舒適~溫馨~孩子們很喜歡~下次還要在來~. 親切服務,值得信任. 中港還不錯 在前站 小弟租過. [read more]
They are very honest and they offered a lot of choice. Even I made a mistake, they refunded it to me. I joined their other tour and I have a fantastic trip. [read more]
店員態度很好 會以我們需要得需求給我們 下次來還會在來租. 服務態度好 價格便宜 車子狀況也不錯 但不能刷卡扣一顆星. 這一家非常的好,便宜車子新,重點是機車不會給你沒有油,基本上我租了四次,油至少都是中間以上!. [read more]
福德 (興) 汽車 is a car rental, located at 41169, Taichung City, Taiping District, 台中市太平區樹孝路82號之3. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2393 7119 for more detailed information. [read more]
Taiwan Sightseeing Trip Chartered Car is a car rental, located at No. 8號, Lane 39, Wenlin Street, Taiping District, Taichung City 406. They can be contacted via phone at +886 955 037 405 for.. [read more]
優質店家、服務好😊. 阿旺沙灘車俱樂部👍. 老闆人很好,不會積極推銷東西,上次要考慮換輪胎時,也是先檢查有無安全顧慮才提出建議⋯⋯. [read more]
親切,價格合理,遊程配合容易談. 老闆和老闆娘的感覺很好,服務品質不錯!. [read more]
速可达汽车租赁有限公司 is a car rental, located at No. 181, Lane 277, Rixin Street, Caotun Township, Nantou County 542. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9233 3335 for more detailed information. [read more]
停車場自動感應進出,租車客戶無需停車卡. 效率高、速度快,服務人員不囉嗦. 高雄で借りた車をここで返しました。通りから目立つ看板があり、すぐに分かりました。スタッフは日本語が殆ど話せませんがとても親切でした。. [read more]
以往都是自己開車,這次想來點不一樣的旅遊方式。和女兒從三重搭統聯客運到台中火車站,下車向前直走3分鐘就到了環球租車,還真是方便。台中機車出租真是昌盛,好多租車公司,還真是不知如何選擇。只好問問親朋好友並上網google一番,朋友推薦環球租車,但看了評價卻很兩極,決定一探究竟。進入店家,服務人員立刻請我們就坐,問我們是否安排好旅遊行程?如無可以推薦或幫我們規劃旅遊景點。很熱心,並不如有些網路貼文所說的態度差,反倒像朋友一樣貼心。 接下來就要問細節啦!服務人員仔細說明租車規定。發現規矩還真不少。比較不能接受為何要規定里程數、 100cc為何不能跑山路。回說:因為全程保固的問題,騎越遠機車耗損越多。100cc跑山路會比較沒力。另問:網路有人說,妳們會提前催促還車,是否屬實?回:可能是假日車子不夠又有客人在等所以才會打電話問客人是否要續租或準時回來。就是因為常有客人沒準時還車,我們不知他要續租還是其他問題,所以才會打電話,我們也有改進,在客戶租車時告知如果要延遲還車,請務必來電通知。我們也不希望因為此舉讓顧客反感。畢竟生意不好做,也是戰戰兢兢求進步。感覺很認真,接受。 店家熱心服務、價格公道、機車性能佳,全程保固很安心。推😘😘. [read more]
I'm a traveller from Singapore and first time in Taiwan, I have a valid Motorcycle License, but without an International License. The boss was unable to rent me a scooter, but he made.. [read more]
租車方便 仔細檢查. 價格合理 先電話預約跟詢問比較好哦. [read more]
祥栄租車 is a car rental, located at No. 200-2, Beitun Road, Beitun District, Taichung City 406. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2234 9016 for more detailed information. [read more]
iRent翰品酒店花蓮站 is a car rental, located at 970, Hualien County, Hualien City, 永興路2號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 831 5500 for more detailed information. [read more]
這一年來我陸陸續續在這家店租車出遊好幾次,除了價格真的比其他店便宜,店裡車都是新車,非常好開,尤其今天發生了一件事更讓我決定以後直接選擇便宜租車!! 今天出遊玩了一天一路上平安順利,晚上回來的時候到家樂福吃完晚餐準備還車,赫然發現車子的副駕駛座的車門有鞭炮的痕跡(由於是租車的關係,每次上下車都會繞一圈檢查車子有沒有問題),我與同行友人回想一整天情形都沒有任何異狀,最後推論應該是剛剛應該是媽祖過境的時候,但車子已經不在只好摸摸鼻子認了,還車檢查的時候跟店家說明鞭炮的痕跡可能的原因,沒想到店家的服務真的超極好, 沒有跟我取其他的賠償金額,實在是佛心來著,太讓我感動了!!以後除了自己來租車,我也會推薦朋友來這. [read more]
車子超新的,3. 5噸的也有自排的,超好開的。. 貨車都是新車,老闆娘服務也很好,真的是好店。. 阿姨人很好,超過時間還算我們便宜,假日還特地來讓我們租車,讚!. [read more]
樂業租車 is a car rental, located at 號, No. 393樂業路東區台中市 Taiwan 401. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2213 9555 for more detailed information. . [read more]
興家通運(有) is a car rental, located at No. 297號, Yixin Street, East District, Taichung City 401. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2213 8887 for more detailed information. [read more]
