صفحة شبانية للسينما و الفن ��. [read more]
Нулево́й киломе́тр — начальная точка отсчёта дорожных расстояний. Во многих странах мира нулевой.. [read more]
台茂美麗華影城皇家廳 is a movie theater, located at 桃園縣蘆竹鄉南崁路一段112號7樓, Nankansia 338. They can be contacted via phone at 03-311-3123 for more detailed information. [read more]
萬國戲院期待能. . . 一、建構成為大林地區地方特色藝文展演與學習中心。 二、成為具有在地特色的人文體驗與產業消費之場域,並且可以成為吸引外 部遊客必來的深度體驗景點。. [read more]
紀家大院 is a movie theater, located at No. 55號, Buwei Road, Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652. They can be contacted via phone at +886 918 396 663 for more detailed information. [read more]
「宜蘭座」是宜蘭最早開業之戲院,風水師說,這原是一處蓮花池吉穴,為黄阿西家族的地產。由本地人黃天賜、吳蕃薯、林長陽、黃崇煌、黃火木、黃來富、呂長柏等發起,組成「宜蘭劇場株式會社」,集資八萬日圓,以鋼筋水泥興建二層樓建築,工程花費共三萬餘日圓。 1933年的8月24日宜蘭座正式開幕,係宜蘭重要地標,落成後演出多仍以歌仔戲、新劇為主,1940年代後有聲電影盛行,更改為播映電影為主,戰後更名為「宜蘭戲院」,1990年停止營業而荒廢,現整體建築仍在。 宜蘭座係蘭陽第一座電影院,佔地305坪,甚具規模,鋼筋水泥二層樓高(上下建坪289坪),係屬日人所謂「近世復興式」建築,外觀為折衷主義樣式,具對稱之正立面,入口居中,上方為弧形山牆,檐口有線腳及裝飾,角隅兩端量體突出是為售票室及廁所。長條窗及窗上鑲嵌的彩色玻璃,化解厚重沉穩之建築量體,特別反映當時現代時尚而又活潑輕盈的娛樂文化特色。。總體裝飾為新藝術(Art Deco)風格,正面跨距氣勢磅薄,且山牆上的山頭、雨庇等均一再簡化,再以帶狀幾何(Geometric designs)紋飾收束邊線;兩側翼塔上採大幅斜紋窗格,簡潔俐落;牆面用洗石子(Wall of washed stones),即將一定比例的水泥與細石混合,抺上牆身,待未乾快乾之際,噴水洗去表層,使露出砂粒表面;另外,也使用北投窯出產陶製的13溝面磚來構成裙腳。 小學時還曾在裡面看過電影「唐山過台灣」。. [read more]
換片快,老闆夫婦親切,環境整潔也OK. 二輪電影院裡更新最快的,老闆娘很親切,從小到大都來這裡看。. 看二輪片好地方,買一大本卷更優惠. [read more]
Theatre is nice, spacious, clean, and easy. Not much more you can ask for. I saw the latest Star Wars film on a Friday night opening weekend and the theatre had hardly anyone there. [read more]
改裝後,至尊廳 螢幕大,座位數多看起來不輸 嘉義嘉年華。團體票 可到九鼎豆花,南光眼鏡選購(101文具沒賣了). 從小看到大的好地方,雖然不比豪華戲院,但樸實便宜的價格是在地人的休閒好去處. [read more]
CP值頗高,旁邊就是城隍廟,但可惜沒有特約停車,看完電影要再多付100多塊的停車費. 雖是二輪影片,但價格便宜2片100元,買套票更是划算。還有就是座椅算是相當的舒適,給不急著看院線片的朋友,不錯的ㄧ個地方。. 20 movie second run movies for 800nt. clean modern building bring your own snacks. [read more]
We watched Guardians of the Galaxy and Fast X in vie show cinemas. It's a good experience. But I would suggest to go early shows so that you can buy some snacks from the mall outlets because they.. [read more]
全票280,有兩個分館 一個在林森路上(比較小間,在湯母熊樓上7樓,但售票口是在1樓) 另一個在文昌路上(比較大間,對面就是新竹逛街的地方-中正台) 網路查詢場次是要注意是在那邊,不然會多走一些路到分館,雖然走路5分鐘就到了 電影院裡面有賣蝦餅和蕃薯片,很特別~. 電影人潮不多,不用提早搶票 影廳品質還可以接受. [read more]
Comfortable and great popcorn in caramel flavor, pick the largest of course ^_^ For real food, plz refer to B1 鼎泰豐,讚!!!. You can check out that 4D up in this theater. [read more]
統一育楽事業股彬有限公司 (Permanently Closed) is a movie theater, located at No. 164, Zhongzheng Road, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City 202. They can be contacted via phone at +886.. [read more]
东影企业股份有限公司 is a movie theater, located at Section 1, Chang'an East Road, Zhongshan District 10491. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2741 2862 for more detailed information. [read more]
新北市政府文化局 is a movie theater, located at No. 15, Fuzhong Road, Banqiao District 220. They can be contacted via phone at +886 2 2968 3600 for more detailed information. [read more]
小青蛙剧团 is a movie theater, located at No. 74, Dongying 7th Street, East District 401. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 2213 1618 for more detailed information. [read more]
沙也的家 is a movie theater, located at 95941, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 台東縣東河鄉都蘭村17鄰41號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 953 1838 for more detailed information. [read more]