車況好 老闆態度也很好. [read more]
AVIS安維斯租車-長租辨公室 is a car rental, located at 號, No. 6西屯路二段256巷西屯區台中市 Taiwan 407. [read more]
青岛租车 is a car rental, located at No. 106號, Section 3, Liming Road, Xitun District, Taichung City 407. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2708 1816 for more detailed information. [read more]
價錢公道,服務佳. 服務超棒 價錢超值. 服務態度很棒 專業可靠 價格公道. [read more]
詠將松鶴遊覽通運有限公司 is a car rental, located at 號, No. 867-8黎明路一段南屯區台中市 Taiwan 408. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2389 9181 for more detailed information. [read more]
和上租賃中港店 (Permanently Closed) is a car rental, located at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 台灣大道三段553號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2375 5567 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務很好👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. 老闆真的很好 👍👍👍. 車新品質優老闆帥快來喔. [read more]
6月10号来这里租车,老板很热情,告诉我们台中的交通情况,6月13号还车的时候,由于要赶去机场,放在手机架上的iPhone7忘了拿了,还好老板有发现,帮我收起来,我马上坐计程车回来拿,现在计程车上发这条讯息,希望待会可以赶上飞机就完美了. 老闆很熱情,租車時告訴我們要去的地方怎麼騎,還車時老闆娘也細心提醒我們確認後車廂東西都拿了,Facebook小編可愛又親切。另外價格便宜、車子保養很好,很推薦大家來這家租車 :). [read more]
全台通租車 is a car rental, located at 404, Taichung City, North District, 台中港路一段242號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2322 4210 for more detailed information. [read more]
價格合理,車很新喔. [read more]
和運租車彰化高鐵站 is a car rental, located at 520, 台灣 Tianzhong Township, 站區路二段99號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 700 7002 for more detailed information. [read more]
這的工作人員很用心服務,雖不是在這租的車,但車有問題到這站也提供貼心服務、幫我解決問題!!. 服務專業態度親切. [read more]
AVIS安維斯租車彰化高鉄站(AVIS Car Rental) is a car rental, located at No. 99, Section 2, Zhanqu Road, Tianzhong Township, Changhua County 52099. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
通天小客車租賃有限公司 is a car rental, located at No. 101-5, Hui'an Street, Yuanlin City, Changhua County 510. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 838 0311 for more detailed information. [read more]
店家熱情又詳細解說,還幫忙去火車站接客人,腳踏車很好騎,四人電動真的用踩有點累XDD. 謝謝酷酷老闆,一句有任何問題隨時打給你的爽快態度,讓我們可以放心帶小小孩搭乘四人電動車從后里開心騎到東勢客家文化園區,玩了一整天^^. 服務好,車又新,價格合理,老闆很熱情,而且車子沒電,叫修服務迅速,值得推薦小馬哥. [read more]
財裕小貨車租賃 is a car rental, located at No. 183, Zhonghua West Road, Changhua City, Changhua County 500. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 761 7536 for more detailed information. [read more]
和運租車彰化中正站 is a car rental, located at 500, 台灣 Changhua City, 中正路二段5號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 722 1511 for more detailed information. [read more]
服務人員很親切 服務也會跟客戶配合 突發狀況也會通知客戶 車輛也都是新車 非常好駕駛. 大小車都有快速方便. [read more]
位置方便,就在機場對面。還車很有效率,很快。服務人員未到8:30(offical opening hour)已開工。. 服務非常好, 上回到台中租車還車時, 把小孩的安全帽遣落在車上, 很用心的幫忙包妥寄送回來, 真的很推薦的租車公司。. 方便,車子很好. [read more]
鴻湖堆高機行 is a car rental, located at No. 217, Chengde Road, Shengang District, Taichung City 429. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2535 3288 for more detailed information. [read more]
和運租車台中高鐵站 is a car rental, located at 414, Taichung City, Wuri District, 站區二路8號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 3609 1166 for more detailed information. [read more]
和運租車是我家出遊的很幫手。. 整體感覺都不錯. [read more]
網路預訂租車方便 還車後還可再載至高鐵站搭車. 讚,價格實在。有小刮損也不太計較,收一點點錢而已. [read more]
馬仲租賃 is a car rental, located at 414, Taichung City, Wuri District, 中華路226巷26弄3號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2336 6086 for more detailed information. [read more]
通宝包車旅遊 is a car rental, located at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 福星路192號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2708 9595 for more detailed information. [read more]
店員看起來兇兇的 但其實人很親切 看得出來很照顧車 車蠻乾淨的 還在車上貼禁菸標示 有詢問過店員 如真有客人在車上抽菸 就會酌收清潔費 還會直接將車送去給專業洗車清理 所以才會酌收清潔費用 下次到台中玩 需要租車一定會想到埔羅租車. 價錢合理 服務到位. 大大大大推薦 服務好 車況好 超優惠 時常都有優惠!!!. [read more]
新飛馬租賃集團 is a car rental, located at 407, Taichung City, Xitun District, 西屯路三段41-5號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2706 0555 for more detailed information. [read more]
第一次租這一家,地點離朝馬轉運站有點距離,但其實離統聯台中總站蠻近的,可以考慮搭統聯再租車!價錢便宜,很適合學生們租車玩耍,還有接送服務,所以有行李也不用緊張!車子品質都很好,開得很順,車子裡非常乾淨。租車公司的人都很親切(看起來是有點兇XD但不能以貌取人!)但只有台中有這一家租車公司真的很可惜!!!. [read more]
如果不知道坤輝租賃那就遜掉了,這裡不但價錢合理、車種多又新、服務更是親切,選擇它就對了!. 真心推薦. 車款多 價錢合理 主要服務也很不錯. 服務超好而且親切的租車公司!. [read more]
可以台中租車,台北還車,但需預先問看看有沒有您想租的車款喔!. 服務親切,按照手續流程取、還車快速,是個很棒的租車服務. 車輛相當乾淨,而且服務很好,又在交流道旁邊,值得推薦。. [read more]
Easy to access and the iRent service center(Hotai Leasing) is just next to this place. They can help in case you get problem for picking up the car. . [read more]
租車服務態度超好也找到理想的車子. 那天來和上租車,感覺還蠻不錯的車還蠻新,服務又好又親切. 員工親切 價錢也很公道 是ㄧ間可選者承租 的店. [read more]
信通汽車商行 is a car repair, located at No. 612, Section 2, Zhongshan Road, Yongjing Township, Changhua County 512. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 822 0725 for more detailed information. [read more]
Friendly staff, new cars and good rates!. [read more]
駕車技術穩重,服務態度良好。. [read more]
振華吊車. 螃蟹吊車. 地磅校正,天車工檢,電梯工檢,標準砝碼出租. 鑄鐵法碼出租,尼龍纖維圓帶. 吊卡車出租. 秤仔車出租. 高空作業車出租. 吊掛手出租. 台中吊車出租 is a car rental, located at No. 82, Lane 38, Siping Street, Shalu District, Taichung City 433. [read more]