gong yuan da du qu is a park, located at tai zhong shi da du qu Dàmíng wǔ Jiē 61 Xiàng. [read more]
bai qi jie gong yuan is a park, located at Táiwān qi du qu Bǎi qī Jiē. [read more]
Cheng Gong Park is a park, located at Xuguang West Road, Changhua City, Changhua County 50049. [read more]
xin gang xiang gong yuan is a park, located at Táiwān xin gang xiang Gōngyuán Lù. [read more]
gong yuan wu qi qu is a park, located at tai zhong shi wu qi qu Guānghuá nán Jiē 100 Xiàng. [read more]
qiong lin lin yuan gong yuan is a park, located at Huandao North Road Section 3, jin hu zhen, jin men xian 89150. [read more]
後灣 車城鄉 is a park, located at 車城鄉, 屏東縣 944. [read more]
Jimi Square is a park, located at Yixing Road Section 1 Lane 206, Yilan City, Yilan County 26043. [read more]
大埔海濱公園 Tai Po Waterfront Park is a park, located at Dai Fat Street, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. They can be contacted via phone at +85226642107 for more detailed information. [read more]
阿里山沼平公園 is a park, located at 阿里山鄉阿里山國家森林遊樂區內,沼平車站旁, Chiaihsien 605. [read more]
吳昇農場 is a park, located at 雲林縣台西鄉光華村1-77號, Taihsi, Yunlin 636. They can be contacted via phone at 0935475970 for more detailed information. . [read more]
墾丁船帆石水上活動. [read more]
位於台灣竹山鎮的慈心園生命紀念館. [read more]
鼻頭草原 is a park, located at Manchou, Pingtung. [read more]
Cape Santiago is a cape located in Gongliao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. The cape is the easternmost point of the island of Taiwan, and also the easternmost cape of Taiwan. [read more]
翟山坑道 is a park, located at 金門縣金城鎮翟山坑道, Chincheng, Fu-Chien 893. [read more]
鳩之澤溫泉 is a park, located at 宜蘭縣大同鄉太平村燒水巷25號, Yülan, T'Ai-Wan 267. They can be contacted via phone at 039809603 for more detailed information. . [read more]
冬山河 is a park, located at 宜蘭縣五結鄉親河路二段2號, Wuku, T'Ai-Wan. They can be contacted via phone at 03-9601080 for more detailed information. . [read more]
南灣歐a教練水上育樂中心為你服務 歡迎來電0916715038,0905959616 line id :loveblack0630 網路、電話預約皆有優惠唷. [read more]
關山位於台灣台東縣與高雄市之間,南部橫貫公路南側約3. 5公里處,標高3,668公尺,隸屬玉山國家公園管轄,為台灣百岳名山的「十峻」之一。關山是中央山脈大水窟山以南的最高峰,故有「南臺首岳」之稱。其山勢雄偉,南北觀之如金字塔聳立,自東望之,則如嶺雄峙,真正是「橫看成嶺側成峰」。相關條目台灣百岳. [read more]
The Tajima Plateau Botanical Gardens are botanical gardens located at 709 Wachi, Muraoka-cho, Mikata-gun, Kami, Hyōgo, Japan. They are open daily in the warmer months; an admission fee is charged. [read more]
萬丹公園 is a park, located at 屏東縣萬丹鄉萬全村萬丹路一段461號, Wandan, Pingtung 913. They can be contacted via phone at 08-7773907 for more detailed information. . [read more]
番路牛埔の愛情絲路 is a park, located at 嘉義縣番路鄉觸口村車埕12號(欣欣水泥廠對面), Tapientien, Chiayi 602. [read more]
The Wanggong Fishing Port is a harbor in Wanggong Village, Fangyuan Township, Changhua County, Taiwan. HistoryThe construction of the port was originally completed in 1969 and was transformed into.. [read more]
九九峰藝術生態園區 is a park, located at 南投縣草屯鎮平林里健行路152號, Tuchengli, Nantou 413. They can be contacted via phone at 049-2571939 for more detailed information. [read more]
棲蘭位於宜蘭縣大同鄉,地處蘭陽溪、多望溪及田古爾溪匯流處,青山綠水,美景天成!為讓旅客輕鬆徜徉在這好山好水中,匯集生態、休閒、美食等豐富的主題,生活更加多采多姿!. [read more]
由梅園樓旁邊小路騎機車到此,走到觀日平台大約只要10分鐘。. [read more]
從迷糊步道可以一路走到這 來回大約4小時 建議大家可以安排二天一夜的行程 從迷糊步道出發 走到這 然後在鄒族福山部落走走 看到很多可愛的小孩在部落玩「抓鬼」(鬼抓人) 午後的陽光灑落在山中的部落 看到小孩天真玩耍的笑容 很棒的回憶 下午再原路走回 回到迷糊步道入口 附近有間金皮雕 可以體驗皮雕 還有住宿 晚餐非常非常好吃 推薦大家可以來這感受山林悠閒的生活. [read more]
位於神木群棧道2的地方,屬於此棧道中最為長壽的一株. 巨木棧道中最為高大且樹齡最久遠的巨木. 讚!阿里山新八景. [read more]
真的很讓人嘆為觀止 宛如在巨人的腳下行走般 每一顆神木都有一個解說牌 標注這年齡、樹高跟腰圍等等數據 穿梭在無數的千年神木當中 這般景觀也只有阿里山才可細細品味. The best giant cypress around world. . Great place to walk, large trees everywhere. [read more]
喜歡大山的人就知道. [read more]
雖僅有森林三角點,但被玉山群峰、秀馬連峰、南二段群山簇擁,展望極佳。現八通關高繞路開至西峰,算是能夠順登. In clear weather, the 360° views from the summit can be an amazing sight. . [read more]
非常推薦!五星衛浴,空間規劃設計很棒,周遭景點也很棒. 小而美,優質的草皮、寬廣的活動空間、乾淨舒適又貼心的衛浴,加上緊鄰日月潭,是個放鬆、放空值得一去再去的優質營區. 六星級設施 營位偏狹長 帳距稍近 不好下釘. [read more]
草本傳奇 is a bakery, located at 603, Chiayi County, Meishan Township, 太興村溪頭19-1號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 933 359 359 for more detailed information. [read more]
不管是從《受鎮宮》端沿步道上行通往姊妹潭,抑或由彼端下行,《木蘭園》是必到之處,過去行經多次,然卻從未在此稍加駐足觀賞,今(106)年 3 月 30 日(週四)來訪賞櫻之際,恰逢園區白色木蘭花盛開,這也才注意到原來還有這麼個園區… ^_^. 木蘭花季時,美極了。. 各種色彩的木蘭,在阿里山眾花之中,可說別有一番風姿…. [read more]
國寶紅檜 國家神木百十年 寶島山上千年樹 紅塵中歷經春秋 檜木價值非等閒 潘尚林寫於尚林的家 20171114申. 很特別的樹 阿里山火車是過山洞 在這兒是人走過樹洞 下方有個解說牌 有中文跟英文兩種文字 說明這兒海拔標高2182公尺 走阿里山步道的必經之處 來訪駐足多看幾眼 感受那大自然的無限美好. [read more]