非常用心經營的素食者,讓消費者安心又開心。. 料好實在,so young. 好吃,價格比北部,中部便宜一些. [read more]
我好喜歡吃克林姆麵包^^. 羅宋麵包(原味)真的是好吃. 羅宋麵包超好吃. [read more]
他們的麵包,我吃有六年了! 老人家我本身不愛吃偏三高的食品,他們的麵包我胃腸能適應,不會有胃酸,也不油不甜少添加! 為了健康,價位是可以接受的範圍!. 他們的麵包,我吃了有六年了! 我本身不愛吃偏三高的食品,他們的我胃腸能適應,不會有胃酸,也不油不甜少添加! 為了健康價位是可以接受的範圍!. 兩個貝果只要30,便宜又好吃^^ 檸檬塔的內餡可以和法式邊境相比!好吃~. [read more]
麵包好吃不乾澀!种類也多!. 點心好吃,老闆女兒漂亮……. [read more]
黑羅包子認證 精選麵包最對味. 麵包種類少,味道實在,價格便宜。. 麵包15元至20圓真的很便宜 蛋糕新鮮~~~讚. [read more]
維諾納烘焙坊 (Permanently Closed) is a bakery, located at 號, No. 96中正路壽豐鄉花蓮縣 Taiwan 974. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 866 3566 for more detailed information. [read more]
香園 is a bakery, located at No. 177, Zhongzheng Road, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 866 3828 for more detailed information. [read more]
Le Voyageur is a bakery, located at No. 136, Zhonghua Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970. They can be contacted via phone at +886 986 368 501 for more detailed information. [read more]
除非專程來 很少遊客會走到這裡 本來就是個老廣在學校邊開間柑嘛店糊口 想念家鄉牛肉乾卻吃不到 只好自己做來吃 多的就放在玻璃罐中賣.. [read more]
經過進去挑伴手,老闆娘親切熱情,重點是東西好好吃~買了十包,不到兩個禮拜就吃完💕推薦黑糖地瓜、花蓮薯. [read more]
天心艺术蛋糕坊 is a bakery, located at 970, Hualien County, Hualien City, 花蓮縣花蓮市中正路313號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 3 834 1645 for more detailed information. [read more]
多年前吃過,鬆餅確實好吃,咖啡餐點也都不錯. 從鯉魚潭搬到吉安,老闆的招牌原味鬆餅依舊超好吃,店面空間變大,用餐環境更舒適了!. 咖哩雞220非料理包,獨家配方,不辣,香純,個人超愛的。 原味鬆餅100,老闆很自豪的餐點。 不在路邊,在湖畔步道上,景色很美,全景落地窗。. [read more]
鈞点烘焙坊 is a bakery, located at No. 1675, Zhongzheng Road, Caotun Township, Nantou County 542. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9230 7812 for more detailed information. [read more]
I really like the breads here. Every time we pass by, we always stop to buy a loaf of bread or two. It's not cheap; it's around 300 NTD per loaf, but it's really yum. [read more]
LuLu's cake 露露糸手作蛋糕坊 is a bakery, located at No. 96, Wenshan Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 932 664 857 for more detailed information. [read more]
犁珍庄烘焙坊 (Permanently Closed) is a bakery, located at No. 131, Hanyang North Road, Taitung City, Taitung County 950. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 933 0309 for more detailed information. [read more]
菩果子养生点心专卖店 is a bakery, located at No. 398, Bade Road, Puli Township, Nantou County 545. They can be contacted via phone at +886 4 9299 3111 for more detailed information. [read more]
紅豆牛奶很推,香醇不甜膩. 綠豆口味系列的,好好吃。 上次買很多去台南南鯤鯓拜拜,居然還被識貨的人偷走⋯. 最推薦白雪酥,自己結婚時就是訂這兒的,偶而也會買個兩塊給女王解饞,只因熱量高,不會常吃. [read more]
騎樓座位不多,只能坐早餐店旁邊聞油煙味!但室內二樓座位舒適,廁所也蠻乾淨的。. Decent coffee at a good price. 店員親切 東西美味可口 座位很多 有WIFI. [read more]
有點貴,但麵包還不錯. 路過都香噴噴~~還不錯吃. 台東最優的伴手禮在這✌️ 寒單餅很獨特也很好吃 路過走過的朋友一定要吃看看 沒騙你們 🤔. [read more]
總類雖算不上多樣,但還蠻精緻,口味也不錯。. 蛋糕、泡芙、馬芬都好好吃喲, 價錢也非常的平實! 頗推~~. 剛好沒有想要的口味了 就買了小泡芙以及櫻桃熔岩巧克力蛋糕 泡芙甜而不膩 巧克力蛋糕一個人吃完會比較膩~ 但是很好吃 !. [read more]
菠蘿麵包好吃!!剛出爐時內餡像奶油,冷了是奶酥. 紅豆料超多,老師傅也很可愛,只是禮拜天公休,大家別白跑了喔~. 麵包當日製作,當日完銷,新鮮. [read more]
nice environment and coffee. 飲食空間音樂皆佳,放鬆的好地方。. 桂花拿鐵淡淡的桂花香氣真的好喝,搭配蛋糕還不錯. . . . . [read more]
起司蔬果蛋捲蛋滑嫩好吃,裡面包有蘋果與甜椒,杏鮑菇,花椰菜,甜椒,四季豆,紅蘿蔔都能吃到食物原味,非常新鮮多汁。麵包最後才送來,超級驚艷!外皮酥脆且有烘烤的香氣,裡面的乳酪塊提升香氣與口感,麵包完全不乾,柔軟濕潤,超級好吃!. Cool place to have brunch around this area. [read more]
牛軋餅真的超好吃. 超級好吃!!!!!!!! 請問高雄跟你們的關係是?. 真的超級無敵好吃滴~ 我家寶貝之前的捨不得跟別人分享~. [read more]
這是第二次到宜興園,老闆全家人的親切招待,像自己家人一樣,都不想回家了,這裡不但有美麗環境,永遠都有驚奇的生態發現,還有三隻可愛的小狗和貓,讓大人小孩都想長住在這,之前還有四歲小孩住了15天都不想回家,另外呂大哥的人生哲理生活道,是我們有錢買不到的,這就是宜興園魅力所在,講再多,都不如親自體驗,強力推薦宜興園。👍👍👍😁. [read more]
Nicely made buns and bread in a small town Guanshan close to the train station across the road. . 南瓜米蛋糕好好吃😋. 南瓜吐司和南瓜餅,口味特別,麵皮軟Q,好吃。. [read more]
宗和食品有限公司 is a bakery, located at 954, Taitung County, Beinan Township, 台東縣台東市卑南村賓朗(村)路303號. They can be contacted via phone at +886 8 922 8853 for more detailed information. [read more]