一個年輕人回家鄉奮鬥的店… 我們秉持新鮮現做、健康的原則 做出一道道餐點! 我們的奶茶是純鮮奶調製而成的,少了奶精,多了香純…. [read more]
富成海鮮快炒餐廳 is a restaurant, located at 雲林縣斗南鎮新興街261號, Tounan 630. They can be contacted via phone at 055967999 for more detailed information. . [read more]
堅持臺灣家鄉味 鹿谷第一家 傳統工法 遵循古早味 鄉土山菜 吃雞 吃飯好地方。道地風味現炒 正跑放山雞 龍眼 荔枝木窯烤。. [read more]
川疆食府-正宗川味小吃 is a restaurant, located at 麗山街393巷6號, Neihunei, Taipei 114. They can be contacted via phone at +886226580620 for more detailed information. [read more]
坐擁山林綠意,輕鬆掬得的自然美景,歡迎您來卓也!www. joye. com. tw. [read more]
地址:中壢市日新路55號 (於中原夜市內) 訂購專線:0936-908-167 營業時間:星期二~星期日 16:00~22:00(售完為止) 星期一為公休日. [read more]
東石新鮮牡蠣自產自銷、歡迎宅配唷。 蚵之家專門販賣生蚵,有需要請私訊訂購唷。 蚵會因為氣候季節因素肥度與大小都不太相同。. [read more]
米沙魯 牛排 is a restaurant, located at 台東地區夜市, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan. [read more]
永鎮宮海鮮老店 is a restaurant, located at 宜蘭縣壯圍鄉壯濱路四段392號, Wuku, T'Ai-Wan 263. They can be contacted via phone at 03-9304083 for more detailed information. . [read more]
台東福哥石窯雞 is a restaurant, located at 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉白雲三路口, Wuku, T'Ai-Wan 262. They can be contacted via phone at 03 988 2235 for more detailed information. . [read more]
過客簡餐GuoKe Cafe is a restaurant, located at 南竿鄉介壽村275號, Matsu, Lienchiang 209. They can be contacted via phone at 0836-25559 for more detailed information. [read more]
奶BAR伙食. [read more]
歡迎工商團體訂購便當�. [read more]
【巧食主義eat smart restaurant】 【低醣飲食Low-carb diets】 【生酮飲食Ketogenic Diet】 【義大利麵 Pasta】 【義式燉飯 Risotto】 【不收服務費餐廳】. [read more]
我們位於雲林溪么鬼街停車場外 營業時間早上11:00到晚上10:00 我們有各式簡餐,焗烤,麵,粥,火鍋,茶點,厚片土司,酥炸點心 我們有貼心的外送服務(市區滿200元) ※歡迎電話預約※. [read more]
斗南直營店 斗南鎮中山路59號 電話0916-991-758 虎尾直營店 虎尾鎮華南路15號 電話0953-783-301 西螺直營店 西螺鎮延平路149號 電話0972-943-776 民雄加盟店 電話0922-175-080 莿桐加盟店 電話0912-979-302. [read more]
希望以最親民的價錢讓大家吃到好吃的義大利麵. [read more]
Chuo University, commonly referred to as Chuo or Chu-Dai, is a private flagship research university in Tokyo, Japan. Founded in 1885 as Igirisu Horitsu Gakko (the English Law School), Chuo is one.. [read more]
素食推廣是本店的宗旨,健康美食是本店的目標,祈願所有大眾均能響應素食生活. [read more]
自家烘焙咖啡豆,手沖單品咖啡專賣店. [read more]
自助餐廳 菜色多,山產菜. 店內用或外帶都可 #工程#團體&便當外送. [read more]
幸福屋秉持嚴選食材. 現點現做;為提供貴客們品嚐到最佳口感; 本店火鍋湯底採用蔬菜熬煮,給您清爽不油膩,健康零負擔; 鬆餅系列:不加水的黃金比例,是您下午茶品嚐甜點的好選擇; 飲品系列:採用二砂糖調製. 生活忙碌的您. 歡迎蒞臨幸福屋享用美味幸福的滋味; 位於市區外的幸福屋停車方便,是您享受安靜及放鬆,聚會的好環境. [read more]
熱炒. [read more]
Chung Wah is one of Bangalore’s oldest & most loved Chinese restaurants. What started as a standalone in the 1980’s, has grown into multiple outlets today!. [read more]
本公司產品,屬衛生署食品藥物管理局公告之五大項類別產品,已全數通過檢驗合格,敬請消費者放心食用本司產品。我們絕對秉持最嚴格品質把關,絕不鬆懈,並感謝所有顧客支持茶之魔手。. [read more]
小~夢幻的美好用餐的氛圍 食~食材新鮮手法精緻餐點 匠~心巧思做出創意の美食 歡迎蒞臨~小食·匠. [read more]
新民街藍和風 is a restaurant, located at 新北市淡水區新民街180巷7弄11號, Tamsui District, New Taipei City 251. They can be contacted via phone at 0226297362 for more detailed information. [read more]
彰化謝媽媽手工水餃 位於彰化純樸的田中小鎮 絕對不添加化學添加劑 讓大人小孩都吃得安心又健康. [read more]
提供創新、平價的美食,並以最親切熱情的服務給顧客最愉快的用餐享受~. [read more]
ร้านส้มตำ ยำ ก๋วยเตี๋ยวไก่ โจ๊ก. [read more]
呷粗飽 台式小炒 is a restaurant, located at 南投縣竹山鎮集山路二段587號, Shanchung, Nantou 557. [read more]
เปิดบริการ 7:30 -22:00. น. [read more]
經過10年的加盟早餐淬鍊,35歲的陳老闆決定自創品牌,以提供平價.優質.健康.美味的餐點為原則,邀請大家來>>睏飽呷!. [read more]
吐司是很輕易取得的食物,但可以做出百變料理,尤其是夾著豐富配料,經過熱壓過程,口感外酥內軟,食材的美味融為一體,絕妙滋味等著客倌們前來品嚐唷!. [read more]
一心壽司 is a restaurant, located at 台南市東區仁和路157號, Chiyü, Tainan 701. They can be contacted via phone at +886926285317 for more detailed information. . [read more]
潮州一心早餐店 is a restaurant, located at 屏東縣潮州鎮育英路10-16號, Chaochou, Pingtung 920. They can be contacted via phone at 087883753 for more detailed information. [read more]