Development is a long-standing developer in Taichung, Taiwan since 1987 (Taiwan Stock Exchange listed # 5525) with major developments in residential, commercial,.. [read more]
Sunny Friend Environmental Technology Co. ,Ltd is a real estate agency, located at Yuanchang 655. They can be contacted via phone at +886 57885788 for more detailed information. [read more]
Riant Capital is a Pan-Asia Private Equity Real Estate Firm. [read more]
Renting. com. tw provides you with access to our National Renting Database. Checks through our online platform where you can check an applicant details, and in seconds so you can see if you are.. [read more]
Provide clients with value appraisal, assets assessment, and expert opinions for REIT (real estate investment trust) and REAT (real estate asset trust securitized assets). [read more]
PropTech Taiwan is a real estate agency, located at Taipei. [read more]
帝德國際實業股份有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 39, 三榮十二路, 烏日區, 台中市 41454. [read more]
有巢氏房屋台中烏日立晟加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 25, 三榮路二段, 烏日區, 台中市 41454. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2338 8985 for more detailed information. [read more]
元盈廣告事業有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 361-6, 楓樹西街366巷, 南屯區, 台中市 40846. [read more]
Jean Group's two-core business sectors consist of In-Car Entertainment (I. C. E. ) systems and real estate development. Our I. C. E. business consists of R&D, production, sales and.. [read more]
群義房屋福和高鐵加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 188, 中山路三段, 烏日區, 台中市 41455. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2338 7848 for more detailed information. [read more]
惠雙房屋惠雙草屯中興加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 57, 太平路一段, 草屯鎮, 南投縣 54261. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9239 1699 for more detailed information. [read more]
Live by Choice. 你的生活,本來就該是一座城市。Alife 提供各種生活解決方案。從生活企劃提案、多型態的生活空間 ,到回應時代的生活服務。透過 Alife ,把生活過成想要的樣子。. [read more]
台灣房屋高鐵副都心特許加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 440, 三榮路二段, 烏日區, 台中市 41454. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2338 0477 for more detailed information. [read more]
興億宏實業有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 37-4, 清泉路, 沙鹿區, 台中市 433. [read more]
昇盧不動產經紀有限公司 is a real estate agency, located at 35, 中華路, 清水區, 台中市 43649. [read more]
住商不動產台中港三井加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 540, 台灣大道八段, 梧棲區, 台中市 43544. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2657 4888 for more detailed information. [read more]
尚富不動產仲介商行 is a real estate agency, located at 101, 天仁街, 沙鹿區, 台中市 43345. [read more]
惠雙房屋惠雙沙鹿屏西加盟店 is a real estate agency, located at 736, 向上路六段, 沙鹿區, 台中市 433. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2631 6315 for more detailed information. [read more]