仰望天空45度角,是一種謝天的心情!感情老天賜予的食物 營業時間 星期一~星期五06:00~13:00 星期六、日07:00~13:00. [read more]
陽光廚房 is a restaurant, located at 屏東恆春船帆路652, Kenting, Pingtung 946. They can be contacted via phone at 08-8851662 for more detailed information. . [read more]
造型泳圈租借、雪花冰、氣泡飲、泰式料理、炸物、泰式奶茶、啤酒、調酒,體驗美好南灣就在圈圈。. [read more]
在煩擾的都市中 悄悄的建立了一處閑靜自在的用餐區 提供健康美味的手作餐食 無論是在清爽的早晨還是慵懶的午後 來份清爽的歐包三明治搭配復刻古早味紅茶 總是能帶著滿足回家唷. [read more]
兩年前開始了精品咖啡和空間的旅途,也承載著屏東火車站前大和旅社的修建計畫,兩年過去了. 去年也登上台北咖啡展的沖煮試煉. 期待旅社的完成和更長遠的咖啡旅途. . [read more]
每日供應現做的家常菜 另外也歡迎團體訂購預約外送,非營業時間也能提供餐點服務。. [read more]
黎明阿珍早點 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣內埔鄉黎明村黎東路325號, Neipu, Pingtung 912. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 770 1065 for more detailed information. [read more]
地址:屏東縣崁頂鄉中正路222-1號(郵局旁). [read more]
元氣羊肉爐 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣恆春鎮山腳里恆南路39之1號, Hengchun, Pingtung 946. They can be contacted via phone at 886926132879 for more detailed information. [read more]
義大利麵 / 手作披薩 / 蛋糕咖啡 Pasta / Pizza / Dessert & cafe. [read more]
本店富含多種膾炙人口之鍋品、義大利麵、焗烤等等,店內用餐飲料冰淇淋無限暢飲,歡迎大朋友、小朋友一同來聚餐唷!. [read more]
給您自由選擇精緻飯菜、簡單樸實的滋味!. [read more]
我們是在屏東縣東港鎮華僑市場內的 " 53酒久海鮮碳烤 " 凡來店用者打卡 本店會招待唷!. [read more]
台灣第一座傳統的古老泰式建築,飄洋過海遠從泰國來至台灣,坐落於南台灣的屏東,讓遊客不必大費周章跑至泰國,在台灣就可以讓遊客一窺神秘又浪漫的最佳遊玩、聊天、全家人聚會的最佳休閒場所。(本園區禁帶外食、酒類,攜帶寵物者請帶寵物包). [read more]
堅持使用無毒或有機食材. [read more]
車城明立海鮮餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣車城鄉福安村福安路2-20號, Checheng 944. They can be contacted via phone at 08-882-2122 for more detailed information. . [read more]
上海素食館 is a restaurant, located at 屏東市民族路123號, Pingtung 900. They can be contacted via phone at +88687322360 for more detailed information. . [read more]
一年365天全年無休 餐點新鮮現做營養美味 歡迎來電預約團體訂購 是你我一天最佳的選擇. [read more]
乳凱莎精緻美食便當 is a restaurant, located at 屏東市建豐路246號, Pingtung (disambiguation) 900. They can be contacted via phone at 087370307 for more detailed information. [read more]
愛玉活海產 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣恆春鎮山海里紅柴路12-2號(小海豚渡船頭旁), Hengchun, Pingtung. [read more]
濃厚在地美食,體驗五溝生活!. [read more]
森之影餐坊 會讓你有不一樣的餐廳感受. [read more]
Miss Rice 廣東粥 ‧ 飯丸 is a restaurant, located at 萬巒鄉萬金村萬德路, Pingtunghsien, T'Ai-Wan 923. They can be contacted via phone at 0958301182 for more detailed information. [read more]
阿密斯早餐店 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣萬巒鄉萬金村萬興路33號, Wanluan, Pingtung 923. They can be contacted via phone at 087833221 for more detailed information. [read more]
就單純賣超好吃、又高CP值的蓋飯(蛋包飯)和丼飯. . . . . 不信?來吃吃看. . . . . [read more]
我們早上最後點餐14:00營業至14:30 晚上17:00開始營業至20:30(最後點餐20:00). [read more]
☆SuJi LoBiDa Since 1953 蘇記路邊灘為於屏東觀光夜市. [read more]
雖然店面不像餐廳一樣豪華 但保證你會愛上我們的羊肉爐 營業時間:AM10:00~PM8:00. [read more]
本店是陽光早午餐的老闆所開立的第二家店,第一家店在高雄已營業22年,其中漢堡豬肉、蛋餅皮、沙拉、馬鈴薯泥. . . 等,為老闆自製商品主打健康、無防腐劑、所有飲品無奶精、無人工香料為條件去製作的產品,敬請各位顧客安心食用。. [read more]
潮州新園汕頭火鍋 is a restaurant, located at 潮昇路, Pingtung (disambiguation). They can be contacted via phone at (08)7882895 for more detailed information. . [read more]
123早午餐 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣枋寮鄉安樂路3號, Fangliao, Pingtung 940. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 878 2055 for more detailed information. [read more]
提供超值好吃早餐,屏中人必去的早餐店. [read more]
EG Burger 伊吉堡早午餐 is a restaurant, located at 屏東市民生路6之6號, Pingtung 900. They can be contacted via phone at 087211057 for more detailed information. . [read more]
玖芳拉麵 is a restaurant, located at 中林村中林路36號, Pingtunghsien, Pingtung 912. They can be contacted via phone at 08-7706168 for more detailed information. . [read more]
本店位於東港河堤旁(近進德大橋) 各式優質簡餐、義大利麵、焗烤類、咖啡冷熱飲 歡迎各位鄉親朋友的蒞臨~ 學校機關團體訂位更享優惠折扣喲! 電話:08-8333077. [read more]
住址:屏東市信義路319號 電話:08-7663598 營業時間:上午11:00至3:00 晚上:5:00-9:30 所有餐點於營業時間內持續供應的~. [read more]