氣氛:重重歡喜、重重歡慶 精神:團隊合一、正面思維、積極態度 目標:歸屬家庭、優質品格、意義人生. [read more]
使命宣言 門訓上帝子民 Disciple 連結基督肢體 Network 轉化城市文化 Transform 宣教直到地極 Mission. [read more]
旌旗教會在北屯區設立的分堂點,由林淑文牧師主責,帶領各個團隊,透過主日聚會、社區關懷、兒童課後照護、長者活力學習等,積極地傳遞福音。. [read more]
我們愛,因為神先愛我們(約壹4:19) 沙鹿長老教會的聚會點滴. [read more]
We warmly welcome you to join our Catholic faith community. You are the lifeblood: collectively, you embody the spirit of our faith community. . [read more]
太平會幕堂 is a church, located at 台中巿太平區中平路順昌巷81號, Taichung 411. They can be contacted via phone at 0422782330 for more detailed information. . [read more]
歡迎來到豐富大家庭,為著 神國而存在的教會,懷著同樣的心志,期待 神國大大的降臨,進入每個世代,興起更多愛主的精兵,一起領受 神國的呼召,完成「去使萬民做主門徒」的大使命。. [read more]
這家就是永生神的教會,真理的柱石和根基。(提摩太前書三章15節下). [read more]
台灣大道基督徒聚會 主日聚會:每周日上午9:30 於一樓副堂 兒童聚會:每週日上午10:30 於409教室 中學生聚會:每週日上午10:30 於402教室 福音真理聚會:每週日上午10:30 於408教室. [read more]
真耶穌教會塭仔教會 is a church, located at 157號 塭仔路, Taichung 507. They can be contacted via phone at 047580191 for more detailed information. . [read more]
浸信會我們教會台中堂 粉絲專頁. [read more]
「實踐大誡命-愛神愛人,完成大使命-廣傳福音」. [read more]
教會是個學習用上帝的愛彼此相愛的地方,歡迎你一起加入我們! 主日崇拜 週日 10:00 禱告會 週四 7:30. [read more]
位於台中市東興路二段上的地方教會,教導生命及品格訓練. [read more]
梧棲敬拜教會 台中市梧棲區四維西路159號 (04)2658-3550. [read more]
❤歡迎來到香港611靈糧堂的台灣分堂❤ ✝ 神住Shekinah 611靈糧堂 🎉聚會時間➡ 🔸晚崇:每週六晚上17:00 🔸主日崇拜:每週日早上10:00 🔸兒童教會:每週日早上10:00. [read more]
Taichung church of Christ is a church, located at 台中市北屯區四平路272號4F, Taichung 40679. They can be contacted via phone at 04-24225090 for more detailed information. [read more]
柳原教會,全稱是台灣基督長老教會台中柳原教會,內有新堂、舊堂、教育館及停車場,最著名的舊堂建於1916年,為歷史建築。 柳原教會不僅是台中市第一個教會,更是全世界唯一具有鰲龍造型吐水簷口的基督教堂。 教會在一條小路裡,路邊不太好停車,但教會很友善,參觀或拍照也可以進去停車,只是做禮拜時,人車都很多,有時會沒有停車位,如果你是單純參觀,最好避開做禮拜的時間。. [read more]
Overrated place to take a quick picture at. There is nothing nearby to look around. it is beautiful though. . Light and music show was awesome. [read more]
大安神召會 is a church, located at 365, Miaoli County, Tai'an Township, 大安產業道路38 號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 796 2496 for more detailed information. [read more]
台中和平區環山天主堂 is a church, located at 424, Taichung City, Heping District, 中興路三段環山一巷34號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2580 2561 for more detailed information. [read more]
追求真理教導的教會,還有每年都很用心辦夏令營與聖誕節活動,是一間有愛的教會^^. [read more]
基督教新生教团埔里教会 is a church, located at No. 20, Minzu 4th Street, Puli Township, Nantou County 545. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9299 3429 for more detailed information. [read more]
Blended worship service with English interpretation (earphones). The English ministry is still in development. Lots small groups and community outreach activities. [read more]
財団法人基督教台湾崇真会三義崇真堂 is a church, located at 367, Miaoli County, Sanyi Township, 中正路85號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 787 5332 for more detailed information. [read more]
鹿港灵粮堂 is a church, located at 505, Changhua County, Lukang Township, Sanmin Road, 173號號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 776 7790 for more detailed information. [read more]
中華基督教衛理公會-大里衛理堂 is a church, located at 號, No. 161大里二街大里區台中市 Taiwan 412. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2483 7255 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hangan Pnrhulan ge PNRHULAN TGDAYA KIRISTO CYORO KYOKAY 教會名稱為: 德克達雅基督長老教會. [read more]
Been going to this church for 25 years. It's focused on outreaching and missions. Pastor and the staff are very kind. . 免費學習畫畫. 環境良好。. [read more]
斗六市召会聚会所 is a church, located at Zhongmin Street, Douliu City, Yunlin County 640. They can be contacted via phone at +886 5 532 5480 for more detailed information. [read more]
崇拜主 學習的地方. [read more]
북두장로교회 is a church, located at No. 9, Yuanshi Street, Beidou Township, Changhua County 521. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 888 3306 for more detailed information. [read more]
偶然經過,看看就好. [read more]
古樸,美麗的天主堂~. [read more]
教會建築漂亮,風景優美 牧師人和善親切幽默 居民做禮拜唱聖歌超。好。聽。. [read more]
這是一個美麗的地方,海拔高度大約700M,上到這裡不會有太大壓力,適合全家大小走走。. 紅色鮮豔三角形的教會,西向大湖市區,居高臨下,視野很好!. [read more]