台湾自由行旅遊包車 台中包車旅遊接送 全台機場接送 is a car rental, located at 406, Taichung City, Taiping District, 新興路31號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 987 591 168 for more detailed information. [read more]
Unity is a car rental, located at No. 19號, Minzu Road, Central District, Taichung City 400. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2221 5333 for more detailed information. [read more]
富泰旅運有限公司 is a car rental, located at No. 980, Linsen Road, Wufeng District, Taichung City 41346. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2339 9543 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務親切會多介紹的店家. 老闆跟老闆娘待人親切,推薦有需求的話可以來這邊租車!. 老闆及老闆娘 人好相處健談也很阿沙力 所有考量都是以顧客為優先 很謝謝能遇到你們 感恩. [read more]
iRent日月潭向山站 is a car rental, located at 555, 魚池鄉 Yuchi Township, 中山路599號(向山遊客中心). They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2338 6319 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務人員專業,態度親切,幫了很多忙。電動車安靜環保,不過非24hr租車,以免無法處理各種突發狀況。. [read more]
IRentriyuetanshuishe Station (Permanently Closed) is a car rental, located at 555, Nantou County, Yuchi Township, Zhongxing Road, 日月潭中興停車場. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
賀徠租車(小客車租賃有限公司) is a car rental, located at No. 89, Guoguang Road, South District, Taichung City 402. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2287 0808 for more detailed information. [read more]
呂先生你的介紹的私房景點,我們玩的很開心,車輛很好沒問題,暑假再找你了!. 租過很多次,很推薦哦! 地理位置便利,火車站出來步行即可到達,行李還可寄放車行,非常方便。 上週租機車後來因雨天臨時換租汽車,還借我們雨傘用。感謝天霸王的幫忙!!下次造訪花蓮還會再光顧:). [read more]
7/12去花蓮玩 快到站才尋找租車 後來選擇和信,真的值得讚許! (5人租了一台Altis) 一家好的租車公司 不僅車輛的款式多種供消費者選擇 車輛也保養的很好 且服務上更是親切周全 櫃台的姐姐人很好👍👍 還很熱心告訴我們哪裡可以去玩~ 以後再去一定還是會選擇的「和信租車」👍👍. 車況不錯,選擇跟自己現有一樣車款,讓旅行更加輕鬆舒適。. [read more]
優美租車 is a car rental, located at No. 35之1號, Mingzhu Road, Mingjian Township, Nantou County 551. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9273 8012 for more detailed information. [read more]
舒揚企業社 is a car rental, located at 972, Hualien County, Xiulin Township, 克尼布路202號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 864 2360 for more detailed information. [read more]
價錢便宜服務好. 貼心的服務,價錢實在. 服務第一,車輛很新. [read more]
我前天是去”行易租車”離花蓮火車站走路3分鐘,其實那排滿多租車行的,我問第一間就租了,因為我想應該價格都差不多,我那時租125,一年車,24小時350!!也有300元的,其實看車齡啦!!那時我也沒想到老闆會附地圖和介紹好吃的,所以事後覺得蠻高興的,然後他們營業時間是08:30~22:00,但我們隔天8點就要還車,老闆娘特地早起幫我開門,且態度不錯,因為我晚上11點多才打電話跟老闆說!!很不好意思說...(共有二張地圖,吃的和玩的)從火車站前一直走,國泰世華銀行大樓隔壁就看得到了!!. [read more]
門市人員態度親切 講解細心 之前在網路有先比價過 才決定小馬租車. 員工態度超級好!雖然我只是租機車。但是車子好騎又新。. 台湾一ともいえるレンタカー屋さん。推薦します。. [read more]
Rented a car for 1500 (scooter is 350). Probably not very wise because I think you have very limited insurance if any, but it was cold so heck. Friendly staff who speak a few words English and.. [read more]
花蓮旅遊東岸旅行社 is a travel agency, located at No. 472, Zhongyuan Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 97041. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 832 4557 for more detailed information. [read more]
美女帥哥態度親切,下雨天以為我們沒傘還要借傘給我們,也謝謝老闆忱的服•. 客服人員超級熱心知道我們搭機快來不及了,直接送我們回飯店. 車子很新,每次在艾維士租車拿到的車都很新 (五千公里內) 搭配生日優惠很划算. [read more]